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All-solid-state potassium-selective electrode using graphene as the solid con... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-8 1129 冰点百合 2014-10-8 15:37
Recent advances in hierarchical macroporous composite structures for photoele... agree dhz1001 2014-9-11 2175 鹰击长空 2014-10-8 15:26
Microcrack-induced damage accumulation in brittle rock under dynamic loading agree wchen 2014-10-8 1116 xyc374527 2014-10-8 15:26
Facile Synthesis of Hydroxyformamidines by the N-Oxidation of Their Correspon... agree wchen 2014-10-8 1152 haha1012 2014-10-8 12:08
Analysis of laser ablation dynamics of CFRP in order to reduce heat affected ... agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-8 1124 tingliu 2014-10-8 11:41
Critical current measurements: A compendium of experimental results agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-8 1138 yxlklc 2014-10-8 11:37
Direct three-dimensional shape measurement by digital light-in-flight hologra... agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-8 1134 yxlklc 2014-10-8 11:30
Direct three-dimensional shape measurement by digital light-in-flight holography agree hosenblucy 2014-10-8 1131 yxlklc 2014-10-8 09:45
Three-dimensional shape measurement of a diffusing surface by use of a femtos... agree 1247824670 2014-10-8 1120 yxlklc 2014-10-8 09:35
Simultaneous three-dimensional dynamic deformation measurements with pulsed d... agree 1247824670 2014-10-8 1163 yxlklc 2014-10-8 09:12
Epimerisierung von (−)-thujon zu (+)-thujon agree 1247824670 2014-10-8 1144 xzy 2014-10-8 09:00
The cyanobacterial lectin scytovirin displays potent in vitro and in vivo act... agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-7 2200 ludy890628 2014-10-7 22:59
Car Lamp Detection for Auto Beam Control agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-7 1136 范配戏 2014-10-7 22:18
Multifunctional Luminescent Down-Shifting Fluoropolymer Coatings: A Straightf... agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-7 1110 蒋青松 2014-10-7 21:55
Circulating Tumor Cells Revisited agree 1247824670 2014-10-7 1121 李FL 2014-10-7 21:19
Development of low-molecular-weight gelators and polymer-based gelators agree wang 2014-10-7 1137 wsw0412 2014-10-7 19:24
Syntheses of 1,2-distributed adamantanes agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-7 1106 xzy 2014-10-7 19:05
Diversity and clonal selection in the human T-cell repertoire agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-7 1104 〆﹏_旋转_、木 2014-10-7 16:47
Synthesis of functionalized 7-azaindoles via directed ortho-metalations agree wchen 2014-10-7 1142 545754995 2014-10-7 16:02
Deterioration of Polyamideamine–Epichlorohydrin (PAE) in Aqueous Solutions ... agree 君子笑 2014-10-7 1130 类延豪 2014-10-7 13:30
Chaos Synchronization in Complex Networks agree 君子笑 2014-10-7 1131 xinshoushanglu 2014-10-7 11:51
Oral administration with attenuated Salmonella encoding a Trichinella cystati... agree wchen 2014-10-7 1126 ludy890628 2014-10-7 11:43
A Versatile Method for the Synthesis of Benzimidazoles from o-Nitroanilines a... agree wchen 2014-10-7 1138 li273273 2014-10-7 11:15
Overview of three-dimensional shape measurement using optical methods agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-6 2219 happystudy55 2014-10-7 10:08
New alicyclic diterpenes and ent-labdanes from gutierrezia solbrigii agree wchen 2014-10-7 1155 xzy 2014-10-7 10:03
Measuring Subsurface Soil-Water Evaporation with an Improved Heat-Pulse Probe agree 晋鹏 2014-10-7 1129 科研小米渣 2014-10-7 09:45
A rapid method for semi-quantitative analysis of neurite outgrowth from chick... agree 1247824670 2014-10-7 1138 Ilium_Cheng 2014-10-7 09:22
Activation of PI3K/Akt pathway limits JNK-mediated apoptosis during EV71 infe... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-6 1123 ludy890628 2014-10-6 23:03
Heat shock enhances the susceptibility of BHK cells to rotavirus infection th... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-6 1116 ludy890628 2014-10-6 22:55
Specific binding of heat shock protein 70 with HN-protein inhibits the HN-pro... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-6 1130 ludy890628 2014-10-6 22:43
Baculovirus replication induces the expression of heat shock proteins in vivo... agree leadping 2014-10-6 1120 ludy890628 2014-10-6 22:35
Heat Shock Protein 70 Modulates Influenza A Virus Polymerase Activity agree leadping 2014-10-6 1122 ludy890628 2014-10-6 22:28
Visualizing kinetic pathways of homogeneous nucleation in colloidal crystalli... leadping 2014-10-6 1120 smhua 2014-10-6 22:18
High-speed 3-D shape measurement based on digital fringe projection agree leadping 2014-10-6 1124 yxlklc 2014-10-6 22:05
High-resolution, real-time three-dimensional shape measurement agree leadping 2014-10-6 1135 yxlklc 2014-10-6 21:52
Manufacture ang application of PAE as wet strength agent,advanced Materials R... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-10-6 1140 类延豪 2014-10-6 21:13
Self-assembled micellar nanocomplexes comprising green tea catechin derivativ... agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-6 1157 爱从零开始 2014-10-6 20:50
Solid-State Polymerization of 2,5-Dibromothiophene Derivatives and Properties... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-6 1137 324767674 2014-10-6 20:09
Preparation and catalytic properties of transition metal carbides and nitrides agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-6 1141 gangyong411 2014-10-6 20:05
大理电信“平安城市”项目风险管理应用研究 agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-6 1141 hosenblucy 2014-10-6 19:01


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