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Kinetics and mechanism of electroreduction of Pd(II) complexes agree shixiwu 2014-3-31 1151 幸福守望者 2014-3-31 15:31
Differences in lethality between cancer cells and human lymphocytes caused by... agree shixiwu 2014-3-31 1169 xfq065 2014-3-31 11:38
Analysis of the Vibration Response of a Gearbox With Gear Tooth Faults agree shixiwu 2014-3-31 1133 tjlht 2014-3-31 10:59
Transporter-Mediated Drug–Drug Interactions Involving OATP Substrates: Pred... agree shixiwu 2014-3-31 1151 s1110242 2014-3-31 10:47
Altered Fecal Microbiota Composition for Food Allergy in Infants agree 天下无双0506 2014-3-31 1136 Irishu 2014-3-31 10:47
Oxidation of organic compounds with cerium(IV). IX. Formation of 2-methyltetr... agree shixiwu 2014-3-31 1149 dfang2007 2014-3-31 10:28
Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800MHz) in human fibrobl... agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 2164 crazysong 2014-3-30 21:58
Thin-film adhesion agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 1161 流年青春 2014-3-30 21:11
Upconversion Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (LRET)-Based Biosensor fo... agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 1220 147songyan 2014-3-30 15:46
CO2-philic Oligomers as Novel Solvents for CO2 Absorption agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 1166 771915301 2014-3-30 11:46
Dynamic Propagation Problems on the Edges of the Crack of Composite Materials... agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 1304 771915301 2014-3-30 11:46
Characterization of full-length hepatitis C virus sequences for subtypes 1e, ... agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 1144 格子树下 2014-3-30 10:32
Enzyme electrodes mediated by a thermoshrinking redox polymer agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 1133 凉亭心语 2014-3-30 10:29
Electrodes Modified with the Phase Transition Polymer and Heme Peptide:  Bi... agree shixiwu 2014-3-30 1142 凉亭心语 2014-3-30 08:59
Preparation of Porous Poly (L-Lactic Acid) (PLLA) Scaffold by Porogen Leachin... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-3-29 1130 bjfu3117328 2014-3-29 20:28
α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Plays an Important Role in the Onset of Po... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-3-29 1130 海海catie 2014-3-29 17:36
The novel miR-9500 regulates the proliferation and migration of human lung ca... agree 蓝冰 2014-3-29 1140 Coffee/kf 2014-3-29 16:24
Determination of the total acidity of low-rank coals agree 雇佣兵33 2014-3-28 1136 碧荷 2014-3-29 15:41
Analysis of the influence of voids and a crack on the ultimate tensile streng... agree 晋鹏 2014-3-28 1185 碧荷 2014-3-29 15:40
Chemical reactions at detonation fronts in solids 雇佣兵33 2014-3-29 1130 1923294015 2014-3-29 15:39
Generation of 100-MHz-Band Rayleigh Waves by Phase Velocity Scanning of a Las... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-3-29 2166 碧荷 2014-3-29 15:29
Preparation of porous scaffolds by using freeze-extraction and freeze-gelatio... agree 蓝冰 2014-3-29 1150 bjfu3117328 2014-3-29 15:16
The first born, their dispersal, and vole cycles agree 蓝冰 2014-3-29 1140 ryan713 2014-3-29 15:14
Zeolite/aluminum composite adsorbents for application agree 天下无双0506 2014-3-29 1142 tcxiaoma 2014-3-29 08:38
Enzyme electrodes mediated by a thermoshrinking redox polymer agree 蓝冰 2014-3-28 1131 凉亭心语 2014-3-28 17:00
Exposure to excess glucocorticoids alters dendritic morphology of adult hippo... agree shixiwu 2014-3-28 1156 天下无双0506 2014-3-28 10:26
In Situ Determination of Soil Freezing Characteristics for Estimation of Soil... agree shixiwu 2014-3-28 2164 天下无双0506 2014-3-28 10:16
Steric Stabilization of a Cellulose Microcrystal Suspension by Poly(ethylene ... agree shixiwu 2014-3-28 1143 bjfu3117328 2014-3-28 10:10
Thermal, mechanical and morphological properties of surface-modified montmori... agree shixiwu 2014-3-28 1153 wangmx1003 2014-3-28 09:31
Precisely Patterning Graphene Sheets through a Liquid-Bridge Induced Strategy agree shixiwu 2014-3-27 1154 yinxiangyu1 2014-3-27 23:49
Direct observation of a widely tunable bandgap in bilayer graphene agree 蓝冰 2014-3-27 1134 lei_li56 2014-3-27 22:51
Patterned growth of metal-organic framework coatings by electrochemical synth... agree 蓝冰 2014-3-27 1150 tcxiaoma 2014-3-27 22:49
Methane emissions from wetlands: biogeochemical, microbial, and modeling pers... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-3-27 1132 往前一步 2014-3-27 22:42
Photoelectrochemical Determination of Ascorbic Acid Using Methylene Blue Immo... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-3-27 1128 xumm808 2014-3-27 22:34
Shape controlled growth of pyrite FeS2 crystallites via a polymer-assisted hy... agree 蓝冰 2014-3-27 1147 yuzhengaihln 2014-3-27 22:33
Fabrication and separation performance evaluation of a metal–organic framew... agree 蓝冰 2014-3-27 1139 tcxiaoma 2014-3-27 22:20
The design of drugs for HIV and HCV agree 蓝冰 2014-3-27 1137 格子树下 2014-3-27 21:44
Electrochemical Synthesis of Some Archetypical Zn2+, Cu2+, and Al3+ Metal,O... agree shixiwu 2014-3-27 1145 tcxiaoma 2014-3-27 21:17
Progress on the Chemistry of Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignans agree 蓝冰 2014-3-27 1137 星巴克112233 2014-3-27 20:55
Triblock Copolymer Syntheses of Mesoporous Silica with Periodic 50 to 300 Ang... agree 蓝冰 2014-3-27 1147 lsn673900 2014-3-27 20:37


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