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Note on the behaviour of the (111) gold face in electrolytic solutions agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1143 破军 2014-9-26 22:54
Comments and Reply on “Sedimentation in a large lake: A reinterpretation of... agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1122 xuanyufan 2014-9-26 21:36
Comments and Reply on “Sedimentation in a large lake: A reinterpretation of... agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1123 xuanyufan 2014-9-26 21:19
The adsorption of oxygen on gold agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1111 破军 2014-9-26 21:12
Light–matter interaction induces a single positive vortex with swirling arms agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1104 广州无线通讯 2014-9-26 21:08
Observing the electrochemical interphase via electrode surface conductance agree myyounger 2014-9-26 1117 破军 2014-9-26 20:56
Shortcut Approach to Cyclopenta[b]indoles by [3+2] Cyclodimerization of Indol... agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1105 jielis 2014-9-26 20:13
Determination of Benzo(a)Pyrene in Cigarette Smoke agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1115 心灵 2014-9-26 20:09
Determination of Benzopyrene in mainstream and sidestream smoke agree In-June 2014-9-26 1109 心灵 2014-9-26 19:35
RE2(MO4)3:Ln3+ (RE = Y, La, Gd, Lu; M = W, Mo; Ln = Eu, Sm, Dy) microcrystals agree 无心人 2014-9-26 1143 13794281563 2014-9-26 15:14
CRH suppressed TGFβ1-induced Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition via induct... agree wchen 2014-9-26 1108 chs 2014-9-26 14:41
Antiviral Activity of Lanatoside C against Dengue Virus Infection agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1109 ludy890628 2014-9-26 13:18
Metal acetate/metal oxide in acetic acid: an efficient reagent for the chemos... agree In-June 2014-9-26 1112 hhy87 2014-9-26 12:35
Preparation of chlorine dioxide by electrocatalytic reduction of sodium chlorate agree In-June 2014-9-26 4120 小乐 2014-9-26 11:42
Subjective assessment of printed color image quality as saturation of the pri... agree 定格 2014-9-26 1123 yancclike 2014-9-26 10:34
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of triclosan and triclo... agree 1247824670 2014-9-26 1133 ★书生-本色★ 2014-9-26 09:14
Cyclic voltammograms of the Au(100) face agree 1247824670 2014-9-25 1121 破军 2014-9-25 22:29
Surface reconstruction in electrochemistry: Au(100-(5 × 20), Au(111)-(1 × 23) agree 1247824670 2014-9-25 1109 破军 2014-9-25 22:24
Investigations of SO42− adsorption at the Au(111) electrode by chronocoulom... agree wang 2014-9-25 1119 破军 2014-9-25 22:09
:Application of an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance to a study o.. agree 1247824670 2014-9-25 1107 破军 2014-9-25 22:02
Determination of Au(III) in the surface layers formed anodically on the gold ... agree 1247824670 2014-9-25 1103 破军 2014-9-25 21:58
Ratiometric fluorescent nanosensor based on water soluble carbon nanodots wit... agree 1247824670 2014-9-25 1126 13794281563 2014-9-25 21:24
Gastrodin protect primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons against amyloid-be... agree wchen 2014-9-25 1118 天体的伯纳乌 2014-9-25 20:20
An Aptamer-based Fluorescence Assay for Ochratoxin A attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-9-25 1109 ddq 2014-9-25 20:05
Vegetation effects on the microwave emission of soils agree 心灵紫汀 2014-9-25 1105 shenshi 2014-9-25 19:55
Chemical Constituents from the Aerial Parts of Artemisia minor agree 君子笑 2014-9-25 1104 lihuipin0203 2014-9-25 19:38
Sources of individual differences in interviewer effectiveness: A model and i... agree wchen 2014-9-25 1142 emlink 2014-9-25 18:27
A Convenient Synthesis of Novel Meldrum′s Acid C60 Fullerene Derivatives agree hugongda402 2014-9-25 1137 hhy87 2014-9-25 16:48
Emerging Therapies for Gout agree dongpingjiang 2014-9-25 2140 chelin 2014-9-25 16:00
Complementary Sequence-Mediated Exon Circularization agree dongpingjiang 2014-9-25 1124 yuyin110 2014-9-25 15:41
Fabrication of Hollow Melamine−Formaldehyde Microcapsules from Microbubble ... agree dongpingjiang 2014-9-25 1130 Jamie 2014-9-25 15:36
盐酸克林霉素在混合溶剂中溶解度及物性数据的研究 agree dongpingjiang 2014-9-25 1113 初六 2014-9-25 15:13
A facile route for nitrogen-doped hollow graphitic carbon spheres with superi... agree dongpingjiang 2014-9-25 1115 Jamie 2014-9-25 15:03
Acoustic Defect-Mode Waveguides Fabricated in Sonic Crystal: Numerical Analys... agree 1247824670 2014-9-25 1116 lei_li56 2014-9-25 14:45
Water Permeation through Elastomers and Plastics agree 1247824670 2014-9-25 1117 yuanm1004 2014-9-25 14:24
QSPR study of Setschenow constants of organic compounds using MLR, ANN, and S... agree 晋鹏 2014-9-25 1112 wangjianbing 2014-9-25 13:06
Cinnamic Acid Derivatives as Anticancer Agents-A Review agree 满手噬血 2014-9-25 1118 lihuipin0203 2014-9-25 11:14
Mechanics and mechanisms of delamination in a poly(ether sulphone)—Fibre co... agree In-June 2014-9-25 1111 pooope 2014-9-25 09:54
Plastic deformation of electrochemically polarized nickel single crystals agree In-June 2014-9-25 1104 dutans 2014-9-25 09:41
All-cellulose composite and nanocomposite made from partially dissolved micro... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-9-1 2138 非主流 2014-9-25 09:21


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