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悬赏 木质素改性酚醛树脂在纸基摩擦材料中的应用研究- [悬赏 50 速递币] Dissertations Request|硕博论文 zxl小土豆 2024-6-17 1331 ljrlove2008 2024-12-23 09:24
悬赏 基于KANO模型与TRIZ理论的适老座椅设计研究- [已解决] Dissertations Request|硕博论文 blck 2024-12-20 1103 ljrlove2008 2024-12-23 09:21
悬赏 基于TRIZ理论的老年人医用智能病床设计研究- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-20 1100 ljrlove2008 2024-12-23 09:19
悬赏 基于TRIZ理论的助老床起身辅助装置创新设计- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-20 1119 ljrlove2008 2024-12-23 09:18
悬赏 Variability Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Piles with Slowly Varying Q–s C...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-22 178 fenavi 2024-12-22 20:49
悬赏 Ligand- and solvent-free synthesis of 2-aminobenzothiazoles by copper-catalyz...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 chengcj2008 2024-12-21 187 fenavi 2024-12-22 20:48
悬赏 1,10-Phenanthroline-Catalyzed Tandem Reaction of 2-Iodoanilines with Isothioc...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 chengcj2008 2024-12-21 1104 fenavi 2024-12-22 20:03
悬赏 Reliability-based design optimization of offshore wind turbine support struct...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-19 188 zbgood2009 2024-12-19 22:33
悬赏 Trends in drug development for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2024-12-19 183 zbgood2009 2024-12-19 22:31
悬赏 A review of major rare earth element and yttrium deposits in China- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 laowang 2024-12-17 2210 laowang 2024-12-17 15:27
悬赏 Generation of Arbitrary Wave Field In Arbitrarily Configured Wave Basin Compo...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 IF1988s 2024-12-15 1183 zbgood2009 2024-12-15 13:21
悬赏 Basic Design of the Wave Basin Enclosed With Element Absorbing Wave Makers- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 IF1988s 2024-12-15 190 zbgood2009 2024-12-15 13:19
悬赏 Ultra high birefringent dispersion flattened fiber in terahertz regime- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-11 1106 zbgood2009 2024-12-13 20:50
悬赏 Theoretical Transfer Function For Force-controlled Wave Machines - OnePetro- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 IF1988s 2024-12-12 192 zbgood2009 2024-12-13 20:49
悬赏 Evaluation of Performance of New Wave-Making Basin- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 IF1988s 2024-12-12 191 zbgood2009 2024-12-13 20:48
悬赏 先进作战管理系统发展研究- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-12 1106 ljrlove2008 2024-12-13 15:41
悬赏 装备数字化监管技术及发展研究- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-12 1116 ljrlove2008 2024-12-13 15:39
悬赏 Compact THz Polarization Splitter with Larndwth Based on Cascade Hexagonal ..- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-11 1108 fenavi 2024-12-12 15:15
悬赏 Compact THz Polarization Splitter with Large Bandwidth Based on Cascade Hexag...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-11 1109 zbgood2009 2024-12-12 09:05
悬赏 Operational Experience With The New Harold E. Saunders Maneuvering And Seakee...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 IF1988s 2024-12-11 1106 zbgood2009 2024-12-12 09:02
悬赏 Beautiful mess effect: Self-other differences in evaluation of showing vulner...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 srm01 2024-12-11 2104 srm01 2024-12-11 20:02
悬赏 Deep learning-assisted composite polarized fringe projection profilometry for...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-10 1100 fenavi 2024-12-11 16:50
悬赏 作用于运动潜体的波浪力- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 IF1988s 2024-12-9 176 zbgood2009 2024-12-10 21:40
悬赏 New Mechanical Model for Evaluating Bearing Capacity of Prestressed Pipe Pile...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-8 1128 zbgood2009 2024-12-10 21:36
悬赏 High Q-factor multi-Fano resonances in all-dielectric metasurface for high-pe...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-10 180 fenavi 2024-12-10 15:18
悬赏 Optomechanical microgear cavity- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-10 183 fenavi 2024-12-10 15:17
悬赏 Terahertz perfect absorber of narrowband and broadband based on a U-shaped me...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-10 282 fenavi 2024-12-10 15:16
悬赏 Reliability-Based Design Optimization of Chemically Stabilized Coal Gangue- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-7 1116 zbgood2009 2024-12-7 17:00
悬赏 New Energy Power Planning of Photovoltaic Power System for a Smart City Based...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-7 1105 zbgood2009 2024-12-7 16:58
悬赏 Optimizing the Cost and Reliability of Shared Anchors in an Array of Floating...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-7 1116 zbgood2009 2024-12-7 16:55
悬赏 What is a characteristic value for soils- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-6 1135 zbgood2009 2024-12-6 22:42
悬赏 舰船装备型号保障总师式准弱矩阵管理模式- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-5 1136 zbgood2009 2024-12-6 08:52
悬赏 故障管理标准GJB 841和规章CCAR21.5的对比分析研究- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-5 1127 zbgood2009 2024-12-6 08:51
悬赏 基于相关方协同的装备订购项目风险管理- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-5 1110 zbgood2009 2024-12-6 08:50
悬赏 Development of the Environmental Contour for Ice Drift Speed and Wind Speed- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-5 1125 zbgood2009 2024-12-6 08:46
悬赏 Analytical vibration of middle rotor of coaxial magnetic gear with complicate...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zyy943551765 2024-12-5 1121 zbgood2009 2024-12-6 08:41
悬赏 Dispersion engineering of photonic crystal fibers by means of fluidic infiltr...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-5 180 zbgood2009 2024-12-5 20:17
悬赏 Pre-oxidation modification of bituminous coal-based hard carbon for- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 ri_290 2024-12-5 183 fenavi 2024-12-5 15:15
悬赏 Vernier hybrid machines- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zyy943551765 2024-12-5 193 zbgood2009 2024-12-5 09:18
悬赏 Force analysis of grouting connection section of offshore wind turbine three ...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-4 180 zbgood2009 2024-12-4 22:46
悬赏 Probabilistic calibration of the p-y method considering model uncertainty for...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-12-4 179 zbgood2009 2024-12-4 22:45
悬赏 Mechanical behaviour of reconstructed defected skull with custom PEEK implant...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 Captain_Dan 2024-12-3 2109 Captain_Dan 2024-12-4 13:41
悬赏 Bootstrap method for charactering statistical uncertainty in bivariate shear ...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 tynda 2024-11-25 2162 tynda 2024-12-4 09:45
悬赏 Solitons in composite linear–nonlinear moiré lattices- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 zhencheng 2024-12-3 194 zbgood2009 2024-12-4 08:43
悬赏 African Swine fever: review.- [悬赏 5 速递币] Uncompleted Archives for Articles|文献高难归档 hel0123 2024-12-3 066 hel0123 2024-12-3 14:52
悬赏 Efficacy and Safety- [悬赏 5 速递币] Uncompleted Archives for Articles|文献高难归档 lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2024-12-3 091 lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2024-12-3 14:01
悬赏 纯化腺相关病毒(AAV)及/或重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)之方法及其...- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 Wa丶 2024-12-2 1164 zbgood2009 2024-12-2 21:05
悬赏 试论水利工程施工监理质量和进度控制要点- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-1 1129 zbgood2009 2024-12-1 22:07
悬赏 基于WBS工作分解结构的水利进度优化研究- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-1 1128 zbgood2009 2024-12-1 22:06
悬赏 基于WBS的光伏工程项目进度管理探讨- [已解决] Completed Archives for Articles|文献成功归档 blck 2024-12-1 1110 zbgood2009 2024-12-1 22:05
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