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Changes in microbial biomass and community composition, and soil carbon and n... agree 翔子 2015-1-15 1169 luoda2010 2015-1-15 09:26
New reagents for detecting free radicals and oxidative stress agree 翔子 2015-1-15 1218 lsj089 2015-1-15 08:59
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rat... agree wang 2015-1-14 1197 vcanon 2015-1-15 08:46
Flavonoids from the Pericarps ofLitchi chinensis agree wang 2015-1-14 1189 aaoo11 2015-1-14 23:45
The Scherrer Formula for X-Ray Particle Size Determination agree 君子笑 2015-1-14 1218 九天寻觅 2015-1-14 20:40
Molecularly imprinted polymers based electrochemical sensor for bovine hemogl... agree wchen 2015-1-14 1184 LXY 2015-1-14 18:21
Acyclic sesquiterpene oligoglycosides from pericarps of Sapindus mukurossi agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1216 hellotitusliu 2015-1-14 16:16
Biodegradation aspects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): A review agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1149 hellotitusliu 2015-1-14 15:54
Sapindus mukorossi aqueous fruit extract as reducing, capping and dispersing ... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1182 hellotitusliu 2015-1-14 15:41
Microbial enzyme shifts explain litter decay responses to simulated nitrogen ... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1203 luoda2010 2015-1-14 15:14
Environmental applications for biosurfactants agree wang 2015-1-14 1159 hellotitusliu 2015-1-14 15:02
Methane-Steam Reforming agree wang 2015-1-14 1181 mapeng771 2015-1-14 14:44
Low-Temperature Processed Electron Collection Layers of Graphene/TiO2 Nanocom... agree wang 2015-1-14 1255 龙骑天下也 2015-1-14 14:42
Vimentin regulates EMT induction by Slug and oncogenic agree yxlklc 2015-1-14 1197 davis_w 2015-1-14 14:35
Impact of aluminum nitride as an insulator on the performance of zinc oxide t... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1190 MichaeHu 2015-1-14 14:28
Immunolabeling and NIR-Excited Fluorescent Imaging of HeLa Cells by Using agree chiral01 2014-7-15 2255 谁的青春不迷茫 2015-1-14 14:06
Hydrogen and synthesis gas by steam- and C02 reforming agree 翔子 2015-1-14 3225 mapeng771 2015-1-14 13:43
In situ nucleation of carbon nanotubes by the injection of carbon atoms into ... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 2261 mapeng771 2015-1-14 13:26
Change of polarization of light beams on propagation in free space agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1179 广州无线通讯 2015-1-14 11:59
Mesoporous NiO ultrathin nanowire networks topotactically transformed from ... agree wang 2015-1-14 1176 l895365038 2015-1-14 11:57
Spectra and energy levels of ions in the zinc isoelectronic sequence from Rb ... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1214 mq19890429 2015-1-14 11:43
4s24p–4s4p2 and 4s24p–4s25s transitions of galliumlik agree 龙骑天下也 2015-1-14 1179 mq19890429 2015-1-14 11:37
Prediction of Cavitation Damage for Spillways agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1198 Lshuai 2015-1-14 11:32
Effect of Grooves on Cavitation Around the Body of Revolution agree caijuice 2015-1-14 1157 Lshuai 2015-1-14 11:23
Observation of melt fracture of polypropylene resins in capillary flow agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-14 1160 aldqq_731 2015-1-14 11:15
O-Glucosyltransferase activities toward phenolic natural products and xenobio... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1176 君子笑 2015-1-14 11:01
Influence of ZrO2 Content on the Performances of BN-ZrO2-SiC Composites for A... agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-14 1187 一点点坏 2015-1-14 10:39
A novel label-free cascade amplification strategy based on dumbbell probe-med... agree dongpingjiang 2015-1-14 1177 521lixia 2015-1-14 10:25
Structure and vibrational spectra of copper(II) 2-pyridylmethanolate tetrahyd... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1192 妮妮2015 2015-1-14 10:07
An experimental investigation of turbulent shear flow cavitation agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1228 Lshuai 2015-1-14 10:03
Fe- and Cu-oxides supported on γ-Al2O3 as catalysts for the selective catal... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1204 妮妮2015 2015-1-14 09:53
2014年12月QQ群互助应助成功认领统计及奖励 心灵紫汀 2015-1-1 12596 君子笑 2015-1-14 09:45
Curcumin: preventive and therapeutic properties in laboratory studies and cli... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1236 Jason~star 2015-1-14 09:18
The discovery of zinc fingers and their development for practical application... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1170 andreai 2015-1-14 09:15
Structure, function and regulation of Transcription Factor IIIA: From Xenopus... agree 翔子 2015-1-14 1228 andreai 2015-1-14 09:05
Atomic-scale imaging of carbon nanofibre growth agree wang 2015-1-13 1202 mapeng771 2015-1-13 23:42
Insights into structural and functional diversity agree 龙骑天下也 2015-1-13 1177 andreai 2015-1-13 20:16
Linear ubiquitination: a newly discovered regulator of cell signalling agree 翔子 2015-1-12 1208 〆﹏_旋转_、木 2015-1-13 19:07
Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of 99 m-Tc-MDP bone scintigraphy and ... agree wchen 2015-1-13 1206 fmmu114114 2015-1-13 17:59
Impact of Sulfur Oxides on Mercury agree yxlklc 2015-1-13 1188 ncepuzy 2015-1-13 16:54


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