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Synthesis of ultra thin films of molecular sieves by the seed film method agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-12 1151 Dong.z 2014-5-12 09:13
Frontiers, Opportunities, and Challenges in Biochemical and Chemical Catalysi... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-12 1191 破军 2014-5-12 09:11
Characterization of cobalt oxides studied by FT-IR, Raman, TPR and TG-MS agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-12 1121 阿媛 2014-5-12 09:07
Thermal characterization of organically modified montmorillonite agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-12 1134 阿媛 2014-5-12 08:57
A novel electrochemical sensor for lead ion based on cascade DNA and quantum ... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-11 2167 D麦子 2014-5-11 21:51
20 years of Redlich-Kwong equation of state agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-11 1129 newki 2014-5-11 20:57
Georgeite and azurite as precursors in the preparation of co-precipitated cop... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-11 1132 大龙妹 2014-5-11 20:49
Use of p-nitrophenyl phosphate for assay of soil phosphatase activity agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-11 1134 天下无双0506 2014-5-11 19:04
Modeling of H2SO4−FeSO4−H2O and H2SO4−Fe2(SO4)3−H2O Systems for Meta... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-5-11 1141 blueluna 2014-5-11 16:10
Heterogeneous Photocatalysis for Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment agree 雇佣兵33 2014-5-11 1121 zp1203 2014-5-11 15:12
Theoretical investigation on structural and thermodynamic properties of the i... agree In-June 2014-5-11 1144 sdw825747272 2014-5-11 11:48
Direct, Nonoxidative Conversion of Methane to Ethylene, Aromatics, and Hydrogen agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-11 1143 千与千寻 2014-5-11 10:59
The growth of large single-crystal Bi4Ti3O12 agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-11 1150 黑皮老头 2014-5-11 10:40
Direct synthesis of fullerene-intercalated porous carbon nanofibers by chemic... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-11 1148 膜小浪 2014-5-11 10:39
多路无线遥控开关设计 agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-11 1132 Rising 2014-5-11 10:26
Reinvestigation on the fern Oleandra nerifolia : isolation of a new triterpen... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-11 1139 ♂__Waiting… 2014-5-11 09:57
Quinoline synthesis: scope and regiochemistry of photocyclisation of substitu... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-11 1127 In-June 2014-5-11 09:54
Reparameterizing the generalized linear model to accelerate gibbs sampler con... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-10 1145 hosenblucy 2014-5-11 00:22
Optical Polishing Of Metals agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-10 1113 咸鱼 2014-5-10 23:48
文件名:牛乳中掺加胶原水解蛋白检测方法的建立_李景红.... agree jlgh_expaper 2014-5-10 1141 guanfangfang 2014-5-10 21:50
Organoselenium ligands in catalysis agree 雇佣兵33 2014-5-10 1112 In-June 2014-5-10 21:30
毛细管电泳在检测食品中蛋白质含量及掺假方面的应用 agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-10 1129 guanfangfang 2014-5-10 21:25
Fern constituents: Dryocrassol and dryocrassyl acetate isolated from the leav... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-5-10 1121 ♂__Waiting… 2014-5-10 20:04
Phosphatase activity in temperate pasture soils: Potential regulation of labi... agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-10 1118 天下无双0506 2014-5-10 17:07
液流电池理论与技术——PVDF质子传导膜的研究与应用 agree 提拉米苏 2014-5-10 1123 膜小浪 2014-5-10 16:54
Density functional theory studies of the adsorption of ethylene and oxygen on... agree jlgh_expaper 2014-5-10 1120 破军 2014-5-10 16:05
Flammability of antifreeze agents for automatic sprinkler systems agree jlgh_expaper 2014-5-10 1112 genuine 2014-5-10 16:02
REVIEW ARTICLE NUMBER 98 agree 无心人 2014-5-10 1128 ♂__Waiting… 2014-5-10 10:12
Combined effects of clay immobilized Azospirillum brasilense and Pantoea disp... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-10 1124 天下无双0506 2014-5-10 09:17
Microorganisms and Soil Aggregate Stability agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-10 1118 天下无双0506 2014-5-10 09:16
Leaf surface terpenoids of the tree fernLophosoria quadripinnata agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-10 1114 ♂__Waiting… 2014-5-10 09:03
ETUDE DE L’ACTION D’ORGANOMETALLIQUES SUR LA CETONE agree 无心人 2014-5-9 1117 In-June 2014-5-9 22:31
SESQUI- AND TRITERPENOIDS OF THE LIVERWORT CONOCEPHALUM agree 无心人 2014-5-9 1122 ♂__Waiting… 2014-5-9 21:50
Synthesis, characterization, antiamoebic activity and cytotoxicity of new pyr... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-5-9 2163 hhy87 2014-5-9 21:39
Copper-catalyzed asymmetric of Grignard reagents to linear a,b,c,d-unsaturated agree 无心人 2014-5-9 1116 In-June 2014-5-9 20:41
Hyper-entangled states 13794281563 2014-5-9 0128 13794281563 2014-5-9 18:59
Universal scaling of respiratory metabolism, size and nitrogen inplants agree 13794281563 2014-5-9 1121 2368182158 2014-5-9 16:13
Analyzing the Human Microbiome: A “How To” guide for Physicians agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-9 1117 jivian 2014-5-9 14:06
Dealumination of large crystals of zeolite ZMS-5 by various methods agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-8 2158 心灵紫汀 2014-5-9 13:59


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