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anowire-based hierarchical tin oxide/zinc stannate hollow microspheres: Enhan... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-3 1144 蒋青松 2014-11-3 18:56
电化学发光肽生物传感方法的研究与应用 agree yxlklc 2014-11-3 1164 521lixia 2014-11-3 18:43
Double-walled polymer microspheres for controlled drug release agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1131 grandmeng 2014-11-3 17:26
Investigation of the electroforming process in resistively switching TiO2 nan... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-3 1152 lei_li56 2014-11-3 16:55
Comparing priority setting in integrated hazardous substance assessment and i... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1150 夜之星雨 2014-11-3 16:43
SCRAM: A Scoring and Ranking System for Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxi... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-3 1148 夜之星雨 2014-11-3 16:30
Dispersion polymerization of styrene in aqueous alcohol solution: Effects of ... agree hugongda402 2014-11-3 1127 hl290036404 2014-11-3 16:18
The changeable nervous system: Studies on neuroplasticity in cerebellar cultures agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1125 yilliahe 2014-11-3 16:18
Evaluation of surface water quality using an ecotoxicological approach: a cas... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-3 1135 夜之星雨 2014-11-3 16:18
Identification and ranking of the risky organic contaminants in the source wa... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1140 夜之星雨 2014-11-3 16:09
IFN induction of the antiviral state and mechanisms of viral evasion agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1145 厚积薄发 2014-11-3 16:09
Review of Screening Systems for Prioritizing Chemical Substances attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-3 1149 夜之星雨 2014-11-3 16:05
Effects of Very High Pressures on Glass agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1184 tingliu 2014-11-3 15:34
Antitumour and cytotoxic xanthones of Psorospermum febrifugum agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1129 糖漪 2014-11-3 15:32
Update of guidelines for the use of growth hormone in children: the Lawson Wi... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1122 jiaowww 2014-11-3 15:26
The Banana MaLBD (LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN) Transcription Factors Regu... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1141 andreai 2014-11-3 15:20
Ductile-Regime Grinding: A New Technology for Machining Brittle Materials agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1149 tingliu 2014-11-3 15:10
A New Experimental Approach to Determination of Critical Depth in High Speed ... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 2123 tingliu 2014-11-3 14:56
Protective effect of Cyperi rhizoma against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurona... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 2147 Boy丶FJ 2014-11-3 13:42
Extracellular matrix derived from astrocytes stimulates neuritic outgrowth fr... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1180 yilliahe 2014-11-3 11:33
The standard potential of the peroxosulphate/sulphate couple agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1128 l895365038 2014-11-3 11:06
Ductile-regime machining model for diamond turning of brittle materials agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-3 4134 tingliu 2014-11-3 11:02
Precise placements of metal nanoparticles from reversible block copolymer nan... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-3 1105 战神 2014-11-3 10:37
Creatine supplementation does not decrease oxidative stress and inflammation ... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-3 2150 柒柒 2014-11-3 10:33
Phosphorylation sites of Arabidopsis MAP Kinase Substrate 1 (MKS1) agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1135 街角拽幸福 2014-11-3 10:31
Emotional expressions preferentially elicit implicit evaluations of faces als... agree 1247824670 2014-11-3 1138 司空羽然 2014-11-3 10:11
elective Co-catalysed growth of novel MgO fishbone fractal nanostructures agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-3 2234 小熊熊 2014-11-3 10:08
Expression and clinical significance of estrogen-regulated long non-coding RN... agree 晋鹏 2014-11-3 1138 lsss 2014-11-3 09:59
Identification and consequences of miRNA-target interactions--beyond repressi... agree 翔子 2014-11-3 1109 lsss 2014-11-3 09:30
The economics of drugs in sport attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-2 1117 tyutwhg 2014-11-2 21:49
Preparation of all-cellulose composite by selective dissolving of cellulose s... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-2 1130 bjfu3117328 2014-11-2 09:51
Liquid chromatographic resolution of enantiomers containing single aromatic r... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-1 1155 水煮鸭蛋 2014-11-1 22:25
Preparation of network-like MgO nanobelts on Si substrate agree 1247824670 2014-11-1 1129 凉亭心语 2014-11-1 22:24
Multiple morphologies of gold-magnetite heterostructure nanoparticles are eff... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-1 1127 李FL 2014-11-1 21:19
Three-dimensional ghost imaging based on periodic diffraction correlation ima... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-1 1122 广州无线通讯 2014-11-1 21:11
Surface Modification of Bacterial Cellulose Nanofibers for Property Enhanceme... agree 李FL 2014-11-1 1153 苗小娇 2014-11-1 16:43
Urban Particle Capture in Bioretention Media. II: Theory and Model Development agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-1 1115 shuan 2014-11-1 11:09
Urban Particle Capture in Bioretention Media. I: Laboratory and Field Studies agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-1 1131 shuan 2014-11-1 10:52
Three putative sucrose transporters are differentially expressed in grapevine... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-1 1139 cq850170927 2014-11-1 10:48
Importin α: a multipurpose nuclear-transport receptor agree wchen 2014-10-31 1128 hhy 2014-10-31 23:24


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