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[成功] Teaching Global History+pdf+66b 馅饼 2013-3-11 3961 馅饼 2013-3-11 09:18
[成功] Radioactivity in the Environment+50+pdf eemand 2013-3-10 3835 yanghai811228 2013-3-10 22:23
[成功] The Chemistry of Contrast Agents in Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging+pdf+200 av0114 2013-3-9 161558 av0114 2013-3-10 15:40
[成功] Principles of Angiosperm Taxonomy+pdf+50B lo7ve77 2013-3-8 71216 lo7ve77 2013-3-9 16:41
[成功] 感谢flyingowl +塑性力学新进展 2011年全国塑性力学会议论文... xianjiaoda 2013-3-8 2796 flyingowl 2013-3-9 00:53
[成功] 大学生KAB创业基础 试用本 教师用书+清晰PDF+50B ucdavis 2013-3-8 3989 ucdavis 2013-3-8 23:03
[成功] 读秀+行政法与行政诉讼法学+PDF(或清晰JPG大图)+50速递币 bsrbr 2013-3-7 6837 bsrbr 2013-3-7 21:55
[公告] 书籍求助区版规细则(2013年3月修订版) agree 科研虫虫 2013-3-6 01038 科研虫虫 2013-3-6 20:43
[成功] 神经干细胞+PDF+200速递币 expaper 2013-3-6 3738 blackhawk 2013-3-6 19:43
[成功] 现代控制理论: 最佳估计理论+pdf+50BB ljrlove2008 2013-3-6 21261 老呆 2013-3-6 10:33
[成功] A Companion to World History+pdf+66b 馅饼 2013-3-6 4885 馅饼 2013-3-6 09:29
[成功] Biomedical Optics: Principles and Imaging+清晰PDF+100B demigod 2013-2-26 201318 老呆 2013-2-26 18:03
[成功] 近代平差理论及其应用+pdf+50B ljrlove2008 2013-2-26 3801 ljrlove2008 2013-2-26 16:07
[成功] 现代药物分析选论+pdf+100B attach_img wm彼岸花 2013-2-25 131161 ljrlove2008 2013-2-26 08:47
[成功] wcdma空中接口技术+pdf+50B azou 2013-2-24 31098 azou 2013-2-25 10:33
[成功] Elastic Waves in Composite Media and Structures +PDF +50B yjvs 2013-2-21 42243 科研虫虫 2013-2-22 21:06
[成功] 【章节】Information Transfer: New Age — New Ways+pdf+10b disagree 馅饼 2013-2-22 3875 馅饼 2013-2-22 19:04
[成功] East Asian monsoon+pdf+50BB eemand 2013-2-22 2706 abcbanana 2013-2-22 15:02
[成功] Cereal grains: Assessing and managing quality+PDF+50BB abcbanana 2013-2-21 2795 flyingowl 2013-2-21 14:49
[成功] Rice quality (A guide to rice properties and analysis)+PDF+50BB abcbanana 2013-2-21 2748 yanghai811228 2013-2-21 10:34
[成功] Bioinformatics Methods in Clinical Research+PDF+50B pkuma 2013-2-20 2829 yanghai811228 2013-2-20 19:12
悬赏 [成功] Disease Maps: Epidemics on the Ground+pdf+50b - [已解决] 馅饼 2013-2-20 21045 flyingowl 2013-2-20 17:04
[成功] Methodologies for Metabolomics: Experimental Strategies and Techniques+PDF+50B pkuma 2013-2-20 31472 eli.123 2013-2-20 17:02
[成功] Plant Breeding Mendelian to Molecular Approaches+PDF+50BB abcbanana 2013-2-20 2732 flyingowl 2013-2-20 15:34
[成功] Woodhead Publishing-Therapeutic antibody engineering-100币+pdf attach_img wuhaofei100 2013-2-16 152600 wuhaofei100 2013-2-19 15:04
[成功] 修炼芭蕾气质+pdf+50bb power 2013-2-18 2961 flyingowl 2013-2-19 11:09
[成功] Series Title: Plant Transformation Technology Revolution ...+PDF+50BB abcbanana 2013-2-18 2789 yanghai811228 2013-2-18 17:22
[成功] Brassinosteroids: Practical Applications in Agriculture and ...+PDF+50BB abcbanana 2013-2-18 2725 yanghai811228 2013-2-18 17:10
[成功] Potentialities of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: ... chemometric 2013-2-17 3793 chemometric 2013-2-17 20:56
[成功] Seed Genomics+PDF+50BB abcbanana 2013-2-11 2946 eli.123 2013-2-17 02:58
[成功] 中药、天然药物复方优化及拆方方法学研究+PDF+50B wm彼岸花 2013-2-12 4895 flyingowl 2013-2-13 15:41
[成功] Metal Cutting Principles+pdf+50SDB scx 2013-2-10 31011 flyingowl 2013-2-12 00:08
[成功] The Use of Small-Scale Specimens for Testing Irradiated Material+pdf+50SDB scx 2013-2-10 2931 flyingowl 2013-2-11 22:59
[成功] Electromagnetism and Interconnections...+pdf+50B+永久 yjvs 2013-2-8 5925 flyingowl 2013-2-8 10:19
[成功] Maxwell's Equations +PDF+50B yjvs 2013-2-8 2894 flyingowl 2013-2-8 10:18
[成功] The Great Sea+pdf+60币 馅饼 2013-2-6 51002 sxyz13 2013-2-7 04:53
[成功] 计算机网络:原理、技术与应用+pdf+50B azou的马甲 2013-2-5 101236 flyingowl 2013-2-6 22:29
悬赏 [成功] ingentaconnect+A Preliminary Study of the Insecticidal Efficiency of the Pyre... - [已解决] natureking 2013-2-5 21246 info 2013-2-5 15:06
[成功] Membrane technology in the chemical industry+pdf+50BB wsw0412 2013-2-4 8999 flyingowl 2013-2-4 23:46
[成功] Membrane Technology and Applications+pdf+50BB wsw0412 2013-2-4 51006 flyingowl 2013-2-4 23:43


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