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Targeting antioxidants to mitochondria by conjugation to lipophilic cations attachment agree shixiwu 2014-6-16 1153 小雪花 2014-6-16 09:13
Fabrication of Versatile Cyclodextrin-Functionalized Upconversion Luminescenc... agree 涛生依旧 2014-6-15 1180 521lixia 2014-6-15 11:15
BILINS RELEASED FROM ALGAE AND BILIPROTEINS agree 无心人 2014-6-15 1173 蔷蔷2012smile 2014-6-15 10:22
Fraud Detection and Forensic Accounting agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1153 hosenblucy 2014-6-15 00:15
Infant Brain Response Against Shaking Vibration Using Finite Element Analysis agree wang 2014-6-14 1140 zzkk 2014-6-14 21:50
Biomechanics of Pediatric Head Injury agree wang 2014-6-14 1153 zzkk 2014-6-14 21:47
Insulin Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1136 变质的Dr 2014-6-14 18:04
Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations with Experimental Jet E... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1162 Lshuai 2014-6-14 17:37
Enhanced Li adsorption and diffusion in silicon nanosheets based on first pri... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-11 2221 花露湿衣 2014-6-14 17:36
Slope Correction for Calculation of Bedload Sediment Transport Rates in Steep... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1152 Lshuai 2014-6-14 17:28
Average Velocity of Solitary Coarse Grain in Flows over Smooth and Rough Beds agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1139 Lshuai 2014-6-14 17:25
Nanobelts of Semiconducting Oxides attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1159 汇源果汁666 2014-6-14 17:18
不同染色剂对SDS-PAGE染色体系的影响 attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1123 hosenblucy 2014-6-14 16:44
The complete amino acid sequence of a major wheat protein inhibitor of α-am... agree 提拉米苏 2014-6-14 1126 zhuyindi314 2014-6-14 12:32
(CHL~RO~~ETHYL~LITHIUM IN AN EFFICIENT CONVERSION OF agree 无心人 2014-6-14 1145 xzy 2014-6-14 11:11
缩酚酸的13CNMR谱研究 agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-14 1157 zhuyindi314 2014-6-14 00:26
1,4-Addition of grignard reagents and 1,6-addition of lithium organocuprates ... agree 定格 2014-6-13 1145 xzy 2014-6-13 22:41
2,6-Dicarboxypyridinium Fluorochromate: A Mild and Efficient Reagent for Oxid... attachment agree shixiwu 2014-6-13 1132 妮妮2015 2014-6-13 22:04
Mycophenolate monotherapy in patients after liver transplantation: A prospect... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-13 1131 cgensina 2014-6-13 19:03
Characterization of internal fracture process of double network hydrogels und... agree 人生淡淡 2014-6-12 1160 cgensina 2014-6-13 18:14
Twenty-five years of dimethylsulfoxonium ethylide (corey's reagent) agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-13 1156 xzy 2014-6-13 17:03
Infrared and Raman investigation of vitreous antimony trioxide attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-13 1147 blueluna 2014-6-13 17:00
Model simulation of spatial distribution of photosynthesis in structurally di... agree 提拉米苏 2014-6-13 1159 Kelly莫莫 2014-6-13 13:22
DNA biosensor based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with electropolymer... agree 提拉米苏 2014-6-13 2188 D麦子 2014-6-13 13:15
Assessing Detection Methods for Gel-Based Proteomic Analyses attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-13 1166 guanfangfang 2014-6-13 11:15
A practical synthesis of the enantiomers of hydroxychloroquine agree 定格 2014-6-12 1162 gatuso 2014-6-12 21:51
芳香族超支化聚酯的合成及表征 attachment agree shixiwu 2014-6-12 1124 那条鱼 2014-6-12 19:40
长链超支化聚合物的合成研究进展 agree 芳草情 2014-6-12 1143 那条鱼 2014-6-12 19:31
金属有机骨架(MOFs)材料的合成及其在光、电化学传感中... agree 芳草情 2014-6-12 2159 Giradde 2014-6-12 19:31
Mechanical and wettable behavior of polyacrylonitrile reinforced fibrous poly... agree 芳草情 2014-6-12 1170 yaya601096 2014-6-12 15:56
压水堆吊篮下部防断支承组件流致振动分析 agree 芳草情 2014-6-12 1143 tagexing2012 2014-6-12 15:25
可见光响应的铋系光催化剂研究进展链接 agree 芳草情 2014-6-12 1164 ttzheng520 2014-6-12 15:25
Polarization-independent light-dispersing optical device consisting of two di... agree 铭殇50507 2014-6-12 1145 静夫止甫 2014-6-12 09:54
Promotion of critical thinking by using case studies as teaching method agree 提拉米苏 2014-6-11 2185 雨的彩虹 2014-6-11 23:32
Making the case method work in teaching Business English: a case study attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-11 1184 雨的彩虹 2014-6-11 23:31
Transient Ball Motion and Skid in Ball Bearings agree shixiwu 2014-6-11 1139 qingxjtu 2014-6-11 19:17
Direct study of magnetic flux penetration and trapping in HTSC agree shixiwu 2014-6-11 1141 yxlklc 2014-6-11 16:09
Selective oxidation of methylarenes with pyridinium chlorochromate attachment agree shixiwu 2014-6-11 1143 妮妮2015 2014-6-11 15:36
A New Genus of Glyptosternine Catfish (Siluriformes: Sisoridae) with Descript... agree shixiwu 2014-6-11 1143 xxww123 2014-6-11 11:14
On solid-like rheological behaviors of globular protein solutions attachment agree shixiwu 2014-6-11 1127 墨明 2014-6-11 11:02


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