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Cold-induced silencing by long antisense transcripts of an Arabidopsis Polyco... agree 翔子 2014-12-8 1138 andreai 2014-12-8 09:33
Excited-state dynamics and optical bistability in the dimer system Cs3Lu2Br9:... agree 风中劲草666 2014-12-7 1144 会跳的丸子 2014-12-7 22:08
Selective determination, in plasma, of artemether and its major metabolite, d... agree 风中劲草666 2014-12-7 1192 FLY__梦 2014-12-7 21:53
Structural and Functional Analysis of Various Globulin Proteins from Soy Seed agree 翔子 2014-12-7 2184 cuijiaqi 2014-12-7 20:05
埃博拉病毒疫苗的研究进展 agree shuan 2014-12-7 1133 happy 2014-12-7 14:18
Global Land Cover Classification Based on Microwave Polarization and Gradient... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-7 1141 咖啡或茶 2014-12-7 14:14
理性和科学的态度认识埃博拉 agree shuan 2014-12-7 1172 happy 2014-12-7 14:09
Preparation of narrowly dispersed stereocomplex nanocrystals: a step towards ... agree shuan 2014-12-7 1168 bjfu3117328 2014-12-7 09:47
Enhanced discrete-time sliding mode strategy with application to piezoelectri... agree 风中劲草666 2014-12-6 1142 wg6689 2014-12-6 22:55
The amyloid cascade hypothesis agree yxlklc 2014-12-6 1149 厚积薄发 2014-12-6 22:30
Output-based discrete-time sliding mode control for a piezoelectrically actua... agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1147 wg6689 2014-12-6 20:32
陕西省1998-2008年NDVI多时空尺度动态分析 agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1141 shuan 2014-12-6 20:27
Recurrent Kernel Machines: Computing with Infinite Echo State Networks Michie... agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1157 testa 2014-12-6 20:21
Berberine activates thermogenesis in white and brown adipose tissue agree 君子笑 2014-12-6 1143 Boy丶FJ 2014-12-6 19:30
The role of cerebral amyloid β accumulation in common forms of Alzheimer di... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-6 1159 厚积薄发 2014-12-6 19:08
Nature of hydrous zirconia and sulfated hydrous zirconia agree 心灵紫汀 2014-12-6 1125 tyutwhg 2014-12-6 18:16
Echo State Property Linked to an Input: Exploring a Fundamental Characteristi... agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1123 testa 2014-12-6 17:51
Variation in the lattice spacing of cellulose agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1142 wendy828 2014-12-6 17:47
Design strategies for weight matrices of echo state networks agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1122 testa 2014-12-6 17:44
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Burning Drops of Hydrocarbon Mixtures agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1135 主宰是剑圣 2014-12-6 17:27
The Role of the Heat-up Period in Fuel Drop Evaporation agree 1247824670 2014-12-6 1145 主宰是剑圣 2014-12-6 17:27
The structure and properties of cellulose fibres spun from an anisotropic pho... agree 涛生依旧 2014-12-6 1145 seabob103 2014-12-6 15:08
A transparent polymeric flexure-hinge nanopositioner, actuated by a piezoelec... agree 翔子 2014-12-5 3154 科研交流 2014-12-5 23:56
Low-voltage and high-performance buzzer-scanner based streamlined atomic forc... agree 翔子 2014-12-5 1163 wg6689 2014-12-5 22:45
A note on the use of porous silver silicates as promote in carbohydrate agree paperhere 2014-12-5 1172 dou 2014-12-5 21:56
Heat durability of carbon fiber reinforced nickel composites agree paperhere 2014-12-5 1161 tjlht 2014-12-5 21:54
Cholesterol is important for a post-adsorption step in the entry process of t... agree 翔子 2014-12-5 1120 ludy890628 2014-12-5 21:03
Cholesterol is important for a post-adsorption step in the entry process of t... agree hugongda402 2014-12-5 1138 ludy890628 2014-12-5 20:55
Investigation into the mechanism of formation and the structure of high-porou... agree 翔子 2014-12-5 2155 dou 2014-12-5 20:45
Gas evolution during isothermal pyrolysis of Timahdit oil shale agree shixiwu 2014-12-5 1163 lws001 2014-12-5 18:42
Gas evolution during oil shale pyrolysis. 1. Nonisothermal rate measurements agree 翔子 2014-12-5 1167 lws001 2014-12-5 17:15
Organic‐inorganic heterostructure electroluminescent device usi\ agree grandmeng 2014-12-5 1128 barneywang 2014-12-5 17:09
A perpendicular-anisotropy CoFeB–MgO magnetic tunnel junction agree 翔子 2014-12-5 1130 流年青春 2014-12-5 17:08
Single and Multi-Channel Reactor for Oxidative Coupling of Methane agree grandmeng 2014-12-5 1140 zhuozhuo 2014-12-5 17:02
NUMERICAL STUDY OF A VARIABLE POROSITY POROUS LAYER IN A CHANNEL WITH INSULAT... agree paperhere 2014-12-5 1121 zxdemail0906 2014-12-5 16:21
Repurposing Blu-ray movie discs as quasi-random nanoimprinting templates for ... agree 翔子 2014-12-5 2124 dan 2014-12-5 16:20
SIMPLIFIED THERMAL LATTICE BOLTZMANN IN INCOMPRESSIBLE LIMIT agree paperhere 2014-12-5 1157 zxdemail0906 2014-12-5 16:19
Activity and Diversity of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in a Petroleum Hydrocarbo... agree 翔子 2014-12-5 1140 michelledjy 2014-12-5 15:47
SLC34A2 Gene mutation of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis: Report of four agree zhangxuefei 2014-12-5 1131 yddfe 2014-12-5 12:35
Temperature behavior of the free activation energy of viscous flow of glass-f... agree 翔子 2014-12-5 1148 zhangxuefei 2014-12-5 11:49


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