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Review and re-analysis of domain-specific 16S primers agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-13 1315 张超 2014-10-13 17:29
Using pharmacokinetic principles to optimize pain therapy attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-13 1181 liuhui 2014-10-13 17:24
Research on LPG Dual-Spark Ignition Engine Combustion by CFD agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-13 1184 sungege 2014-10-13 17:19
植物叶绿体trn基因通用引物在转基因植物及其产品检测中... attachment agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-13 1139 张超 2014-10-13 16:47
Graphene and Graphene-Based Materials for Energy Storage Applications agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-13 1183 Kimi 2014-10-13 16:47
ChemInform Abstract: Facile Syntheses of New Incompletely Condensed Polyhedra... agree lsss 2014-10-13 1158 hl290036404 2014-10-13 15:31
PCR技术检测肉骨粉中牛源性成分的方法 agree lsss 2014-10-13 1138 张超 2014-10-13 13:41
Synthesis, screening and antimicrobial activity evaluation of spiro indolothi... agree wh467610988 2014-10-13 1149 hhy87 2014-10-13 12:25
Cultural differences in emotion regulation during self-reflection on negative... attachment agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-13 1250 zjjdtsg 2014-10-13 11:38
新型可降解化学交联海藻酸盐水凝胶的研究 agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-13 1259 panna526 2014-10-13 11:18
The Synthesis of Functionalized Tetrahydrofurans via Vanadium(V)-Catalyzed Ox... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-13 1151 妮妮2015 2014-10-13 11:14
Error Correction Models and their Effects on GPS Precise Point Positioning attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-13 1138 sdustwangbin 2014-10-13 10:46
Reduction of andrographolide and its stereostructure by NMR and X-ray study agree MY→Email 2014-10-13 1132 xzy 2014-10-13 10:29
PCR技术在食品动物源性检测中的应用 agree 1247824670 2014-10-13 1141 张超 2014-10-13 10:25
A Numerical Method for Solving the Equations of Compressible Viscous Flow agree 1247824670 2014-10-12 1236 newki 2014-10-13 00:08
Advanced sorbents for preparative protein separation purposes agree 1247824670 2014-10-12 1184 wuyao14601 2014-10-12 22:29
Triple carrier precise point positioning (PPP) using GPS L5 agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1470 sdustwangbin 2014-10-12 21:53
Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric carcinoma: a newly defined entity. agree wchen 2014-10-11 1246 木曦 2014-10-12 21:43
Finnish supra-long tree-ring chronology extended to 5634 BC - Norsk Geografis... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1150 xuanyufan 2014-10-12 21:23
Effect of ligands on the characteristics of (CdSe)(13) quantum dots attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1165 xiaohuang423 2014-10-12 21:01
Quartz grain surface textures and depositional interpretations, Nile Delta re... agree 1247824670 2014-10-12 1140 xuanyufan 2014-10-12 20:47
Structural and Electronic Properties of Bare and Capped Cd33Se33 and Cd33Te33... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1143 xiaohuang423 2014-10-12 20:38
Expression, Characterization and Antimicrobial Ability of a Variant T4 Lysozy... agree 1247824670 2014-10-12 1177 wuyao14601 2014-10-12 19:24
The revised fundamental theorem of moment invariants agree leadping 2014-10-11 2215 xinshoushanglu 2014-10-12 18:36
Decomposition of energy-related CO2 emission over 1991–2006 in China agree MY→Email 2014-10-12 1137 口玉生烟 2014-10-12 17:59
Thermally Switchable Periodicities and Diffraction from Mesoscopically agree wchen 2014-10-12 1170 yinxiangyu1 2014-10-12 17:52
Polymerized colloidal crystal hydrogel films as intelligent chemical sensing ... agree wchen 2014-10-12 1166 yinxiangyu1 2014-10-12 17:39
Ent-labdanes, manoyloxide and helipterol derivatives from Chrysocephalum ambi... agree wchen 2014-10-12 1174 xzy 2014-10-12 17:04
A numerical simulation of particle deposition in turbulent boundary layers agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1152 zhenaiyao1991 2014-10-12 15:35
Removal of hexavalent chromium ions using polyaniline/silica gel composite agree 1247824670 2014-10-12 1260 行走在云端的风 2014-10-12 14:35
A Mathematical Model for the Computation of Carboxyhaemoglobin in Human Blood... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-11 2858 jpzhao1988 2014-10-12 14:21
A Mathematical Model for the Elimination of Carbon Monoxide in Humans attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-11 3157 jpzhao1988 2014-10-12 14:21
Carbon monoxide poisoning attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-11 2167 jpzhao1988 2014-10-12 14:20
One-dimensional simulation of aerosol transport and deposition in the human lung attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-9 2160 jpzhao1988 2014-10-12 14:19
On mathematical analysis of gas transport in the lung agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-9 2195 jpzhao1988 2014-10-12 14:17
Arabidopsis Stomatal Initiation Is Controlled by MAPK-Mediated Regulation of ... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1223 墨韵生香 2014-10-12 11:35
SEQUENCE-SPECIFIC DNA BINDING BY THE C-MYC PROTEIN agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1125 墨韵生香 2014-10-12 11:25
Molecular characterization of helix-loop-helix peptides agree 心灵紫汀 2014-10-12 1168 墨韵生香 2014-10-12 11:13
eparation of Organic Dyes from Wastewater by Using Colloidal Gas Aphrons agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-12 1226 ★书生-本色★ 2014-10-12 10:53
REMOVAL OF METHYL ORANGE AND METHYLENE BLUE DYE FROM WATER USING COLLOIDAL GA... agree dongpingjiang 2014-10-12 1133 ★书生-本色★ 2014-10-12 10:44


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