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Anti-inflammatory effects of schisandrin isolated from the fruit of Schisandr... agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1146 星巴克112233 2014-12-2 15:26
Composition and biological activity of different extracts from Schisandra sph... agree paperhere 2014-12-2 1130 星巴克112233 2014-12-2 15:15
Lexical access and naming time agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1137 小孟 2014-12-2 14:59
Lanthanide metal-organic frameworks for luminescent sensing and light-emittin... agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1141 海不曾怀疑天的 2014-12-2 14:50
Carbon dioxide sorption studies on magnesium oxide attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-2 1161 liyanyan151 2014-12-2 14:36
Chemical and toxicological evaluation of underground coal gasification (UCG) ... agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1128 zxdemail0906 2014-12-2 14:36
Hydrogenation of surface carbon on alumina-supported nickel agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-2 1172 mapeng771 2014-12-2 12:24
Natural gas to syncrude: Making the process pay off agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1142 mapeng771 2014-12-2 11:42
Two-dimensional material nanophotonics agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1246 会跳的丸子 2014-12-2 11:13
Flow regimes and structure in pool and weir fishways agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1158 tyzhcl 2014-12-2 11:02
Selenium and arsenic speciation in fly ash from full-scale coal-burning utili... agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1143 ncepuzy 2014-12-2 10:55
BF3-etherate promoted alkylation of aziridines with organocopper reagents: a ... agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1168 杰森 2014-12-2 10:50
General expression of the linear potential sweep voltammogram in the case of... agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1161 Phincs 2014-12-2 10:48
Third‐Order Elastic Moduli of Polycrystalline Metals from Ultrasonic Veloci... agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1146 PeterDLUT 2014-12-2 10:05
Geotechnical strength parameters from geophysicallogs。 agree wchen 2014-12-2 1137 东海吹雪 2014-12-2 09:28
联吡啶钌B-Z化学发光振荡体系及其分析应用研究 agree 翔子 2014-12-2 1151 521lixia 2014-12-2 09:25
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 nanowires are outer membrane and periplasmic exten... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-1 1144 君子笑 2014-12-1 23:40
Multifunctional Nanogels for siRNA Delivery agree paperhere 2014-12-1 1153 megamindno1 2014-12-1 21:02
A novel mesoporous material for uranium extraction, dihydroimidazole function... agree 翔子 2014-12-1 1185 aisiweier 2014-12-1 20:40
omplex formation and adsorption of V3+, Cr3+ and Fe3+ ions with poly(N-vinyli... agree paperhere 2014-12-1 3182 行走在云端的风 2014-12-1 20:11
On the disruptive burning of free droplets of alcohol/n-paraffin solutions an... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-1 1145 主宰是剑圣豆 2014-12-1 19:06
Ferric ion adsorption and electrodesorption by carbon nanotubes and nanofibre... agree paperhere 2014-12-1 1145 zhuozhuo 2014-12-1 18:49
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Coordination Compounds of Copper with... agree 翔子 2014-12-1 1120 行走在云端的风 2014-12-1 17:25
Crystal structure, conformation, and absolute configuration of kanamycin A agree 翔子 2014-12-1 1130 阿里 2014-12-1 17:20
食用油中DNA提取方法的研究进展 attachment agree dongpingjiang 2014-12-1 1130 张超 2014-12-1 16:30
Research Status of Carbon Fibre-Reinforced PEEK Composites agree paperhere 2014-12-1 1148 l895365038 2014-12-1 16:22
Soil organic matter changes resulting from tillage and biomass production agree paperhere 2014-12-1 1158 supperzzy 2014-12-1 16:19
Energy-efficient comfort with a heated/cooled chair: Results from human subje... agree 翔子 2014-12-1 1146 Zengji 2014-12-1 16:19
Removal of Direct Red from Aqueous Solution by Foam Separation Techniques of ... agree paperhere 2014-12-1 1151 ★书生-本色★ 2014-12-1 16:16
Separation of Some Dyes from Aqueous Solutions by Flotation agree paperhere 2014-12-1 1157 ★书生-本色★ 2014-12-1 16:12
Defect Types and Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing for Fiber-Reinforced Compo... agree paperhere 2014-12-1 1134 l895365038 2014-12-1 16:08
Polymeric adsorbents for treatment of waste effluents attachment agree dongpingjiang 2014-12-1 1167 行走在云端的风 2014-12-1 15:25
Stop flow lithography in perfluoropolyether (PFPE) microfluidic channels agree dongpingjiang 2014-12-1 1142 流年青春 2014-12-1 15:13
Two-dimensional acoustic particle focusing enables sheathless chip Coulter co... agree dongpingjiang 2014-12-1 1129 流年青春 2014-12-1 15:12
Anaerobic treatment of phenolic coal conversion wastewater in semicontinuous... agree 翔子 2014-12-1 1183 九天寻觅 2014-12-1 15:01
Groundwater quality near an underground coal gasification experiment agree 翔子 2014-12-1 2148 s345538842 2014-12-1 14:36
Heavy water tracing test in the underground coal gasification process at Thulin attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-1 1133 zxdemail0906 2014-12-1 14:03
A Coupled flow-transport-deformation model for underground coal gasification attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-1 1148 zxdemail0906 2014-12-1 13:57
扩展校准曲线法在环境监测中的应用 agree 翔子 2014-12-1 1156 konglingjingxue 2014-12-1 13:43
Groundwater pollutants from underground coal gasification agree 翔子 2014-12-1 1160 zxdemail0906 2014-12-1 13:33


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