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[其他] 【应助-help】 Modern Lens Antennas for Communications Engineering +PDF+5... attach_img disagree aliieeee 2013-4-23 1868 aliieeee 2013-4-23 08:16
[历史] 【应助】Crossing Colonial Historiographies+pdf+50b attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-4-22 0950 yanghai811228 2013-4-22 22:15
[工学] 【应助】Dutch Trading Companies as Knowledge Networks+pdf+50b+长期 attach_img agree yyl87 2013-4-22 1915 qwert1 2013-4-22 19:43
[工学] [应助] Electromagnetism and Interconnections...+pdf+50B+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-2-8 41240 qwert1 2013-4-22 19:41
[理学] lanthanide and actinide chemisrty+30BB+长期 attach_img agree yyl87 2013-4-22 0944 yyl87 2013-4-22 12:58
[理学] modern nuclear chemistry+20bb+长期 attach_img agree yyl87 2013-4-22 01001 yyl87 2013-4-22 12:50
[农学] 【应助】中国稻种资源+清晰PDG+50bb attach_img agree yyl87 2013-4-22 01006 yyl87 2013-4-22 12:00
[其他] 应助+Categorical data analysis using SAS +清晰PDF+50BB attachment agree deepsee 2013-4-21 0999 yaoji3713 2013-4-21 08:08
[其他] Mouvement brownien, martingales et calcul stochastique+PDF+50B+永久 attach_img agree aliieeee 2013-4-21 0792 aliieeee 2013-4-21 06:13
[理学] SSSC176-Heterogeneous Catalysis of Mixed Oxides+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree pfinder 2013-4-21 0941 pfinder 2013-4-21 01:27
[工学] 【应助】Space-time Coding+pdf+50B +永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2012-12-10 21045 qwert1 2013-4-20 20:04
[工学] 【应助】Space Time Coding for Broadband Wireless +50币+PDF+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2012-12-11 21003 qwert1 2013-4-20 20:04
[工学] 简明电工实用手册+10币+PDG+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2012-12-26 1922 qwert1 2013-4-20 20:00
[工学] Optimal design of experiments : a case study approach attach_img belco 2012-12-27 41487 qwert1 2013-4-20 20:00
[工学] 【应助】Wide-Band Slow-Wave Systems: Simulation and Applications+PDF+50B+... attach_img agree yyl87 2013-1-8 161821 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:59
[工学] 【应助】实时信号处理+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-16 2911 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:58
[工学] 脉冲放电气体激光器+13M+PDF+永久 attach_img 德川家康 2013-1-18 21306 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:57
[工学] Advanced materials in automotive engineering+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-26 1940 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:56
[工学] Nuclear decommissioning+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-30 21017 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:55
[工学] Dynamics of Tethered Satellite Systems+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-2-16 1941 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:54
[工学] 【应助】Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves+50币+PDF+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-6 21102 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:53
[工学] EHV AC Undergrounding Electrical Power EHV AC Undergrounding Electrical Power attach_img aliieeee 2013-2-21 11019 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:49
[工学] Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications attach_img aliieeee 2013-2-24 1883 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:46
[工学] Quantum Radar(量子雷达)+50币+PDF+永久 新人帖 - [售价 50 速递币] attach_img heathrow 2013-3-29 41162 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:41
[农学] Experimental studies on the nature of species:III+PDF+50B+永久 attach_img agree lo7ve77 2013-4-16 21194 qwert1 2013-4-20 19:35
[工学] 应助成功+纳米结构薄膜与涂层 力学性能+pdf+100bb+30天 attach_img 德川家康 2013-4-19 1973 flyingowl 2013-4-20 12:11
[工学] 【应助】大话常用电子电路+50B+PDF+2013年6月1日前 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-1-29 21238 virginlulu 2013-4-19 13:06
[理学] 光纤光学前沿+清晰PDF+30B+50天 attachment agree 德川家康 2013-4-16 11358 muguack 2013-4-18 09:31
[工学] 亚马逊五星级图书Essential Scrum PDF+50B+永久 - [售价 50 速递币] qxiong 2013-4-17 1910 qxiong 2013-4-17 03:11
[其他] 应助+Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research +pdf+50BB attachment agree deepsee 2013-4-16 11050 bsrbr 2013-4-16 23:08
[教育] 回归分析与经济数据建模+清晰PDF+30B+50天 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-4-16 0943 德川家康 2013-4-16 17:25
[其他] 中国第三产业发展研究+清晰PDF+30B+50天 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-4-16 0921 德川家康 2013-4-16 17:22
[理学] 胶原物理与化学+清晰PDF+50B+50天 attachment agree 德川家康 2013-4-16 0969 德川家康 2013-4-16 17:14
[农学] The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. 10+PDF+50B+永久 attach_img agree lo7ve77 2013-4-16 0902 lo7ve77 2013-4-16 09:20
[农学] The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. 8+PDF+50B+永久 attach_img agree lo7ve77 2013-4-16 0938 lo7ve77 2013-4-16 09:15
[工学] [应助]Design and Analysis of Composite Structures+PDF+50+永久有效 attachment agree 20020901 2013-4-16 0825 20020901 2013-4-16 06:39
[经济] Strategic Transformation +pdf+30BB attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-2-3 21122 yanghai811228 2013-4-15 22:02
[工学] 【应助】Handbook of Partial Least Squares+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-4-15 0838 老呆 2013-4-15 13:57
[工学] [应助]Polybutilene Therephthalate (PBT), Synthesis and Properties +PDF+80... attachment agree 20020901 2013-4-15 1875 小念520 2013-4-15 10:41
[工学] Safety Design for Space Operations+PDF+50速递币 - [售价 50 速递币] attach_img wwjjdd 2013-4-15 0963 wwjjdd 2013-4-15 09:13


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