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Direct multiplexed measurement of gene expression with color-coded probe pairs agree 13794281563 2014-5-5 2183 hisensecao 2014-5-5 22:22
Structural effects in electrocatalysis: Oxidation of formic acid and oxygen r... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1172 破军 2014-5-5 21:49
Inception Point of Air Entrainment and Training Wall Characteristics of Baffl... agree 13794281563 2014-5-5 1136 Lshuai 2014-5-5 21:20
ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE, MAGNETIC ORDERING AND PHASE STABILITY OF LiFeX (X = P, ... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1136 pwang09 2014-5-5 21:01
Polyvinylpolypyrrolidoniume tribromide as new and metal-free catalyst for the... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1148 jielis 2014-5-5 19:17
The dynamics of microbial growth on soluble substrates: A unifying theory agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-5 1172 songgenhai 2014-5-5 18:40
Enhancing the performances of Li-ion batteries by carbon-coating: present and... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1151 膜小浪 2014-5-5 17:54
Study of potassium-based magnesium phosphate cement agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1163 芳草情 2014-5-5 17:24
Copper catalyzed amination of 1,6-hexanediol attachment agree shixiwu 2014-5-5 1148 bwwang 2014-5-5 17:07
A New Reaction of Oximes and Nitric Oxide attachment agree shixiwu 2014-5-5 1142 lucy0128 2014-5-5 17:02
Catalytic autoxidation of benzoquinone dioximes with nitrogen oxides: steric ... agree shixiwu 2014-5-5 3150 lucy0128 2014-5-5 17:02
Evaluating Bioretention Hydrology and Nutrient Removal at Three Field Sites i... agree 晋鹏 2014-5-5 1153 shuan 2014-5-5 16:37
Multi-leader coordination algorithm agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1149 流年 2014-5-5 15:59
Group consensus in multi-agent systems with switching topologies and communic... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1155 流年 2014-5-5 15:58
新型含氟两亲性嵌段共聚物的合成表征及应用 agree 晋鹏 2014-5-5 1175 fengjunfeng1008 2014-5-5 15:19
蓝色有机薄膜电致发光材料LiBq4电子结构与电子光谱的量子... agree 晋鹏 2014-5-5 2206 晋鹏 2014-5-5 15:15
Evolutionary capacity of upper thermal limits: beyond single trait assessments agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1157 弟子规2011 2014-5-5 12:02
Spin-polarization of VGaON center in GaN and its application in spin qubit agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1162 wangmx1003 2014-5-5 11:58
Structural studies of electrospun cellulose nanofibers agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1142 bjfu3117328 2014-5-5 11:23
Shear‐Thickening (“Dilatancy”) in Suspensions of Nonaggregating Solid P... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-5 1138 一叶一世界 2014-5-5 10:00
Heritable genome editing in C. elegans via a CRISPR-Cas9 system agree 晋鹏 2014-5-5 1139 megamindno1 2014-5-5 09:56
Distribution of pentacyclic triterpenoids in Green River oil shale kerogen agree shixiwu 2014-5-4 1145 ♂__Waiting… 2014-5-4 23:29
Coupling Numerical and Physical Modeling for Analysis of Flow in a Diversion ... agree shixiwu 2014-5-4 2174 好好好 2014-5-4 23:29
Bromine, N-bromosuccinimide and sulphur induced isomerizations in the hopane ... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-5-4 1150 ♂__Waiting… 2014-5-4 23:26
Catalysts made of earth-abundant elements (Co, Ni, Fe) for water splitting: R.. agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-4 1146 hosenblucy 2014-5-4 23:08
Current and Innovative Pain Management Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-4 1149 hosenblucy 2014-5-4 22:57
Hydrocarbon Synthesis from Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen: A Two- Step Process agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-4 1158 hosenblucy 2014-5-4 22:55
cAMP regulates vasopressin-induced AQP2 expression via protein kinase A-indep... agree 芳草情 2014-5-4 1136 周小杰 2014-5-4 21:18
Influence of monovalent cations on the activity of T4 DNA ligase in the prese... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-4 1158 『碧落幽蘭』 2014-5-4 17:36
Selective Reduction of Esters to Aldehydes under the Catalysis of WellDefined... agree 13794281563 2014-5-4 1149 秦晓飞 2014-5-4 17:17
Early alteration of urinary exosomal aquaporin 1 and transforming growth fact... agree 定格 2014-5-4 1154 chs 2014-5-4 17:11
Carbon-coated graphite for anode of lithium ion rechargeable batteries: Graph... agree 定格 2014-5-4 1155 膜小浪 2014-5-4 17:08
Possible aryl hydrocarbon receptor-independent pathway of 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-4 1149 周小杰 2014-5-4 16:59
活性炭辅助海水电解制氢的研究 agree shixiwu 2014-5-3 1152 天涯vs海角 2014-5-4 16:16
The relationship of buried, germinating seeds to vegetation in an old-growth ... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-5-4 1138 秋风吹不尽 2014-5-4 16:11
hermal conductance and phonon transmissivity of metal–graphite interfaces agree 芳草情 2014-5-4 1133 ldj168168 2014-5-4 16:06
Gomisin A alters substrate interaction and reverses P-glycoprotein-mediated m... agree shixiwu 2014-5-4 1145 雨的彩虹 2014-5-4 16:06
Vasopressin V2R-Targeting Peptide Carrier Mediates siRNA Delivery into Collec... agree 芳草情 2014-5-4 1149 周小杰 2014-5-4 15:20
Oxidative Nuclear Bromination of Substituted 4-Pyridones Using Pyridinium Bro... agree 芳草情 2014-5-4 1153 1247824670 2014-5-4 15:07


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