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Near-field experimental verification of separation of OAM channels agree wang 2014-11-18 1184 广州无线通讯 2014-11-18 19:25
Review of the structure and the electrochemistry of nickel hydroxides and oxy... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-18 1166 l895365038 2014-11-18 12:50
Response of Microbial Community Composition and Function to Soil Climate Change agree 翔子 2014-11-18 1183 luria 2014-11-18 11:29
Joint Continuum Regression for Multiple Predictands agree 翔子 2014-11-18 1165 lyw015813 2014-11-18 11:22
Continuum regression and ridge regression agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-18 1179 lyw015813 2014-11-18 11:09
Multifunctional Silica-Based Nanocomposites for Cancer Nanotheranostics agree paperhere 2014-11-18 1159 lushudi 2014-11-18 10:32
Cryo-EM near-atomic structure of a dsRNA fungal virus shows ancient structura... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-18 1169 xinjianghaoren 2014-11-18 08:40
Spheres derived from the human SK-RC-42 renal cell carcinoma cell line are en... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-17 1201 lfchao 2014-11-17 21:32
Generation of hybrid entanglement of light agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-17 1167 广州无线通讯 2014-11-17 21:32
Nanogold plasmonic photocatalysis for organic synthesis and clean energy conv... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-17 2197 霁晚 2014-11-17 20:43
Differential effects of clonal integration agree 广州无线通讯 2014-11-17 1184 BASIS911 2014-11-17 20:21
A strand-specific switch in noncoding transcription switches the function of ... agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1196 andreai 2014-11-17 20:20
Gene regulation by antisense transcription agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1188 andreai 2014-11-17 19:56
Mechanisms determining the degree of size asymmetry in competition among plants agree 1247824670 2014-11-17 2168 BASIS911 2014-11-17 19:52
Well-controlled metal co-catalysts synthesised by chemical vapour impregnatio... agree 1247824670 2014-11-17 1211 霁晚 2014-11-17 19:28
Wet/Dry Cycling Effects on Soil Contaminant Stabilization with Apatite and Fe(0) agree 1247824670 2014-11-17 1180 846717451 2014-11-17 18:34
Homogenous modification of cellulose with acrylamide in NaOH/urea aqueous sol... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-17 1147 bjfu3117328 2014-11-17 17:12
The core autophagy protein ATG4B is a potential biomarker and therapeutic tar... agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1154 〆﹏_旋转_、木 2014-11-17 16:15
Flow cytometric monitoring of cellular pharmacokinetics agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1134 小猪快跑 2014-11-17 16:03
保存液pH值对马王堆古尸蛋白质保存的影响 agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1134 张超 2014-11-17 14:21
Assessing the elimination of 2,3,7,8-TCDD from humans with a physiologically ... agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1200 liuhui 2014-11-17 11:01
The relationship between infrared absorption and the A defect concentration i... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-11-17 1180 1923294015 2014-11-17 10:16
Solid electrolytes based on CeO2 for medium-temperature electrochemical devic... agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1157 ★书生-本色★ 2014-11-17 09:47
Self-shaping composites with programmable bioinspired microstructures agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1171 yinxiangyu1 2014-11-17 09:38
Adaptive liquid microlenses activated by stimuli-responsive hydrogels agree 翔子 2014-11-17 1152 yinxiangyu1 2014-11-17 09:10
Chiral Separation of Racemic agree yxlklc 2014-11-16 1168 水煮鸭蛋 2014-11-16 23:09
Mobility of arsenic, cadmium and zinc in a multi-element contaminated soil pr... agree 君子笑 2014-11-16 1172 846717451 2014-11-16 22:43
Putative cytochrome P450 genes in rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) a... agree paperhere 2014-11-16 1131 君子笑 2014-11-16 22:25
Bax-Dependent Spermatogonia Apoptosis Is Required for Testicular Development ... agree 翔子 2014-11-16 1154 差不多先生 2014-11-16 21:42
Reversible patterning and actuation of hydrogels by electrically assisted ion... agree 翔子 2014-11-16 2144 yinxiangyu1 2014-11-16 21:39
Synthesis and Application of Modulated Polymer Gels agree 翔子 2014-11-16 1168 yinxiangyu1 2014-11-16 21:27
Photomechanics: Directed bending of a polymer film by light agree 翔子 2014-11-16 1138 yinxiangyu1 2014-11-16 20:46
Mouse models of male infertility agree 翔子 2014-11-16 1145 差不多先生 2014-11-16 20:06
Anatomical Distribution and Sclerotic Activity of Bone Metastases from Thyroi... agree 翔子 2014-11-16 1129 fmmu114114 2014-11-16 19:45
DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF BONE SCAN IN PATIENTS WITH RENAL CELL CARCINOMA agree 翔子 2014-11-16 1182 fmmu114114 2014-11-16 19:30
Solvent extraction characteristics of thiosubstituted organophosphinic acid e... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-16 1153 wangjieru 2014-11-16 18:48
Bacterial adhesion to and penetration of intestinal mucus in vitro attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-11-16 1133 淡定 2014-11-16 18:25
Sparse Sliced Inverse Regression agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-16 1165 lyw015813 2014-11-16 16:07
Reconstitution of IKATP: An Inward Rectifier Subunit Plus the Sulfonylurea Re... agree 风中劲草666 2014-11-16 1128 木木 2014-11-16 15:28
黄酮类化合物的生物活性及临床应用进展 agree 翔子 2014-11-16 2145 bjfu3117328 2014-11-16 11:04


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