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Droplet-Based Microfluidics Platform for Ultra-High-Throughput Bioprospectin... agree 心灵紫汀 2015-1-27 1260 xiaoqiang 2015-1-27 15:17
Nitrogen BET surface area measurement as a fingerprint method for the estimat... agree 翔子 2015-1-27 1231 380339753 2015-1-27 15:16
Changes in serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding protein... agree 翔子 2015-1-27 1210 jiaowww 2015-1-27 10:56
Laser Drilling of Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials and Quality Assessment agree 翔子 2015-1-27 1179 tingliu 2015-1-27 10:56
Bayesian Approaches to Nonparametric Estimation agree nizhou 2015-1-27 1184 lyynkm 2015-1-27 10:52
Remote sensing of ice and snow: review and status agree 翔子 2015-1-27 1225 科研小米渣 2015-1-27 10:34
The Moss Physcomitrella patens: A Novel Model System for Plant Development agree sword_zhan 2015-1-27 1209 君子笑 2015-1-27 10:31
Cd-free CIGS solar cells with buffer layer based on the In2S3 derivatives 新人帖 agree nizhou 2015-1-27 1221 闫勇 2015-1-27 09:19
Oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in hypertension agree 翔子 2015-1-27 1247 15250967741 2015-1-27 08:56
The Rho Kinases: Critical Mediators of Multiple Profibrotic Processes and agree sword_zhan 2015-1-26 1273 春夏秋冬 2015-1-26 22:25
Gold Nanoparticles for Nucleic Acid Delivery agree sword_zhan 2015-1-26 1231 zhenangie 2015-1-26 21:02
电解铜箔亲水性研究 agree wang 2015-1-26 1233 273115277 2015-1-26 20:55
The clinical significance of circulating tumor cell agree wang 2015-1-26 1215 风风 2015-1-26 19:50
New conditions for synthesis of (±)-2-monosubstituted and (±)-2,2-disubstitut agree sword_zhan 2015-1-26 1272 lihongyang 2015-1-26 17:39
Cerous Methanesulfonate Catalyzed Facile Synthesis of 2-Substituted-2,3-dihyd... agree sword_zhan 2015-1-26 1198 lihongyang 2015-1-26 17:38
Epoxy alcohol synthase of the rice blast fungus represents a novel subfamily ... agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1225 君子笑 2015-1-26 17:18
Movement of radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems by physical processes agree 翔子 2015-1-26 2243 italy2114 2015-1-26 17:17
Dynamic characteristics and finite element analysis of a magnetic levitation ... agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1229 abook 2015-1-26 16:59
Preparation and enantioseparation of a new click derived β-cyclodextrin chi... agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1284 wchen 2015-1-26 16:50
Evaluation of metribuzin and SMY-1500 for weed control in winter wheat agree paperhere 2015-1-26 1211 zxlshzu 2015-1-26 16:43
The structure of the cytochrome p450BM-3 haem domain complexed with the fatty... agree paperhere 2015-1-26 1186 君子笑 2015-1-26 16:37
Screening of protease producing fungi for microbial digestion of seed protein... agree paperhere 2015-1-26 1232 tingwaiwai 2015-1-26 16:31
Activities for the decomposition of formic acid agree xinshoushanglu 2015-1-26 1197 liyanyan151 2015-1-26 16:30
Angiotensin II-induced hypertension blunts thick ascending limb NO production... agree sword_zhan 2015-1-26 1229 春夏秋冬 2015-1-26 16:04
Adsorption of reovirus to clay minerals: effects of cation-exchange capacity,... agree sword_zhan 2015-1-26 1202 断线纸鸢0779 2015-1-26 15:54
Thermotropic aqueous gels and solutions of N,N-dimethylacrylamide-acrylate co... agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1155 volkerleung 2015-1-26 15:34
Occurrence of pinch points in condensers and evaporators for zeotropic refrig... agree wchen 2015-1-26 1219 圣战斗佛 2015-1-26 14:53
Magnetic Solitons agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1256 xiaosen 2015-1-26 11:10
Fabrication of one-dimensional heterostructured TiO2@SnO2 with enhanced photo... agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1161 qing 2015-1-26 10:22
Conjugated Polymer-Based Organic Solar Cells agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1217 lushudi 2015-1-26 10:14
Hybrid Solar Cells with Prescribed Nanoscale Morphologies Based on Hyperbranc... agree 翔子 2015-1-26 1197 lushudi 2015-1-26 09:41
Wrinkling criterion for an anisotropic shell with compound curvatures in shee... agree 定格 2015-1-25 1213 nizhou 2015-1-25 19:57
How will increases in rainfall intensity affect semiarid ecosystems? agree shuan 2015-1-25 1174 haibingv 2015-1-25 15:17
On the highest wave of permanent type agree paperhere 2015-1-25 1215 ctn406 2015-1-25 12:03
Analysis of the heat transport mechanisms during melting around a horizontal ... agree 心灵紫汀 2015-1-25 1210 newki 2015-1-25 10:38
Determinants of the microstructure of plant–pollinator networks agree xinshoushanglu 2015-1-24 1235 haibingv 2015-1-24 20:38
Melting of a Vertical Ice Wall by Free Convection into Fresh Water agree wang 2015-1-24 1234 newki 2015-1-24 11:24
Recent advances in research on water-freezing and ice-melting problems agree wang 2015-1-24 1213 newki 2015-1-24 11:18
血浆纤维蛋白原在卵巢良、恶性肿瘤诊断的临床价值 agree wang 2015-1-24 1214 ╰⊱⋋Min敏⋌⊰ 2015-1-24 10:15
Mechanisms of drug resistance in kinases agree wang 2015-1-24 1201 davis_w 2015-1-24 09:51


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