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Diterpenes from the bark of Juniperus chinensis agree 风中劲草666 2015-1-9 1185 xzy 2015-1-9 22:55
Diterpenes and norditerpenes from the Aristeguetia group agree yxlklc 2015-1-9 2226 xzy 2015-1-9 19:36
Physicochemical behavior of uranium agree yxlklc 2015-1-9 1174 wangjieru 2015-1-9 19:34
The electrochromic properties of hydrous nickel oxide agree 翔子 2015-1-9 1236 hdcuisiwen 2015-1-9 16:42
Aging effects on cadmium transport in undisturbed contaminated sandy soil col... agree caijuice 2015-1-9 1173 姚羽羽 2015-1-9 16:37
A comparative study of the methods for calculation of surface elastic deforma... agree 翔子 2015-1-9 1172 feixiangshuyi 2015-1-9 16:32
Grading score system: A method for evaluation of the degree of senescence in ... agree 翔子 2015-1-9 2183 cfj520525 2015-1-9 16:31
Molecular dynamics study of water in contact with the TiO2 rutile-110, 100, 1... agree caijuice 2015-1-9 1203 lei_li56 2015-1-9 15:42
A computer model of mixed lubrication in point contacts agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-9 1232 feixiangshuyi 2015-1-9 15:25
Effect of surface roughness parameters on mixed lubrication characteristics attachment agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-9 1239 feixiangshuyi 2015-1-9 15:24
An Optimal Branch-and-Bound Procedure for the Constrained Path, Moving Target... agree caijuice 2015-1-9 1175 zhuxiaomingdage 2015-1-9 14:10
Oxidative Stress Is Associated With Increased Pulmonary Artery Systolic Press... agree wang 2015-1-9 1158 小雪花 2015-1-9 13:46
Induction of apoptosis in human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells by solamargine from ... agree wang 2015-1-9 1186 蔷蔷2012smile 2015-1-9 13:32
Controlling Microstructure and Polymer Deformation with Polarized Light in Li... agree 翔子 2015-1-9 1169 广州无线通讯 2015-1-9 11:30
An Inorganic Hole Conductor for Organo-Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells. Im... agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-9 1180 龙骑天下也 2015-1-9 11:12
Efficient Inorganic–Organic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Pyrene A... agree 翔子 2015-1-9 1196 龙骑天下也 2015-1-9 10:55
Pore formation mechanism of β nucleated polypropylene stretched membranes agree 翔子 2015-1-9 1156 45duxieyang 2015-1-9 09:29
Complex Formation, Isolation and Carcinogenicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydro... agree 龙骑天下也 2015-1-9 1181 jeffwh 2015-1-9 09:13
The relationship between breeding coloration and mating success in male pygmy... agree 翔子 2015-1-9 1177 ミ灬空白傷↘ 2015-1-9 08:41
New understanding in the influence of melt structure and β-nucleating agent... agree 心灵紫汀 2015-1-8 1171 45duxieyang 2015-1-8 18:44
Influence of lamellar structure on double yield behavior and pore size distri... agree 心灵紫汀 2015-1-8 1165 45duxieyang 2015-1-8 18:39
Water-Based Oil Spill Dispersants Based on Rosin Formaldehyde Resins agree 心灵紫汀 2015-1-8 1191 hellotitusliu 2015-1-8 17:24
Decreasing smoking behaviour and risk through CYP2A6 inhibition agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1202 davis_w 2015-1-8 17:16
Surface and Thermodynamic Properties of Nonionic Surfactants Based on Rosin-M... agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1176 hellotitusliu 2015-1-8 17:15
Sclareol induces plant resistance to root-knot nematode partially through eth... agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1217 tingwaiwai 2015-1-8 16:54
Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in s... agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1185 kitten97 2015-1-8 15:59
On the O(1=k) convergence of asynchronous distributed alternating Direction M... agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1158 stronge 2015-1-8 15:56
Comparative Nitrogen Allocation and Partitioning of Field-Grown Gossypium Hir... agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1208 kitten97 2015-1-8 15:49
Interfacial and wetting behavior of natural-synthetic mixed surfactant systems agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1202 hellotitusliu 2015-1-8 15:23
Planar Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells via Vapor-Assisted Solution Process agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1162 龙骑天下也 2015-1-8 15:12
The control of endothelin-1 secretion agree 翔子 2015-1-8 1210 小雪花 2015-1-8 14:30
Differential roles of STAT3 in the initiation and growth of lung cancer agree wang 2015-1-8 1174 Jason~star 2015-1-8 12:35
Plasmon-induced hot carrier science and technology agree wang 2015-1-8 1250 weima 2015-1-8 11:35
Physiological and Molecular Features of Puccinellia tenuiflora Tolerating Sal... agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-8 1255 kongshoudaohefo 2015-1-8 11:20
Statistical Language Modeling Using Leaving-One-Out agree wang 2015-1-8 1171 大龙 2015-1-8 11:17
Theory of gravitational deposition of particles from laminar flows in channels agree wang 2015-1-8 1204 Zengji 2015-1-8 11:02
The Relation between Stability of Aggregates on Surface and SOM of Red Bare S... agree wang 2015-1-8 1198 bacon768376 2015-1-8 11:00
Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficienc... agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-8 1222 龙骑天下也 2015-1-8 10:45
Deposition from charged aerosol flows through a pipe bend attachment agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-8 1182 Zengji 2015-1-8 10:43
Deposition from charged aerosol flows through a two-dimensional bend attachment agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-8 2186 mars007 2015-1-8 10:37


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