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新人报道新人帖 Self-introduction|新人报到 gxm 2024-11-19 1143 info 昨天 08:21
新人报道!新人帖 Self-introduction|新人报到 apo168 2025-2-1 181 info 昨天 08:20
报道新人帖 Self-introduction|新人报到 fqh 2023-11-30 1351 info 昨天 08:20
新人报道新人帖 Self-introduction|新人报到 changhx 3 天前 116 info 昨天 08:19
新人报道初学阶段新人帖 Self-introduction|新人报到 XIAOFAN 2023-9-26 1381 info 昨天 08:19
悬赏 Developing an adult stem cell derived microphysiological intestinal system fo...- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 songhang2020 前天 14:50 119 thesea 前天 19:24
悬赏 Multi-pole mode confinement and optomechanical mode rotation in a hollow-core...- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 zhencheng 前天 10:55 113 thesea 前天 19:18
悬赏 高速铁路联调联试总体方案研究- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 blck 3 天前 115 zbgood2009 前天 10:10
悬赏 设备监理从业人员能力素质需求统计分析报告- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 blck 3 天前 118 zbgood2009 前天 10:10
悬赏 基于遗传算法的舰船装备采购合同履行监督研究- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 blck 3 天前 114 zbgood2009 前天 10:09
悬赏 SORM-Enhanced Inverse Reliability Analysis fMultiobjective Re...- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 tynda 3 天前 114 fenavi 3 天前
悬赏 Scintillations of higher-order optical beams in biological tissues- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 3 天前 141 fenavi 3 天前
悬赏 Tunable narrowband filter driven by quasi-bound states in the continuum using...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 3 天前 138 fenavi 3 天前
悬赏 Dispersive wave generation in photonic crystal fibers with normal dispersion ...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 3 天前 143 fenavi 3 天前
悬赏 Remote limb ischemic conditioning alleviates steatohepatitis via extracellula...- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 changhx 3 天前 022 changhx 3 天前
悬赏 Insights into pharmacogenetics, drug-gene interactions, and drug-drug-gene in...- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 elahehgh 5 天前 174 zbgood2009 5 天前
悬赏 Accuracy of self-assessment and task performance: Does it pay to know the truth?- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 ionhart 5 天前 158 zbgood2009 5 天前
悬赏 Emerging treatment landscape for Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS): what's new?- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 lzliuzhuo_ylyy 5 天前 157 zbgood2009 5 天前
悬赏 人天然免疫蛋白载脂蛋白B mRNA编辑酶催化亚基3A(APOBEC3A)的...- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 taogong 6 天前 132 zbgood2009 6 天前
悬赏 A High Power Factor Permanent Magnet Vernier Machine With Modular Stator and ...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zyy943551765 7 天前 148 thesea 6 天前
悬赏 An Insight into Signalling Pathways in Cancer: Hedgehog, PI3K, and Notch Path...- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 elahehgh 7 天前 136 zbgood2009 6 天前
悬赏 A High Power Factor PM Vernier Machine With Segmented Stator- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zyy943551765 7 天前 155 fenavi 7 天前
悬赏 Low Pole-Pair Ratio Integration Design of Permanent Magnet Vernier Machine Wi...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zyy943551765 7 天前 157 fenavi 7 天前
悬赏 装备备件需求确定研究方法综述- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 blck 2025-3-21 1102 zbgood2009 2025-3-21 22:00
悬赏 基于项目式学习的教师数字素养培训- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 blck 2025-3-21 199 zbgood2009 2025-3-21 21:59
悬赏 浅谈ASME规范产品材料控制要点- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 blck 2025-3-21 148 zbgood2009 2025-3-21 21:58
悬赏 Henipaviruses: epidemiology, ecology, disease, and the development of vaccine- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 Cyclophilin 2025-3-20 384 zbgood2009 2025-3-21 18:20
悬赏 Efficient terahertz radiation absorption using a graphene and InSb pixel-base...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-21 1111 thesea 2025-3-21 10:13
悬赏 Estimation of refractive index profile of a GeO2–SiO2 graded-index fiber fr...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-21 186 thesea 2025-3-21 10:11
悬赏 3D imaging method based on binary encoded fringes with complementary symmetri...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-20 193 fenavi 2025-3-20 15:09
悬赏 The chemistry of side reactions and byproduct formation in the system NMMO/ce...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zxl小土豆 2025-3-20 193 fenavi 2025-3-20 15:08
悬赏 Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Single Doses of Exidavnemab (BA...- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2025-3-19 166 zbgood2009 2025-3-20 09:04
悬赏 Development of a Highly Efficient Wave Energy Converter Applying Gyroscopic M...- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 IF1988s 2025-3-19 162 zbgood2009 2025-3-19 21:31
悬赏 Anisotropic magnetic response of opto-mechanical resonance in a high Q microb...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-19 169 thesea 2025-3-19 11:07
悬赏 Development of advanced wave power generation system by applying gyros- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 IF1988s 2025-3-18 083 IF1988s 2025-3-18 15:55
悬赏 Poly(β-amino ester) polymer library with monomer variation for mRNA delivery- [悬赏 5 速递币] Articles Request|文献互助 elahehgh 2025-3-16 167 zbgood2009 2025-3-16 19:48
悬赏 Wideband chaos generation based on an integrated mutual coupling laser- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-15 174 thesea 2025-3-15 12:13
悬赏 Bistable soliton optical frequency combs in a second-harmonic generation Kerr...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-15 165 thesea 2025-3-15 12:10
悬赏 Highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance refractive index sensor comprising...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-15 170 thesea 2025-3-15 12:07
悬赏 Triple Fano resonances induced by a square-elliptical cavity coupled with an ...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-15 166 thesea 2025-3-15 12:02
悬赏 Lithium-mediated nitrogen reduction to ammonia via the catalytic solid–elec- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 Cyclophilin 2025-3-15 161 zbgood2009 2025-3-15 11:48
悬赏 A Multifunctional Crosslinked F-Free Binder for MnO2 Microparticle Thick Cath...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 srm01 2025-3-14 287 srm01 2025-3-15 07:07
悬赏 Delivery of genome editors with engineered virus-like particles- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 adamos1945 2025-3-14 167 zbgood2009 2025-3-14 22:59
悬赏 Inverse-designed multi-directional remote cloak- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-14 188 thesea 2025-3-14 11:43
悬赏 Optical fiber-based surface plasmon resonance sensor for simultaneous measure...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2025-3-14 191 thesea 2025-3-14 11:41
悬赏 Global lumped mass formulation for underwater cable dynamics- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 IF1988s 2025-3-13 177 thesea 2025-3-13 11:07
悬赏 Breaking barriers: Smart vaccine platforms for cancer immunomodulation- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 elahehgh 2025-3-12 187 fenavi 2025-3-12 15:53
悬赏 Tumor Microenvironment-Responsive Polymer-Based RNA Delivery Systems for Canc...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 elahehgh 2025-3-12 190 fenavi 2025-3-12 15:51
悬赏 Advanced Polymeric Nanoparticles for Cancer Immunotherapy: Materials Engineer...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 elahehgh 2025-3-12 187 fenavi 2025-3-12 15:49
悬赏 Nanocarrier vaccines for respiratory infections- [已解决] Articles Request|文献互助 elahehgh 2025-3-12 170 zbgood2009 2025-3-12 10:52
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