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Magnetic properties and AC-losses of superconductors with power law current... agree 铭殇50507 2014-6-26 1140 abook 2014-6-26 15:13
Are different lithium carbenoids responsible agree 铭殇50507 2014-6-26 1122 xzy 2014-6-26 14:47
Liposomes and lipopolymeric carriers for gene delivery agree 1247824670 2014-6-26 1120 悦风 2014-6-26 14:28
A Novel Biginelli-Like Reaction: An Efficient One-pot Synthesis of Spiro[oxin... agree 定格 2014-6-26 1126 hhy87 2014-6-26 12:09
Linear viscoelastic behavior of some incompatible polymer blends in the melt.... agree dgy30420 2014-6-26 1122 aldqq_731 2014-6-26 11:37
The kinetics of sterane biological marker release and degradation processes d... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-26 2168 娜样从容 2014-6-26 11:19
Reactivity of Organic Compounds in Superheated Water:General Background attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-26 1132 娜样从容 2014-6-26 11:12
Hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis of DSDP Leg 75 kerogens—A comparative study... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-26 1149 娜样从容 2014-6-26 10:12
Removal of transition metals from rare earths by solvent extraction with an u... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-26 1147 dongpingjiang 2014-6-26 09:40
Detection of miRNA Using a Double-Strand Displacement Biosensor with a Self-C... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-26 1115 521lixia 2014-6-26 09:18
Quantification of Therapeutic miRNA Mimics in Whole Blood from Nonhuman Primate agree dgy30420 2014-6-26 1125 521lixia 2014-6-26 09:05
Effect of dipole layer of Alq3 and metal on organic electroluminescence agree 1247824670 2014-6-25 1135 leenia9 2014-6-25 21:28
Estimation of Two-Dimensional Affine Transformations Through Polar Curve Matc... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-6-25 1117 xinshoushanglu 2014-6-25 21:24
超速离心-高效液相色谱测定血清高密度和低密度脂蛋白胆... agree 1247824670 2014-6-25 1129 悦风 2014-6-25 21:18
Separation and Identification of APO-B-Containing Lipoprotein Particles in No... agree 雇佣兵33 2014-6-25 1115 悦风 2014-6-25 21:15
Palladium in Irradiated Fuel. Are There Any Prospects for Recovery and Applic... agree 定格 2014-6-25 1137 wangjieru 2014-6-25 21:08
Liquid-liquid extraction of palladium(II) from nitric acid by bis(2-ethylhexy... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1134 wangjieru 2014-6-25 21:04
MECHANISTIC STUDIES ON THE EXTRACTION OF PALLADIUM(II) WITH DIOCTYL SULPIDE attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1136 wangjieru 2014-6-25 20:55
Recovery of Fission Product Palladium from Acidic High Level Waste Solutions attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1145 wangjieru 2014-6-25 20:51
Luminescent solar concentrators: challenges for lanthanide-based organic–in... agree In-June 2014-6-25 1140 147songyan 2014-6-25 20:45
2,2′‐(Methylimino)bis(N,N‐dioctylacetamide) (MIDOA), A New Tridentate E... agree In-June 2014-6-25 1184 wangjieru 2014-6-25 20:24
Accurate spin-dependent electron liquid correlation energies for local spin d... agree 1247824670 2014-6-25 1122 花露湿衣 2014-6-25 20:24
Tsunami-induced sediment transport in the abyssal Mediterranean Sea agree 定格 2014-6-25 1118 fljueqi 2014-6-25 19:29
F. E. Nicodemus, “Radiance,” Am. J. Phys. agree wang 2014-6-25 1157 FLY__梦 2014-6-25 18:09
Thermal management of high-temperature superconducting power cables attachment agree shixiwu 2014-6-25 1141 Im5ge 2014-6-25 16:57
Novel Optimized Process for Utilization of CaO-Based Sorbent for Capturing CO... agree 定格 2014-6-25 1117 KING! 2014-6-25 16:46
Paramyosin is necessary for determination of nematode thick filament length i... agree 定格 2014-6-25 1148 xyz123 2014-6-25 16:39
Investigation of SO2 Capture in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Carbonator of a C... agree 定格 2014-6-25 1113 KING! 2014-6-25 16:31
Simplification of a gaussian puff model for real-time minicomputer use agree 定格 2014-6-25 1149 testa 2014-6-25 16:21
A simple method to synthesize Si3N4 and SiO2 agree wang 2014-6-25 1146 汇源果汁666 2014-6-25 15:26
聚噻吩敏化TiO2复合材料的制备和光催化性能 agree 1247824670 2014-6-25 2180 zhengtingting 2014-6-25 13:53
The Landscape of Clinical Trials in Nephrology: A Systematic Review of Clinic... agree 1247824670 2014-6-25 1173 polarain 2014-6-25 11:49
Differential changes of glutathione levels in astrocytes and neurons in ische... attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1144 开始明天 2014-6-25 11:24
Water Relations of Single Drying Leaves: Evaluation with a Dewpoint Hygrometer attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1145 435038637 2014-6-25 10:58
Intense upconversion luminescence and origin study in Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped calci... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 2143 米色的小普拉 2014-6-25 10:56
Cooperative downconversion and near infrared luminescence of Tm3+/Yb3+ codope... agree Im5ge 2014-6-25 1150 米色的小普拉 2014-6-25 10:45
Synthesis and luminescent properties of UV-excited thermal stable red-emittin... agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1130 米色的小普拉 2014-6-25 10:29
CuAlxGa1xSe2 thin films for photovoltaic applications: Structural, electrical... agree 1247824670 2014-6-25 1150 nanchangkeji 2014-6-25 10:29
Recent successes, current problems, and future prospects of CFD agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-25 1133 abook 2014-6-25 10:21


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