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A large-scale relativistic configuration-interaction approach: application to... agree tingliu 2015-1-21 1181 MichaeHu 2015-1-21 16:22
Tolley A,Jara R D,Lovey F C.18R to 2H transformations in Cu-Zn-Al Alloys.Acta... agree tingliu 2015-1-21 1180 panna526 2015-1-21 16:15
Homology modeling of plant cytochrome P450s agree tingliu 2015-1-21 1177 君子笑 2015-1-21 16:12
Synteny of orthologous genes conserved in mammals, snake, fly, nematode, and ... agree 心灵紫汀 2015-1-21 1223 cpsite 2015-1-21 14:20
聚烯烃热塑性弹性体的结晶与形态研究 agree 翔子 2015-1-21 1187 wwwwkq 2015-1-21 13:20
Zeolite acidity dependence on structure and chemical environment. Correlation... agree tingliu 2015-1-21 1210 dfang2007 2015-1-21 12:28
Study on the Machinability of Glass Soda-Lime in Diamond Cutting Process agree 翔子 2015-1-21 1189 tingliu 2015-1-21 10:54
Laser Cutting of Ceramic and Thermal Efficiency Analysis agree 翔子 2015-1-21 1167 tingliu 2015-1-21 10:41
One-pot synthesis of Ag@Cu yolk–shell nanostructures and their application ... agree 翔子 2015-1-21 1167 521lixia 2015-1-21 10:41
Shear‐Induced Structure in a Concentrated Suspension of Solid Spheres agree 翔子 2015-1-21 1153 aldqq_731 2015-1-21 10:34
A vapor response mechanism study of surface-modified single-walled carbon nan... agree 翔子 2015-1-21 1209 LXY 2015-1-21 10:08
2012年我国克雅氏病监测病例特征分析 agree 翔子 2015-1-21 1161 yddfe 2015-1-21 10:07
Calculation of PID controller parameters by using a fuzzy neural network agree 龙骑天下也 2015-1-20 1202 yancclike 2015-1-20 22:22
Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization agree shuan 2015-1-20 1201 lyynkm 2015-1-20 21:01
A short note on the proof of the ergodic theorem agree caijuice 2015-1-20 1202 ljjpfx 2015-1-20 19:12
On Devaney chaotic generalized shift dynamical systems agree caijuice 2015-1-20 1223 ljjpfx 2015-1-20 19:07
Interface Effects for Cu, CuO, and Cu2O Deposited on SiO2 and ZrO2. XPS Dete... agree caijuice 2015-1-20 1237 纸飞机 2015-1-20 17:28
Composition, Speciation, and Elemental Associations in Coal Fly Ash Samples R... agree caijuice 2015-1-20 1218 ncepuzy 2015-1-20 17:27
A New Organocatalytic Process of Cyclotrimerization of Acetylenic Ketones Med... agree caijuice 2015-1-20 1197 545754995 2015-1-20 17:21
In vitro callus induction and estimation of plumbagin content from Plumbago a... agree shuan 2015-1-20 1171 jiejie 2015-1-20 16:34
Photocatalytic decomposition of water at semiconductor electrodes agree 心灵紫汀 2015-1-20 1187 380339753 2015-1-20 15:45
Inhibition of Mer and Axl receptor tyrosine kinases agree 龙骑天下也 2015-1-20 1207 davis_w 2015-1-20 14:18
2012年全球新药研发报告——第二部分:攻克制药/生物技术... agree 翔子 2015-1-20 1190 li273273 2015-1-20 11:53
国内外孤儿药研发现状 agree 翔子 2015-1-20 1204 li273273 2015-1-20 11:41
Mechanical Behavior and Design Equations for Elastomer Shear Pad Remote Cente... agree 翔子 2015-1-20 1139 wosxiaoye 2015-1-20 11:40
Efficient Oxidative Dechlorination and Aromatic Ring Cleavage of Chlorinated ... agree paperhere 2015-1-20 1231 l895365038 2015-1-20 11:10
Rapid Total Destruction of Chlorophenols by Activated Hydrogen Peroxide agree 人生淡淡 2015-1-20 1218 l895365038 2015-1-20 10:53
High-throughput colorimetric assays for mercury(II) in blood and wastewater b... agree 翔子 2015-1-20 1184 521lixia 2015-1-20 09:50
Strategies for Evaluating Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy Disease Susceptibi... agree 翔子 2015-1-20 1215 yddfe 2015-1-20 09:47
The contribution of neuronal–glial–endothelial–epithelial interactions ... agree wang 2015-1-19 1277 294690371 2015-1-19 23:02
Prediction of nuisance periphytic biomass: A management approach agree wang 2015-1-19 1220 Lshuai 2015-1-19 22:50
沉积温度对CVD SiC涂层显微结构的影响 agree 广州无线通讯 2015-1-19 1214 fisthe 2015-1-19 22:40
CVD SiC涂层SiC纤维增强SiC复合材料的研究 agree 广州无线通讯 2015-1-19 2208 fisthe 2015-1-19 22:38
The absolute energy positions of conduction and valence bands of selected sem... agree wang 2015-1-19 1224 380339753 2015-1-19 21:45
Highly Efficient NaNO2-Catalyzed Destruction of Trichlorophenol Using Molecul... agree hugongda402 2015-1-19 1198 l895365038 2015-1-19 21:25
Surface precipitation of inorganics and surfactants and its role in adsorpti... agree wang 2015-1-19 1161 ★书生-本色★ 2015-1-19 16:50
Mechanical Design: Flexure-Based Nanopositioners agree wang 2015-1-19 1206 wg6689 2015-1-19 16:42
Simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid at nitrog... agree wang 2015-1-19 1217 521lixia 2015-1-19 16:38
Hysteresis Modeling and Control agree wang 2015-1-19 1160 wg6689 2015-1-19 16:34
High-Speed, Ultra-High-Precision Nanopositioning: A Signal Transformation App... agree paperhere 2015-1-19 1180 wg6689 2015-1-19 16:04


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