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公告 公告: 无法收到激活邮件的等待验证会员请看这里 lclshy 2014-9-20    
全局置顶 全民福利第一波(签到发帖篇)实物奖品、vpn/ss账号免费拿 attach_img - [回帖奖励 514 ]  ...23456..35 info 2017-11-18 104584574 blueblow 2023-7-21 18:24
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分类置顶 论坛开放邀请注册——如何获取邀请码等相关事宜 attach_img expaper 2013-3-22 96117 lible 2013-12-3 10:48
2014年4月Q群互助应助成功认领统计 shixiwu 2014-5-4 141016 jlgh_expaper 2014-5-10 16:07
【硕博-数学】 领取 agree yvan 2012-12-2 7560 yvan 2012-12-3 09:22
Organometal Halide Perovskites as Visible-Light Sensitizers for Photovoltaic ... wang 2015-1-23 4442 wang 2015-1-26 12:08
Monodisperse Upconversion NaYF4 Nanocrystals: Syntheses and Bioapplications info 2013-2-23 3412 eagle360 2013-2-25 17:06
【小草-复材-硕士】来领取~ agree zgf114209 2012-12-13 2431 ljrlove2008 2012-12-13 19:55
zl-电化学-硕士来领 新人帖 agree 小麦frr 2012-12-17 2489 小麦frr 2012-12-18 14:19
【轮回-昆虫-博士】来认领 agree info 2012-12-14 2476 mite 2012-12-14 21:15
【alex-医学-硕士】来认领 agree 912747358 2012-12-16 2458 912747358 2012-12-16 16:37
【天天-药理-硕士】来认领 agree 青青羊 2012-11-30 2500 ljrlove2008 2012-11-30 09:50
【天天-药理-硕士】认领 agree 定格 2012-11-30 2497 ljrlove2008 2012-11-30 09:46
【机械-东大-秋实】文献认领 agree M83 2012-12-2 2497 ljrlove2008 2012-12-2 17:34
【小盼-物理-硕士】来认领 agree 青青羊 2012-12-10 2467 青青羊 2012-12-10 19:23
Luminescence Properties of Tm3+/Dy3+ Co-Doped Zinc-Aluminum Phosphate Glasses... info 2012-12-18 2474 lingzhi901 2012-12-19 11:00
Speciation of Heavy Metals in Soils and Sediments. An Account of the Improvem... info 2013-3-28 2878 1328091029 2017-10-9 22:53
Low cost synthesis of LiFePO4/C cathode materials with Fe2O3 定格 2013-9-29 2409 定格 2013-9-29 15:59
Synthesis of some N-[4-(benzothiazole-2yl) phenyl]-2-aryloxyacetamide derivat... 新人帖 dgy30420 2013-5-10 2392 大山 2013-5-10 16:57
Design of CAN Communication in the STM32-Based Lithium Battery Formation System info 2013-5-21 2948 lbj12345 2017-5-27 15:11
Analytical modelling of ship collision based on full-scale experiments shixiwu 2013-12-9 2405 shixiwu 2013-12-9 17:48
Fabrication of Flexible Metal-Nanoparticle Films Using Graphene Oxide Sheets ... shixiwu 2014-2-15 2413 shixiwu 2014-2-15 16:18
Preparation and characterization of Cu2O–ZnO immobilized on diatomite for p... 涛生依旧 2014-5-24 2467 caty 2014-7-10 22:51
Decreased Expression of miR-216a Contributes to Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Pr... In-June 2014-7-12 2462 In-June 2014-8-10 18:01
TGF-β in Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Metastasis of Liver paperhere 2014-9-23 2483 fsae88 2015-2-27 00:42
What Can Metaphor Tell us about the Language of Translation? info 2014-10-2 2484 goldwayne 2015-5-17 10:22
Testing a new two-dimensional flood modelling system: analytical tests and ap... info 2014-10-15 2725 zieg1417 2016-11-24 16:38
Survey of the attitude of medical and nursing librariesto information literat... 翔子 2015-1-26 2533 xxshinexx 2015-7-9 17:15
Damage assessment from curvature mode shape using unified particle swarm opti... vip 2015-2-5 2488 __neo__ 2015-2-6 17:26
Metal–organic framework materials as sword_zhan 2015-4-28 2440 weima 2015-4-28 22:50
A Comparison of Two Control Methods for Vehicle Stability Control by Direct Y... attachment info 2015-6-27 21029 sample2007007 2020-12-6 17:24
【半九十-数学-博】来认领 agree zgf114209 2012-11-29 1765 azou 2019-8-7 11:18
【郑州-乔-药化】 领取 attachment agree cnbyuebin 2012-11-30 1410 ljrlove2008 2012-11-30 16:18
【朱朱 化学 硕士】来认领 agree 免疫学资讯 2012-12-5 1372 免疫学资讯 2012-12-10 08:37
【青大叔-机械-博】来认领 agree 青青羊 2012-12-6 1377 ljrlove2008 2012-12-6 11:01
【Bambi-材料-硕士】认领 agree 免疫学资讯 2012-12-7 1409 免疫学资讯 2012-12-10 08:49


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