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Effect of [Al] and [In] molar ratio in solutions on the growth and microstruc... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1141 nanchangkeji 2014-6-25 10:11
咔咯锰、铁和钴配合物的合成与应用研究进展 agree 1247824670 2014-6-24 1167 545754995 2014-6-25 08:06
Resistive Switching Effect in Titanium Oxides agree shixiwu 2014-5-23 2191 网文快捕 2014-6-25 00:58
MicroRNA Control of High-Density Lipoprotein Metabolism and Function agree 1247824670 2014-6-24 1186 悦风 2014-6-24 22:23
A sensitive two-photon probe to selectively detect monoamine oxidase B activi... agree 1247824670 2014-6-24 1163 开始明天 2014-6-24 21:36
Neuroprotective Lignans from the Stems of Schisandra glaucescens agree 提拉米苏 2014-6-24 1153 雨的彩虹 2014-6-24 21:28
Synthesis and characterisation of inulin-azo hydrogels designed for colon tar... agree 1247824670 2014-6-24 1143 hugongda402 2014-6-24 20:33
Study of Extraction of Palladium from Nitric Acid Solutions with Nitrogen-Con... agree 1247824670 2014-6-24 1146 wangjieru 2014-6-24 20:26
Study of Extraction of Palladium from Nitric Acid Solutions with Nitrogen-Con... agree 定格 2014-6-24 1204 wangjieru 2014-6-24 20:19
New metal chelate adsorbent selective for proteins and peptides containing ne... agree 定格 2014-6-24 1140 wuyao14601 2014-6-24 19:18
Influence of mixing the low-valent transition metal atoms on the properties o... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-24 1155 1252440603 2014-6-24 19:07
Selective Hydrogenation catalysts. Influence of the support on the sulphur-re... agree 定格 2014-6-24 1146 bwwang 2014-6-24 19:05
Heusler nanoparticles for spintronics and ferromagnetic shape memory alloys agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-24 1153 1252440603 2014-6-24 18:12
Polymerization of Ferrocenylmethyl Acrylate and Ferrocenylmethyl Methacrylate agree 无心人 2014-6-24 1141 凉亭心语 2014-6-24 17:49
Synthesis, microstructure and magnetic properties of Heusler Co2FeSn nanopart... agree 定格 2014-6-24 1148 1252440603 2014-6-24 17:47
Chemical analysis of a polysaccharide from Cristaria plicata (Leach) agree wang 2014-6-24 1128 读你 2014-6-24 12:46
Individual Differences in Social Media Use for Information Seeking agree In-June 2014-6-24 1146 网络快车 2014-6-24 12:09
The emergence of the glomerular parietal epithelial cell agree 定格 2014-6-24 1141 whenalin 2014-6-24 10:56
Direct femtosecond pulse compression with miniature-sized Bragg cholesteric l... agree 芳草情 2014-6-24 1151 阳光温暖,岁月 2014-6-24 10:15
Fractal Sandstone Pores: Implications for Conductivity and Pore Formation attachment agree Phincs 2014-6-24 1177 fljueqi 2014-6-24 09:28
The synthesis and bio-applications of magnetic and fluorescent bifunctional c... agree In-June 2014-6-22 3194 蚱蜢01 2014-6-23 23:34
Microwave sensitivity maximization of disbond characterization in agree 无心人 2014-6-23 1152 1247824670 2014-6-23 22:19
MicroRNAs as pharmacological targets in diabetes agree wang 2014-6-23 1129 悦风 2014-6-23 21:20
4-取代-7-氯喹啉衍生物的合成及抗肿瘤活性的初步评价 agree 1247824670 2014-6-23 1145 涛生依旧 2014-6-23 20:57
Three-Dimensional Finite-Volume Method for Incompressible Flows With Complex ... agree 定格 2014-6-23 1146 abook 2014-6-23 20:20
Peroxide-dependent sulfenylation of the EGFR catalytic site enhances kinase a... agree 定格 2014-6-23 1136 xuehuatiantian 2014-6-23 20:02
Transglutaminase: Mechanistic features of the active site as determined by ki... agree 定格 2014-6-23 1145 蔷蔷2012smile 2014-6-23 19:32
中国小城镇建设的可选择模式——北京市大兴区西红门镇... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-23 1153 fjpfujianping 2014-6-23 17:01
Magnetic properties of amorphous Sm–Co and Er–Co alloys attachment agree shixiwu 2014-6-23 1129 276470856 2014-6-23 13:21
Effect of Ni substitution on the microstructure and coercivity of magnets agree dhz1001 2014-6-23 1133 276470856 2014-6-23 13:12
Kinetic Model for Biological Nitrogen Removal agree yxlklc 2014-6-23 1136 songgenhai 2014-6-23 10:45
Core/shell fluorescent magnetic silica-coated composite nanoparticles for bio... agree 1247824670 2014-6-22 1129 gehw123 2014-6-22 21:54
Some solvent effects on the solvent extraction of 8-quinolinol agree 1247824670 2014-6-22 1166 wangjieru 2014-6-22 19:36
Distribution of certain 8-quinolinols and their copper(II) chelates in a seri... agree 1247824670 2014-6-22 1149 wangjieru 2014-6-22 19:28
Gender Differences in Judgments of Multiple Emotions From Facial Expressions agree 雇佣兵33 2014-6-22 1156 lizhijan 2014-6-22 18:33
Carbon coating to suppress the reduction decomposition of electrolyte on the ... agree In-June 2014-6-22 1153 膜小浪 2014-6-22 17:23
Cranial Thickness of Modern and Neolithic Populations in Japan agree 1247824670 2014-6-22 1143 zzkk 2014-6-22 14:22
Alexithymia and the Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion agree 雇佣兵33 2014-6-22 1149 In-June 2014-6-22 12:03
Attention for emotional facial expressions in dysphoria: An eye-movement regi... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-22 1166 lizhijan 2014-6-22 09:35
Beneficial effects of cordycepin on metabolic profiles of liver and plasma fr... agree shixiwu 2014-6-21 1158 ♂__Waiting… 2014-6-21 21:48


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