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Integrating Relational-Cultural Theory Concepts Into Supervision info 2015-6-2 0329 info 2015-6-2 21:54
Ultrasound-promoted Highly Chemoselective Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compoun... info 2015-6-2 0371 info 2015-6-2 21:53
CDK5 phosphorylates DRP1 and Drives Mitochondrial Defects in NMDA-Induced Neu... info 2015-6-2 0328 info 2015-6-2 12:37
Recent developments in the gpc sword_zhan 2015-6-2 0323 sword_zhan 2015-6-2 11:27
Single-source-precursor synthesis of high temperature stable SiC/C/Fe nanocom... shixiwu 2013-12-22 1528 cfc111 2015-6-2 10:12
Genomic Analyses Reveal Potential Independent Adaptation to High Altitude in ... nizhou 2015-6-1 0335 nizhou 2015-6-1 19:06
Effect of nano inclusions on the structural and physical properties of polyet... 翔子 2015-6-1 0347 翔子 2015-6-1 09:14
Modeling of Flow-Induced Crystallization of Particle-FilledPolymers 翔子 2015-6-1 0379 翔子 2015-6-1 09:03
Cu/Al2O3 catalysts modified with Pd for selective acetylene hydrogenation 沙皮狗 2015-5-30 0382 沙皮狗 2015-5-30 23:02
Markowitz Revisited: Mean-Variance Models in Fin sword_zhan 2015-5-29 0380 sword_zhan 2015-5-29 19:54
Comprehensive Field Study of Swash-Zone Processes. I: Experimental Design wit... 1247824670 2015-5-29 0375 1247824670 2015-5-29 14:58
Near infrared calibration models for pretreated corn stover slurry solids, is... 1247824670 2015-5-29 0347 1247824670 2015-5-29 13:05
Torque and tension control for automotive fasteners 1247824670 2015-5-29 0332 1247824670 2015-5-29 13:04
Quantification of organophosphate insecticides and herbicides in vegetable sa... 翔子 2015-5-29 0353 翔子 2015-5-29 10:09
Synthesis and Characterisation of 5-(6-substituted phenyl -2H-chromen-3- yl) ... 1247824670 2015-5-28 0323 1247824670 2015-5-28 21:08
An E.S.R. study of radical intermediates in the photoreduction of xanthene dyes wsw1983457 2015-5-28 0352 wsw1983457 2015-5-28 15:46
An Assessment and Calibration of Formulations for Bagnold's Bedload Equation 翔子 2015-5-27 0334 翔子 2015-5-27 11:09
Magnetic Anisotropy 翔子 2015-5-27 0366 翔子 2015-5-27 10:28
Modeling of dynamic recrystallization of Ti6Al4V alloy using a cellular autom... 翔子 2015-5-27 0328 翔子 2015-5-27 09:29
HydrogenBond-AssistedSupramolecularSelf-AssemblyofDoublyDiscoticSupermo... 沙皮狗 2015-5-16 1320 沙皮狗 2015-5-26 11:11
Granular Temperature sword_zhan 2015-5-24 0318 sword_zhan 2015-5-24 10:34
Modeling of dynamic recrystallization sword_zhan 2015-5-24 0341 sword_zhan 2015-5-24 10:05
Decahydroquinolines from the venom sword_zhan 2015-5-22 0336 sword_zhan 2015-5-22 17:00
Surface plasmon resonance-mediated photocatalysis sword_zhan 2015-5-22 0365 sword_zhan 2015-5-22 15:30
Mullite whiskers derived fro sword_zhan 2015-5-22 0366 sword_zhan 2015-5-22 11:39
A Green and Regioselsctive Synthesis of Xanthone and Thioxanthone Derivatives... info 2015-5-22 0333 info 2015-5-22 09:59
From -Amino Acids to Peptides: All You Need for the Journey info 2015-5-19 0351 info 2015-5-19 22:13
What Can Metaphor Tell us about the Language of Translation? info 2014-10-2 2484 goldwayne 2015-5-17 10:22
Catalytic Arylation of Sulfamoyl Chlorides: A Practical Synthesis of Sulfonam... info 2015-5-16 0324 info 2015-5-16 17:48
Aerodynamic Torque Characteristics of Butterfly Valves in Compressible Flow info 2015-5-16 0320 info 2015-5-16 17:47
lSetitelrver Ion Mediated In Situ Synthesis of Mixed Diaryl Sulfides from Dia... info 2015-5-16 0343 info 2015-5-16 17:47
Copper-Catalyzed Synthesis of Sulfenamides Utilizing Diaryl Disulfides with A... info 2015-5-16 0315 info 2015-5-16 17:46
Convenient Syntheses of Fluorenylmethyl-Based Side Chain Derivatives of Gluta... info 2015-5-13 0345 info 2015-5-13 13:46
Space and Time Scales in Microstructure Simulation info 2015-5-10 0332 info 2015-5-10 21:55
Torque and Cavitation Characteristics of Butterfly Valves info 2015-5-4 0316 info 2015-5-4 16:51
Performance of Butterfly Waives as a Flow Controller info 2015-5-4 0349 info 2015-5-4 16:50
Internal Fixation Compared with Total Hip Replacement for Displaced Femoral N... info 2015-5-4 0365 info 2015-5-4 14:04
Mobility and functional outcomes after femoral neck fracture surgery in elder... info 2015-5-4 0366 info 2015-5-4 14:03
An Investigation of the Water Flow Past the Butterfly Valve info 2015-5-4 0324 info 2015-5-4 14:02


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