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Quantitative analysis of ginkgolic acids from Ginkgo leaves and products usin... wang 2014-3-15 1295 wang 2014-3-17 16:33
Cyclic Structural Motifs in 5,6-Dihydroxyindole Polymerization Uncovered: Bio... 蓝冰 2014-3-24 1290 巴黎天空 2014-3-26 18:40
Prevention of chronic gastritis by fermented milks made with exopolysaccharid... info 2014-4-18 1515 wojialv 2016-10-5 16:50
Electrochemical reaction mechanism of tiron in acidic aqueous solution info 2014-4-28 1403 omarax 2015-2-5 12:05
Preliminary Study on The Electrolysis of Titanium Oxysalt info 2014-5-5 1404 chinaboy 2015-1-6 15:43
Effect of Cisplatin on Renal-Function in Rabbits: Mechanism of Reduced Glucos... agree In-June 2014-5-7 1239 In-June 2012-5-9 08:27
Some observations on the spectral distribution characteristics of short-... info 2014-5-17 1346 colimae 2014-6-3 02:54
Photoassisted Preparation of Cobalt Phosphate/Graphene Oxide Composites: A No... 晋鹏 2014-5-23 1319 Koala 2014-7-10 15:31
Direct Synthesis of Bifunctionalized Hexagonal Mesoporous Silicas and Its Cat.. 新人帖 涛生依旧 2014-5-23 1349 In-June 2014-7-10 22:14
Trollioside, a new compound from the flowers of Trollius chinensis info 2014-6-9 1664 半夏灬斗舞 2017-5-23 17:53
Mass Spectrometric Detection of Nanoparticle Host−Guest Interactions in Cells 涛生依旧 2014-6-15 1298 In-June 2014-7-10 22:13
An Improved Trilateral filter for Gaussian and Impulse Noise Removal 1247824670 2014-6-21 1226 1247824670 2012-6-21 23:49
Progress in understanding the use of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) ... 晋鹏 2014-7-10 1291 Koala 2014-7-12 17:22
Identification of laticifer-specific genes and their promoter regions from a ... 晋鹏 2014-7-10 1300 发霉的学渣 2014-7-12 17:30
Cardiolipin-incorporated liposomes with surface CRM197 for enhancing neuronal... 晋鹏 2014-7-11 1316 yangyuanxiao 2014-7-12 12:43
Salvianolic acid B inhibits Abeta fibril formation and disaggregates preforme... 晋鹏 2014-7-11 1320 发霉的学渣 2014-7-12 17:31
Sequential introduction of reprogramming factors reveals a time-sensitive req... hugongda402 2014-7-22 1279 青橙C 2014-7-25 22:03
Genetic interactions between polymorphisms that affect gene expression in yeast wchen 2014-7-30 1327 woshilsh 2014-7-31 18:22
The role of cognitive coherence in non-expert processes of literary discourse... info 2014-8-11 1670 ray629000 2017-6-11 08:42
Effect of a Transtheoretical Model-Based Stage-Matched Exercise Intervention ... 1247824670 2014-8-11 1202 1247824670 2012-8-11 23:39
Prevalence of maternal group B streptococcal colonisation in European countries. 君子笑 2014-9-12 1355 smalltomato 2014-9-14 11:11
Structural and electronic properties of the ordered double perovskites A 2 M ... 1247824670 2014-9-23 1300 1252440603 2014-9-24 09:30
Scheduling controllable processing time jobs in a deteriorating environment 1247824670 2014-10-2 1317 1247824670 2014-10-2 11:03
Impact of concomitant treatment with proton pump inhibitors and clopidogrel paperhere 2014-10-26 1261 paperhere 2012-10-26 23:07
AAPG Datapages/Archives: Texture as Characteristic of Clastic Deposition wchen 2014-10-28 1388 kingking001 2016-8-7 23:13
一种适应恶劣环境的有源液晶显示器的设计 新人帖 翔子 2014-10-30 1700 xiao1964973593 2017-9-13 18:53
HANDBOOK OF NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER paperhere 2014-11-21 1512 ppy 2016-11-26 10:42
Alkaloids from the Bulbs of Lycoris aurea wchen 2014-11-23 1354 阿里 2014-11-29 14:43
Algorithms and Software for Nanomanipulation with Atomic Force Microscopes 1247824670 2014-12-6 1203 wg6689 2012-12-6 20:35
Recent Developments in Electrospinning of Nanofiber Yarns info 2014-12-19 1389 科研交流 2014-12-19 10:12
Citywide multi-grid urban flood modelling: the July 2012 flood in Beijing info 2014-12-22 1576 zieg1417 2016-11-24 17:11
文献互助Fatigue strength assessment…… fireflieswl 2015-1-31 1190 心灵紫汀 2013-1-31 22:49
文献应助:Reflection of a plane wave…… fireflieswl 2015-1-31 1324 learnli 2015-3-26 17:13
适用于发电集成的褐煤预干燥技术 龙骑天下也 2015-3-4 1370 coaldryer 2015-5-2 09:41
DETERMINATION OF sword_zhan 2015-3-25 1360 深山老林 2015-3-30 15:09
Oxidative Stress and Hypertension sword_zhan 2015-4-12 1332 春夏秋冬 2015-4-13 17:14
Flavonoids and a benzofuran in root sword_zhan 2015-4-14 1296 yshufly 2015-4-15 19:54
HydrogenBond-AssistedSupramolecularSelf-AssemblyofDoublyDiscoticSupermo... 沙皮狗 2015-5-16 1275 沙皮狗 2015-5-26 11:11
Gender Discrimination in Chinese Recruitment Advertisements: A Content Analysis info 2015-6-13 1577 liuyunzhu 2016-11-20 12:49
The diagenetic fate of taraxer-14-ene and oleanene isomers 小样的天空 2015-7-8 1353 qosi2352 2015-8-15 06:35


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