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[成功] 9月第3本+Thermodynamics of Surfaces and Interfaces+PDF+100bb xianjiaoda 2014-9-18 2699 科研虫虫 2014-9-18 14:44
[成功] 6月第1本+尼康D7100数码单反摄影从入门到精通+PDF+200币 ataoyo 2014-6-16 43037 tibetnut 2014-9-18 10:05
[成功] 9月第1本+Positivitat, Normativitat und Institutionalitat des Rechts+PDF+300BB looselife 2014-9-17 3683 Zeus 2014-9-17 23:34
[成功] 9月第一本+Nutrition Management of Patients .....+PDF+235BB 栀子花开 2014-9-17 2681 Zeus 2014-9-17 21:17
[成功] 9月第二本+Lecture Notes on Equilibrium Point Defects and +pdf+100BB djz 2014-9-15 4997 yqp1976 2014-9-16 13:12
[成功] 9月第1本+Strain and Dislocation Gradients from Diffraction+PDF+200BB Anthea14 2014-9-15 7900 Anthea14 2014-9-15 14:48
[成功] 9月第3本 + Global Optimization Deterministic Approaches + pdf + 350 kebon22 2014-9-14 3817 kebon22 2014-9-14 12:55
[成功] 6月第1本+Histories of State Surveillance in Europe and Beyond+pdf+150BB m.Kou 2014-5-8 4757 guhong 2014-9-12 21:11
【活动】迎中秋,庆周年,书籍共享乐翻天 agree fenglin520 2014-9-6 5663 sunyaoyu 2014-9-11 22:10
[成功] 9月第2本,Contesting Colonial Authority,pdf,100b 馅饼 2014-9-11 2726 Zeus 2014-9-11 12:33
[成功] 9月第一本+Advanced Molecular Quantum Mechanics+PDF+400币币 Heidelberg 2014-9-10 4723 guhong 2014-9-10 22:47
[成功] 9月第1本+C-130 Aircraft : Background and Issues for the+PDF+100BB keyan2013 2014-9-10 2679 eli.123 2014-9-10 18:22
[成功] 嵌入式Linux基础教程(第2版)+pdf+50(5月3号活动) azou的马甲 2013-5-3 93001 shwu1984 2014-9-10 09:08
[成功] 九月第一本 +药品注射剂使用指南部分+400BB+PDF disagree zxwy77 2014-9-8 4920 shwu1984 2014-9-10 08:58
[成功] 6月第3本Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data+PDF+300BB Gone 2014-6-23 101325 guhong 2014-9-10 00:26
[成功] 9月第3本+Law and Practice of Offshore Banking and Finance+PDF+100BB Gone 2014-9-9 2762 eli.123 2014-9-9 20:02
[成功] 9月第2本+FEM and Micromechatronics with ATILA Software+PDF+100bb xianjiaoda 2014-9-9 2814 ucdavis 2014-9-9 11:32
[成功] 9月第1本+Le grain de blé : Composition et utilisation+PDF+100金币 lifei 2014-9-8 2607 Zeus 2014-9-9 01:27
[成功] 9月第一本+发展人类学概论+pdf+100BB disagree gengyh2008 2014-9-8 2828 fenglin520 2014-9-8 22:07
[成功] September 1st+ Pediatric and Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation + 100B+PDF eli.123 2014-9-8 2687 Zeus 2014-9-8 12:17
[成功] 9月第二本+Morphosyntax of Complement-Head Sequences+100BB+pdf dtmagp 2014-9-8 2763 guhong 2014-9-8 10:51
[成功] 9月第1本+Vocabulary Workbook : Check Your English Vocabulary for +pdf+100bb 宇多 2014-9-5 101104 vip 2014-9-7 20:33
[成功] 9月第1,Informal Empire and the Rise of One World Culture,pdf,100b 馅饼 2014-9-5 2767 eli.123 2014-9-5 19:09
[成功] 九月第一本From Grassland to Glacier+PDF+100BB Gone 2014-9-4 2730 Seek-o 2014-9-4 19:20
[成功] 9月第一本+Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation+100bb+pdf dtmagp 2014-9-3 2631 Zeus 2014-9-3 22:05
[成功] 9月第4本+Wheat and Wheat Quality in Australia+PDF+100金币 lifei 2014-9-3 2732 eli.123 2014-9-3 16:22
[成功] 9月第5本+Modeling Drying Processes+PDF+100金币 lifei 2014-9-3 2782 Zeus 2014-9-3 15:49
[成功] 【章节求助】9月第1本+The Patos Lagoon Estuary, Brazil+pdf+25BB sl1129 2014-9-3 2736 eli.123 2014-9-3 07:01
[成功] 9月第1本+Electrochemical Methods, Student Solutions Manual: Fund...+PDF+200BB __neo__ 2014-9-2 5911 smart505 2014-9-2 21:28
[成功] 9月第1本+Material Instabilities in Elastic and Plastic Solids+PDF+100bb disagree xianjiaoda 2014-9-2 10996 dtmagp 2014-9-2 14:04
[成功] 9月第3本+Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chemistry, Dietary Sources and...+PDF+100金币 lifei 2014-9-2 3682 Zeus 2014-9-2 12:35
[成功] 9月第2本+Food Production : New Research+PDF+100金币 lifei 2014-9-2 2665 Zeus 2014-9-2 12:25
[成功] 8月1本+Ebrary+Rural Education for the Twenty-First Century+100金币+pdf yezi001 2014-8-31 4602 Zeus 2014-8-31 22:29
[成功] Augest 3rd+ The International Relations of the Persian Gulf + 100B + PDF eli.123 2014-8-31 6747 Zeus 2014-8-31 13:55
[成功] 9月第2本,How to Build Social Science Theories,pdf,100b 馅饼 2013-9-8 6972 馅饼 2014-8-30 07:54
[成功] 八月第二本Analyzing American Democracy: Politics and Political... PDF 300 terence 2014-8-29 2509 Zeus 2014-8-29 13:28
[成功] 8月第1本+Positioning in Wireless Communications Systems+PDF+150币 tkmath 2014-8-29 3734 eli.123 2014-8-29 03:13
[成功] 8月第2本+Space Electronic Reconnaissance+PDF+200币 tkmath 2014-8-29 3688 eli.123 2014-8-29 02:53
[成功] 8月第1本+Linear Electric Machines Drives and Maglevs Handbook+PDF+300币 jackdo 2014-8-26 2684 fenglin520 2014-8-26 21:39
[成功] Principles and Applications of Lithium Secondary Batteries + pdf + 60 agree zhuhit 2012-11-29 53777 libpursuer 2014-8-26 16:11


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