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公告 公告: 无法收到激活邮件的等待验证会员请看这里 lclshy 2014-9-20    
全局置顶 部分版块拟招聘版主以及版主待遇等详细方案 attachment  ...23456..33 expaper 2015-8-25 978141438 windyque 2025-2-8 07:27
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全局置顶 科研速递论坛新手赚币宝典(2016新版) 精华 attachment - [回帖奖励 503 ]  ...23456..23 expaper 2016-4-24 678203536 幽夜 2024-1-20 08:50
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分类置顶 论坛开放邀请注册——如何获取邀请码等相关事宜 attach_img expaper 2013-3-22 96184 lible 2013-12-3 10:48
Nd 掺杂K0. 53 Na0. 47NbO3 基无铅压电陶瓷的结构和性能 agree lsss 2014-10-23 3501 goodday 2023-2-3 17:29
无机发光材料基础知识 agree 晋鹏 2014-7-14 31219 tookey0116 2020-12-24 13:02
Li∕Polymer Electrolyte∕Water Stable Lithium-Conducting Glass Ceramics Com... agree myyounger 2014-7-26 2740 yxzhou2001 2019-9-29 18:57
Photoinduced Electron Transfer from a Conducting Polymer to Buckminsterfullerene agree wang 2015-1-16 2631 yxzhou2001 2019-9-29 18:56
Wood Decomposition: Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics in Relation to Extracell... agree 5487123 2013-5-8 2887 xgj80 2019-6-6 11:40
Melt Flow Instabilities of Wood Polymer Composites agree 翔子 2015-1-13 2635 xgj80 2019-6-6 11:37
Molecular control of wood formation in trees agree sword_zhan 2015-3-12 2620 xgj80 2019-6-6 11:30
【青科大-高分子】来认领 info 2012-11-8 4989 kypeat 2018-10-28 12:35
Genetic variability of wild apricot agree sword_zhan 2015-3-4 2650 yier253160 2018-10-23 20:45
【Seven-微生物-硕】认领 agree 免疫学资讯 2012-12-5 3777 消消乐 2018-5-9 20:09
Chapter 5 – Application of Extended X-Ray Emission Fine Structure agree 铭殇50507 2014-6-12 2909 昝忻言 2018-3-15 13:34
XPS Study of group IA carbonates agree 心灵紫汀 2014-5-20 2829 黑大杨栩 2018-1-19 14:30
Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency agree 心灵紫汀 2014-6-19 4862 463508120 2017-12-28 16:02
Nanotubes rev up photosynthesis 新人帖 agree 心灵紫汀 2014-3-25 2897 ivylw 2017-12-11 10:49
A Study on Brake Torque for Traction Motors by Using the Electric Brake agree shixiwu 2014-3-1 4927 Bruel 2017-11-8 09:22
A dual-mode nanosensor based on carbon quantum dots and gold nanoparticles fo... agree dongpingjiang 2014-9-24 2802 zxmmzx 2017-10-20 20:08
Magnetoelectric microwave bandpass filter agree 风中劲草666 2014-12-22 41048 zxmmzx 2017-10-20 20:05
Shaping binary metal nanocrystals through epitaxial seeded growth agree shixiwu 2014-4-29 2847 weisongwill 2017-9-7 08:47
Signalling and responses to strigolactones and karrikins agree lsss 2014-9-10 4849 luoshengtao 2017-8-15 16:54
UV-induced DNA damage initiates release of MMP-1 in human skin attachment agree 心灵紫汀 2014-8-7 2701 huzhimaye 2017-8-15 15:59
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) as a Liquid Biopsy Material and Drug Target agree paperhere 2014-10-28 3884 sakura1314 2017-7-13 13:06
ROOT ARCHITECTURE AND GROWTH attachment 心灵紫汀 2015-5-21 2801 senjingsuo 2017-6-9 09:23
化妆品安全性评价中皮肤毒性若干替代实验方法的研究 agree 晋鹏 2014-8-19 2713 mimi20150502 2017-6-2 16:09
Formulating Rigid PVC for Extrusion agree 13794281563 2014-4-27 2738 月在回廊我爱你 2017-5-23 19:30
Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy applied to analysis of chocolate agree info 2013-3-8 2994 niyh321 2017-5-16 17:26
Evolved Gas Analysis by Infrared Spectroscopy agree 君子笑 2015-3-29 2677 niyh321 2017-5-16 17:21
Recent Applications of Evolved Gas Analysis by Infrared Spectroscopy (IR-EGA) agree 君子笑 2015-3-29 2736 niyh321 2017-5-16 17:12
HPM改性氰酸酯树脂及其高模量碳纤维复合材料性能研究 agree wchen 2014-9-10 2710 niyh321 2017-5-16 16:40
Self-healing chemistry enables the stable operation of silicon microparticle ... agree 翔子 2015-4-9 3827 wangjingwei 2017-5-9 17:01
Media Convergence: A Case Study of a Cable News Station agree 翔子 2015-2-26 2701 antony0574 2017-4-29 21:01
Media convergence and co-evolution at multiple levels agree wchen 2015-2-16 2799 antony0574 2017-4-29 21:01
Excel在环境监测校准曲线分析方法中的应用 agree 翔子 2014-12-1 2851 shixiwu 2017-2-28 08:41
Miniaturized Optical Tweezers Through Fiber-End Microfabrication agree myyounger 2014-8-3 3824 lyd953621450 2017-2-27 12:23


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