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[成功] 1月第2本+(ebrary)+Edible Oleogels +300币+pdf(清晰可编辑) yws2010 2014-1-10 3752 yws2010 2014-1-10 17:22
[成功] 1月第1本+Computational Nanoscience Applications+PDF+200BB xianjiaoda 2014-1-8 3894 科研虫虫 2014-1-8 00:42
[成功] 【章节求助】1月第2本+Asymptotic approximations to crack problems+PDF+25 attachment zhulckysdshsf 2014-1-7 2720 gyrowheel 2014-1-7 21:02
[成功] 1月第5本+Statistical Power Analysis+PDF+150币 jjxytc 2014-1-7 2654 eli.123 2014-1-7 14:37
[成功] 【章节求助】1月第1本+Essays in the History of Mechanics+PDF+25sdb attachment zhulckysdshsf 2014-1-7 8747 cuiwq456 2014-1-7 12:23
[成功] 1月第3本+Thoughts Without+PDF+120币 jjxytc 2014-1-3 6904 jjxytc 2014-1-4 12:43
[成功] 1月第1本+Applications of Item Response Theory+PDF+100B hwcai 2014-1-3 3690 堕落灬鬼少 2014-1-3 22:10
[成功] 1月第1本(章节)+Applications of Self-Organizing Maps +pdf+25b testa 2014-1-2 4608 testa 2014-1-3 08:34
[成功] 1月第1本+Judgment under Uncertainty+pdf+200币 blackwhite 2014-1-2 6801 eli.123 2014-1-3 00:56
[成功] 1月第2本+ Psychotherapy without the Self+PDF+150币 jjxytc 2014-1-2 2855 eli.123 2014-1-2 13:31
[成功] 12月第2本,The Origins of the Modern World,pdf,100b 馅饼 2013-12-31 2727 lo7ve77 2013-12-31 11:49
[成功] 【章节求助】8月第1本+Handbook of Sensors and Actuators Chap 5+PDF+30币 attachment zhengwen 2013-12-31 2695 flyingowl 2013-12-31 10:32
[成功] 12月第6本Classical Liberal Constitution+300BB+pdf yanghai811228 2013-12-29 2761 lo7ve77 2013-12-29 15:54
[成功] 12月第10本+Psychology of Language+PDF+200币 jjxytc 2013-12-28 2750 dxfdxfok 2013-12-28 11:21
[成功] 12月第本+The Entrepreneurship Research Challenge+PDF+120B __neo__ 2013-12-27 4830 lo7ve77 2013-12-28 01:09
[成功] 12月第7本+Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences +PDF+300币 jjxytc 2013-12-27 2816 学无所成 2013-12-27 20:20
[成功] 12月第8本+Effect Sizes for Research+PDF+200币 jjxytc 2013-12-27 2773 eli.123 2013-12-27 19:54
[成功] December 4th book+ The Intelligence Paradox + PDF + 100B eli.123 2013-12-27 2751 lo7ve77 2013-12-27 18:52
[成功] 12月第2本+deadly tet+120B+原版PDF clark99 2013-12-27 2798 lo7ve77 2013-12-27 15:03
[成功] 感谢love斑竹 12月第4本+Digital Storytelling : +100金币+PDF 学无所成 2013-12-26 71084 学无所成 2013-12-27 13:08
[成功] 【章节求助】1月第1本+Handbook of Sensors and Actuators+PDF+30币 attachment zhengwen 2013-12-26 3669 gyrowheel 2013-12-26 20:59
[成功] 12月第2本+Psychological Testing+pdf+100BB hwcai 2013-12-26 2811 lo7ve77 2013-12-26 11:58
[成功] 12月第1本,India and the British Empire,pdf,100b 馅饼 2013-12-25 2723 lo7ve77 2013-12-25 20:10
11月11日起实行新版规,请各位朋友注意新版规的变化 agree 老呆 2013-6-1 31007 Alpha 2013-12-25 18:45
[成功] 12月第1本+Microwave and Wireless Measurement Techniques+PDF+200BB keyan2013 2013-12-25 71254 ucdavis 2013-12-25 15:25
[成功] December 2nd book + Aim of Belief + True PDF + 100 B eli.123 2013-12-25 2831 lo7ve77 2013-12-25 13:15
[成功] December 3rd book + Intuition + True PDF + 100 B eli.123 2013-12-25 2696 lo7ve77 2013-12-25 12:40
12月第1本+Ferroelectrics in Microwave Devices+PDF+200速递币 小鱼 2013-12-24 6574 wwjjdd 2013-12-24 18:44
[成功] 12月第1本+Multiscale Phenomena in Plasticity+200BB+pdf disagree xianjiaoda 2013-12-22 61090 gyrowheel 2013-12-23 02:33
[成功] 12月第2本+Extended Finite Element Method for Crack Propagation+100BB+pdf xianjiaoda 2013-12-22 2767 ucdavis 2013-12-22 15:16
[成功] 12月第3本+Legal Theory of Carl Schmitt+100BB+pdf yanghai811228 2013-12-21 2799 lo7ve77 2013-12-21 21:54
[成功] 12月第1本+Developing and Validating Test Items+PDF +200币 hwcai 2013-12-11 2802 flyingowl 2013-12-11 11:36
[成功] 十二月第一本+Concepts and Techniques in Genomics and Pro+100金+pdf 学无所成 2013-12-10 3803 flyingowl 2013-12-10 22:47
[成功] 【章节求助】12月第7本+Renewable Energy Sources + PDF + 50 attachment lionisxn 2013-12-10 8989 bobinson 2013-12-10 14:43
[成功] 12月第3本+The Law of Consular Access: A Documentary Guide +PDF+100速递币 bsrbr 2013-12-9 2635 m.Kou 2013-12-9 12:48
[成功] 12月第一本+有机胺及其配合物+pdf+100b 新人帖 duanhuayu 2013-12-8 4959 ucdavis 2013-12-9 09:28
[成功] 12月第四本+Introduction to Veterinary Genetics (3rd Edition)+100金币+PDF 堕落灬鬼少 2013-12-7 3984 fenglin520 2013-12-7 12:06
[成功] 12月第五本+Animal Genetics+100金币+PDF 堕落灬鬼少 2013-12-7 2710 lo7ve77 2013-12-7 10:44
[成功] 12月第2本Foundations of Public Law+pdf+200BB yanghai811228 2013-12-5 21000 lo7ve77 2013-12-5 22:32
[成功] 12月第1本Minds, Brains, and Law+pdf+100BB yanghai811228 2013-12-5 2851 lo7ve77 2013-12-5 21:18


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