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Origin and lateral migration of linear dunes in the Qaidam Basin of NW China ... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-9 1131 xuanyufan 2014-11-9 14:42
Origin and lateral migration of linear dunes in the Qaidam Basin of NW China ... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-9 2189 风中劲草666 2014-11-9 14:12
Combining Results of Microarray Experiments: A Rank Aggregation Approach agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-9 1167 020070202 2014-11-9 11:46
Three-dimensional bicontinuous ultrafast-charge and -discharge bulk battery e... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-9 1145 膜小浪 2014-11-9 11:14
Microdamage in bone: implications for fracture, repair, remodeling, and adapt... agree 1247824670 2014-8-10 2219 chaoqunlau 2014-11-8 23:05
Prehabilitation in preparation for orthopaedic surgery. agree 1247824670 2014-8-6 3217 chaoqunlau 2014-11-8 22:50
Structural characterization of oxidized titanium surfaces agree grandmeng 2014-11-8 2180 leenia9 2014-11-8 19:25
Electrochemical characterization of carbohydrate oxidation at copper electrodes agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-8 2161 SZnMg 2014-11-8 17:21
SK channel blockade reverses cognitive and motor deficits induced by nigrostr... agree 翔子 2014-11-8 1155 libowen 2014-11-8 15:47
Nearly 100% internal phosphorescence efficiency in an organic light-emitting ... agree paperhere 2014-11-8 2169 barneywang 2014-11-8 15:00
KCNQ/Kv7 channel activator flupirtine protects against acute stress-induced i... agree 翔子 2014-11-8 3225 翔子 2014-11-8 13:38
Differential rescue of spatial memory deficits in aged rats by L-type voltage... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-8 1173 libowen 2014-11-8 13:06
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control.a sedimentological app... agree 翔子 2014-11-8 1127 夜之星雨 2014-11-8 12:35
Nickel Cobalt Oxide Nanowire-Reduced Graphite Oxide Composite Material and It. agree paperhere 2014-11-8 2131 gangyong411 2014-11-8 10:52
Analysis on the Calculation Methods of Acid Dew Point of Flue Gas agree paperhere 2014-11-8 1137 zhenaiyao1991 2014-11-8 10:17
Menstrual blood-derived stromal stem cells from women with and without endome... agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1172 liamjiam 2014-11-7 22:30
The power of light in polymer science: photochemical processes to manipulate ... agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1136 yinxiangyu1 2014-11-7 22:21
Broadband ferromagnetic resonance studies on influence of interface bonding agree paperhere 2014-11-7 2181 Eric 2014-11-7 21:42
Metabolomics and first-trimester prediction of early-onset preeclampsia agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1133 020070202 2014-11-7 21:16
Improved tumor targetability of Tat-conjugated PAMAM dendrimers as a novel na... agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1171 风风 2014-11-7 21:06
Facile synthesis of Pt/Pd nanodendrites for the direct oxidation of methanol agree grandmeng 2014-11-7 1133 lw1141880930 2014-11-7 20:21
Organic-Soluble Palladium Nanoparticles Costabilized by Hyperbranched Polymer... agree 君子笑 2014-11-7 1146 lw1141880930 2014-11-7 20:16
Reactions of triangular Mo3S7X62− (X=Cl, Br, NCS) complexes with KSCN and K... agree 翔子 2014-11-7 3156 Kimi 2014-11-7 16:27
Triangular thiocomplexes of molybdenum: reactions with halogens, hydrohalogen... agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1134 Kimi 2014-11-7 16:21
The Separation of Am from Lanthanides by Purified Cyanex 301 Extraction agree 翔子 2014-11-7 2211 wangjieru 2014-11-7 14:42
Berberine and evodiamine influence serotonin transporter (5-HTT) expression v... agree 1247824670 2014-11-7 1184 尤星星 2014-11-7 13:53
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry attachment agree dongpingjiang 2014-11-7 1199 longjing88 2014-11-7 10:42
Early Wisconsinan in the north-central part of the Lake Erie basin: A new int... agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1210 xuanyufan 2014-11-7 10:40
A mathematical model for the computation of the oxygen dissociation curve in ... agree dongpingjiang 2014-11-7 1171 Zengji 2014-11-7 10:07
Numerical study on laminar flame speed of natural gas-carbon monoxide-air mix... agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1156 zhenaiyao1991 2014-11-7 09:58
Normal numbers from Steinhaus's viewpoint agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1149 ljjpfx 2014-11-7 09:14
An advanced selective reduction process for NOx control agree 翔子 2014-11-7 1203 夏日的微风 2014-11-7 08:56
Social exclusion and early-stage interpersonal perception: Selective attentio... agree 翔子 2014-11-6 1187 司空羽然 2014-11-7 08:45
Social exclusion causes self-defeating behavior agree 翔子 2014-11-6 1177 司空羽然 2014-11-7 08:45
Factor analysis of size frequency distributions: Significance of factor solut... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-6 1188 xuanyufan 2014-11-6 22:09
Dose-related effects of synthetic human beta-endorphin and naloxone on fed ga... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-6 1178 coffee831108 2014-11-6 22:06
K-shell transition absorption measurement of radiatively heated Al plasma agree grandmeng 2014-11-6 2163 mq19890429 2014-11-6 21:52
Size Frequency Distributions of Sediments and the Normal Phi Curve agree 翔子 2014-11-6 1129 xuanyufan 2014-11-6 19:50
Odorless substitutes for foul-smelling thiols: syntheses and applications attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-6 1175 ٩(·̮̃·̃) 2014-11-6 19:02
Measures for describing the size distribution of sediments agree paperhere 2014-11-6 2157 xuanyufan 2014-11-6 18:47


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