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High pressure study of Ti4AlN3 to 55 GPa agree 雇佣兵33 2014-4-22 2124 1923294015 2014-4-22 14:11
The origin of oxygen vacancy induced ferromagnetism in undoped TiO2 agree 雇佣兵33 2014-4-22 1129 lei_li56 2014-4-22 14:05
Interfacial toughness measurements for thin films on substrates agree 晋鹏 2014-4-22 1135 流年青春 2014-4-22 13:37
Rubber-Toughened Epoxies: A Critical Review agree 晋鹏 2014-4-22 1142 2852913756 2014-4-22 10:19
Simplified Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks agree shixiwu 2014-4-21 1136 wtclaw 2014-4-21 21:57
Convenient and solventless preparation of pure carbon nanotube/polybenzoxazin... agree shixiwu 2014-4-20 1218 771915301 2014-4-21 21:16
半导体中的自旋注入方法研究 attachment agree shixiwu 2014-4-20 1125 771915301 2014-4-21 21:15
Plant genotype strongly modifies the structure and growth of maize rhizospher... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-4-20 1174 771915301 2014-4-21 21:14
The time-dependent quantum wave packet approach to the electronically nonadia... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-4-21 1153 wangmx1003 2014-4-21 20:41
Rotational alignment of product molecules from the reactions Sr+CH3Br, C2H5Br... agree 定格 2014-4-21 1154 wangmx1003 2014-4-21 20:31
Electrochemiluminescence of Luminol on a Platinum-Nanoparticle-Modified Indiu... agree shixiwu 2014-4-21 1157 有点怂 2014-4-21 19:38
Pre- and Post-Irrigation Mapping of Soil Salinity with Electromagnetic Induct... agree 定格 2014-4-21 1160 mswu027 2014-4-21 17:09
Diagnosis of growth-hormone deficiency in adults agree 提拉米苏 2014-4-21 1137 爆发的蜗牛 2014-4-21 16:55
Rotational alignment of product molecules from the reactions Sr+CH3Br, C2H5Br... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-4-21 1128 wangmx1003 2014-4-21 16:15
Arabidopsis Double-Stranded RNA Binding agree 天下无双0506 2014-4-21 1132 simao1919 2014-4-21 09:43
Eu-doped barium strontium silicate phosphor particles prepared from spray sol... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-4-20 1140 13794281563 2014-4-20 20:44
A novel microfluidic driver viaAC electrokinetics agree 雇佣兵33 2014-4-20 1141 流年青春 2014-4-20 17:26
Structural, textural and adsorption characteristics of bentonite - based comp... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-4-20 1152 ず逗や留ず 2014-4-20 14:52
Behavioral alterations in cystic fibrosis mice are prevented by cannabinoid t... agree 蓝冰 2014-4-19 1148 Ilium_Cheng 2014-4-19 23:23
Multifunctional amino-decorated metal–organic frameworks: nonlinear-optic, ... agree shixiwu 2014-4-19 1143 海不曾怀疑天的 2014-4-19 16:12
Chirped self-healing Airy pulses compression in silicon waveguides under four... agree shixiwu 2014-3-3 2178 范范小先先 2014-4-19 15:46
Trap-assisted tunnelling current in MIM structures agree tyutwhg 2014-4-19 1147 lei_li56 2014-4-19 15:01
Beta-Amyloid and Oxidative Stress Jointly Induce Neuronal Death, Amyloid Depo... agree tyutwhg 2014-4-19 1135 yangyuanxiao 2014-4-19 14:55
Study on Dyeing Properties of Turmeric Yellow on Nylon Fiber agree shixiwu 2014-4-18 1148 木木夕-化工 2014-4-18 21:17
Desorption of carbon dioxide molecules from a Pt(111) surface: A stochastic c... agree 定格 2014-4-18 2153 lei_li56 2014-4-18 19:58
Fabrication of vascular endothelial growth factor antibody bioconjugated ultr... agree 定格 2014-4-18 1136 大龙妹 2014-4-18 19:43
Incorporation of metal–organic framework UiO-66 into porous polymer monolit... agree 定格 2014-4-18 1138 大龙妹 2014-4-18 19:42
Studies on MnO2—I. Chemical composition, microstructure and other character... agree 定格 2014-4-18 2186 星星之火 2014-4-18 14:34
Quantitative Analysis of Liquid Fuel Mixtures with the Use of Fourier Transfo... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-4-17 1175 csuxudeng711388 2014-4-17 22:27
Processing of Apple Pomace for Bioactive Molecules agree shixiwu 2014-4-17 1134 jielis 2014-4-17 21:46
A new dielectric metamaterial building block with a strong magnetic respons agree 心灵紫汀 2014-4-14 1154 hosenblucy 2014-4-17 21:22
Efficient removal of trace antimony(III) through adsorption by hematite modif... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-4-17 1126 ず逗や留ず 2014-4-17 21:20
Effect of pressure on gas permeability agree wang 2014-4-17 1119 zd525519 2014-4-17 19:32
The influence of pressure on petroleum generation and maturation as suggested... agree shixiwu 2014-4-17 1149 fudl3513 2014-4-17 18:48
动脉粥样硬化相关基因甲基化研究进展 agree 雇佣兵33 2014-4-17 197 yddfe 2014-4-17 16:59
Bioinspired polydopamine nanospheres: a superquencher for fluorescence sensin... agree shixiwu 2014-4-7 2356 shegw 2014-4-17 15:32
Screening of Low Cost Sorbents for Arsenic and Mercury Capture in Gasificatio... agree tyutwhg 2014-4-17 2141 ncepuzy 2014-4-17 14:51
Removal and Recovery of Arsenious Oxide from FlueGases. A Pilot Study agree 无心人 2014-4-16 1141 ncepuzy 2014-4-17 14:17
Droplet-Based Microfluidic Synthesis of Anisotropic Metal Nanocrystals agree 手艺白胶 2014-4-17 1124 benl0u 2014-4-17 11:02
Reactivity and toxicity among halogenated methanes and related compounds: A p... agree 提拉米苏 2014-4-17 1124 人生淡淡 2014-4-17 10:25


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