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Encapsulated Monoclinic Sulfur fo agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1212 风之殇 2015-3-23 19:37
Quantum key distribution over a agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1301 cqchengxin 2015-3-23 19:36
Stimulus generalization: the agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1305 山间清风 2015-3-23 19:31
An amperometric agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1269 LXY 2015-3-23 19:09
Properties and structures of fatty acid hydroperoxide lyase agree 翔子 2015-3-23 1245 君子笑 2015-3-23 17:12
Investigation of pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs in waters by liquid chroma... agree shuan 2015-3-23 1219 ICEY_2014 2015-3-23 15:36
Crude Dietary Polysaccharide Fraction Isolated from Jackfruit Enhances Immune... agree shuan 2015-3-23 1279 lihuipin0203 2015-3-23 15:28
Updated Screening Procedures for GPROF2010 over Land: Utilization for AMSR-E agree shuan 2015-3-23 1222 咖啡或茶 2015-3-23 15:15
A systematic strategy for the identification and determination of agree shuan 2015-3-23 1291 ICEY_2014 2015-3-23 15:14
Gadolinium-based contrast agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1221 风风 2015-3-23 11:30
Effect of particle size of calcium agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1252 九天寻觅 2015-3-23 10:57
Polymer Nanocomposites as a New agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1245 bjfu3117328 2015-3-23 10:16
Image analysis of liver collagen using s agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1257 yilliahe 2015-3-23 10:05
The measurement of low-level agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1236 italy2114 2015-3-23 10:00
X-ray-refractive-index measurements a agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1231 golddreamok 2015-3-23 09:57
Effect of Nitric Acid Treatment on the agree sword_zhan 2015-3-23 1312 45duxieyang 2015-3-23 09:55
12-羟基硬脂酸构建有机凝胶的研究 agree lsss 2015-3-23 1209 grandmeng 2015-3-23 09:42
The measurement of low concentrations of Kr-85 in atmospheric air samples agree lsss 2015-3-23 1216 italy2114 2015-3-23 09:08
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic agree sword_zhan 2015-3-22 1285 liuhui 2015-3-22 23:26
Translational Research to Develop a Human PBPK Models Tool Kit—Volatile Org... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2015-3-22 1232 liuhui 2015-3-22 23:13
Synthesis and mesomorphic behaviour of novel discotic meso‐tetra(3,4,5‐n... agree 孑然临风 2015-3-22 1241 851761599 2015-3-22 21:15
Mesomorphic metalloporphyrins showing calam agree sword_zhan 2015-3-22 1223 851761599 2015-3-22 16:11
Probability-based short agree sword_zhan 2015-3-22 1244 zhengdong227 2015-3-22 15:38
Discotic mesomorphism of the agree sword_zhan 2015-3-22 1284 851761599 2015-3-22 15:15
Recrystallization of Dihydromyricetin agree sword_zhan 2015-3-22 1267 lihuipin0203 2015-3-22 15:03
Validation of a Soil Temperature and agree sword_zhan 2015-3-22 1291 zyh910303 2015-3-22 00:18
Arrays of indefinitely long agree sword_zhan 2015-3-21 1228 kidinhell 2015-3-22 00:00
Cytochrome P450 and the Individuality of Species agree sword_zhan 2015-3-21 1232 君子笑 2015-3-21 21:51
Q-Plates as Higher Order Polarization agree sword_zhan 2015-3-21 1271 广州无线通讯 2015-3-21 11:11
Raman study of soft zone-boundary agree sword_zhan 2015-3-21 1263 1923294015 2015-3-21 10:23
A Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for in situ Quantification of Basal Mitochond... agree ★书生-本色★ 2015-3-9 2253 jiang0317 2015-3-21 09:01
PYROLYSIS STUDIES ON COAL MACERALS USING DTA-GC, 13C-NMR AND SEM TECHNIQUES agree 翔子 2015-3-20 1321 duyao2008123 2015-3-21 08:55
Colloidal Assembly on Magnetically agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 1275 weima 2015-3-20 23:27
Magnetic manipulation of self-assembled agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 1286 weima 2015-3-20 23:15
Numerical modeling of the development of U-shaped agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 1282 s2007010085 2015-3-20 23:06
Cleavage of amyloid precursor protein e agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 1203 厚积薄发 2015-3-20 22:18
Recent progress on patchy colloids and agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 1249 weima 2015-3-20 22:18
Mild cognitive impairment is related to agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 1259 厚积薄发 2015-3-20 22:13
Circle of Willis Atherosclerosis Is a Risk Factor for Sporadic agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 2265 sword_zhan 2015-3-20 22:10
Elevated levels of CYP94 family gene agree sword_zhan 2015-3-20 1272 君子笑 2015-3-20 22:07


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