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English Corner|英语角 今日: 0|主题: 452

English Corner Welcomes you. This is a place for you to practice and improve your English. Hope you could enjoy yourselves here. Users are provided with access to a collection of resources, including communication, humor, music, TV series /movies, activities, etc. Different people have different English level, it doesn’t matter, just practice it with each other and learn from each other. Donnot worry about the mistakes you could make. We’re not the native speakers, so practice more just as how we learned our mother tongue. Share your feelings and life with us, whatever, remember to write in English and donnot forget to respect the other ones feelings. Thanks for your cooperation and look forward to your posts. Any helpful advice is warmly welcomed so we can serve you better.
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公告 公告: 无法收到激活邮件的等待验证会员请看这里 lclshy 2014-9-20    
全局置顶 全民福利第一波(签到发帖篇)实物奖品、vpn/ss账号免费拿 attach_img - [回帖奖励 514 ]  ...23456..35 info 2017-11-18 104579830 blueblow 2023-7-21 18:24
全局置顶 部分版块拟招聘版主以及版主待遇等详细方案 attachment  ...23456..33 expaper 2015-8-25 977134066 navo 2023-7-9 07:45
全局置顶 科研速递论坛新手赚币宝典(2016新版) 精华 attachment - [回帖奖励 503 ]  ...23456..23 expaper 2016-4-24 678193163 幽夜 2024-1-20 08:50
全局置顶 全民福利第三波(资源达人篇)实物奖品、vpn/ss账号免费拿 attachment - [回帖奖励 104 ]  ...23456..12 info 2017-11-24 35332950 kidman274 2022-6-28 08:07
全局置顶 全民福利第二波(应助光荣篇)实物奖品、vpn/ss账号免费拿 attach_img - [回帖奖励 138 ]  ...23456..12 info 2017-11-24 33231502 Hassan2022 2022-9-25 18:46
全局置顶 福利:免费下载百度文库的收费内容 attach_img  ...2 info 2023-7-6 343110 info 前天 17:54
悬赏 [Communication] Match the words - [已解决] maggie 2013-6-3 172181 power 2013-6-6 10:41
[Communication] What should you do when you miss someone so much? abc123. 2013-5-26 121233 abc123. 2013-5-26 16:51
[Communication] “我绝不嫁给你”差别表达 attach_img maggie 2013-6-4 121495 maggie 2013-6-6 13:40
[Communication] kinds of coffee attach_img maggie 2013-4-13 101391 power 2013-4-14 20:59
[Communication] 简单实用的地道美语,希望对大家有所帮助 新人帖 attach_img agree maggie 2013-2-22 91485 power 2013-2-26 19:10
[Humor] Wifi attach_img ligy0925 2013-8-20 93117 Chentu 2016-6-7 14:19
悬赏 [Communication] Translation(Chinese to English) 100 SDBs as reward - [已解决] expaper 2013-2-22 81811 九月风 2013-2-26 11:43
[Topic] Maggie, where are you... power 2013-3-6 81373 九月风 2013-3-7 17:36
[Communication] You Have Work/a Job To Do - [阅读权限 30] maggie 2013-3-16 811 ljrlove2008 2013-3-16 21:57
[Topic] 求助:论文摘要校正审阅 新人帖 leanboy19 2013-4-16 81650 demigod 2013-4-21 10:54
[Topic] English chating room wmwman306 2013-6-15 81203 wmwman306 2013-6-15 14:58
[Music] the first 青青 2013-2-21 72130 anacoluthon 2018-7-11 00:02
悬赏 [Communication] Maybe u 've seen "A bite of China",but do u know What they are - [悬赏 10 速递币] agree maggie 2013-2-23 71803 maggie 2013-3-17 18:25
[Humor] a good teacher maggie 2013-3-18 71181 power 2013-3-19 19:47
悬赏 [Communication] SYNONYM MATCH - [悬赏 10 速递币] maggie 2013-3-21 71913 maggie 2013-3-22 17:31
[Communication] 一张图,说明GRE和英语六级的差异! attach_img maggie 2013-6-8 71380 maggie 2013-6-12 06:37
[Communication] 求翻译 small 2013-10-13 62039 papyrus 2014-3-19 18:25
[Communication] 对面的女孩看过来 maggie 2013-2-23 61142 maggie 2013-2-24 07:47
[Humor] idiot maggie 2013-3-16 61144 maggie 2013-3-19 08:37
[Humor] panda maggie 2013-3-19 61225 maggie 2013-3-21 09:00
投票 [Communication] Why are you learning English? maggie 2013-3-23 61781 maggie 2013-3-24 10:47
[Communication] 读一读,很押韵哦! attach_img maggie 2013-3-25 61313 maggie 2013-3-26 10:54
悬赏 [Communication] 求助一句英译汉! - [已解决] 馅饼 2013-4-19 62133 馅饼 2013-4-20 21:50
[Topic] 【感受】快速提高口语水平,找老外聊天是个不错的途径! 新人帖 attach_img oldfox 2013-9-14 62544 552375421 2013-9-15 09:59
[Communication] colorful "purple"(认识5个以上的举个爪) attach_img agree maggie 2013-2-23 51947 anacoluthon 2018-7-12 14:27
投票 [TV series/Movies] Which one have u seen maggie 2013-2-23 52615 anacoluthon 2018-7-12 14:28
[Music] My love--Westlife attach_img maggie 2013-3-10 51155 maggie 2013-3-11 19:40
[Communication] Mind over matter - [阅读权限 30] maggie 2013-3-17 513 maggie 2013-3-18 13:45
[Humor] Get someone angry lible 2013-4-7 51098 power 2013-4-7 14:03
[Communication] Kills my eyes! 太好看了! attach_img maggie 2013-4-13 51417 maggie 2013-4-14 14:44
[Communication] 传说中的外企范 attach_img maggie 2013-4-16 51262 月明云淡 2013-4-17 00:28
[Communication] 老外发短信常用的英文缩写 attach_img maggie 2013-4-26 51187 sailor 2013-4-27 16:46
[Humor] 原来这才是男左女右的真正原因。 attach_img maggie 2013-5-6 51464 abc123. 2013-5-8 21:50
[Activities] Happy New Year, mates! attach_img maggie 2014-1-25 51754 moon 2014-5-19 19:47


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