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4月第3本+Local Anesthesia for Pla+150bb+pdf 求助qq 2015-4-17 2381 Zeus 2015-4-17 16:41
4月第二本+Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery+200bb+pdf 求助qq 2015-4-17 2381 steve 2015-4-17 16:35
悬赏 [成功] Sofosbuvir (GS-7977), a pan-genotype, direct-acting antiviral for hepatitis C.. - [已解决] pnas2009 2015-4-17 4743 liwusheng 2015-4-17 10:20
悬赏 [成功] Free radical scanvenging and antioxidant effects of some anthraquinone deriva... - [已解决] guosang1989 2015-4-17 2807 steve 2015-4-17 10:04
悬赏 [成功] Isolation of a cDNA clone derived from a - [已解决] Ya-ni 2015-4-17 2822 steve 2015-4-17 09:23
悬赏 [成功] Synthesis of D-galactosamine derivatives and binding studies using isolated - [已解决] pnas2009 2015-4-17 2696 steve 2015-4-17 09:14
悬赏 [成功] 2-bromoethyl glycosides in glycoside synthesis - [已解决] pnas2009 2015-4-17 2757 steve 2015-4-17 09:12
悬赏 [成功] Widely tunable multiwavelength thulium-doped fiber laser using a fiber interf... - [已解决] fiber 2015-4-17 4788 steve 2015-4-17 08:40
4月5本+Active Radar Cross Section Reduction+PDF+200BB keyan2013 2015-4-16 2424 eli.123 2015-4-17 03:09
4月第1本+Thermoreception and Temperature Regulation+PDF +150币 jpzhao1988 2015-4-16 2482 steve 2015-4-16 10:22
4月第一本+Ferroelectric Memories+250BB+pdf andy11xu 2015-4-15 5451 gyrowheel 2015-4-15 22:58
4月第3本+Selected Works of Eliza Haywood, Part II+300BB+PDF 秀出自我 2015-4-15 2354 Zeus 2015-4-15 22:49
[成功] 4月第2本+Ethics in Economics+100BB+PDF yanghai811228 2015-4-15 2731 Zeus 2015-4-15 21:27
4月第5本+George Herbert : The Critical Heritage+PDF+200BB duzhong 2015-4-15 4409 Zeus 2015-4-15 12:16
[成功] 4月第2本+Birth of Politics+100BB+PDF yanghai811228 2015-4-14 2620 Zeus 2015-4-14 23:46
四月第1本+FourierTransformInfraredCharacterization of Polymers+PDF+200BB henry77 2015-4-14 4468 gyrowheel 2015-4-14 23:32
4月第4本+George Herbert Mead in the Twenty-First Century+PDF+100BB duzhong 2015-4-14 3282 duzhong 2015-4-14 21:47
Pseudo almost periodic functions in Banach spaces+pdf+100速递币 ljhcumt 2013-3-6 0599 ljhcumt 2015-4-14 21:46
4月4本+Simulation-Driven Aerodynamic Design Using +PDF+200BB keyan2013 2015-4-14 5364 Zeus 2015-4-14 12:10
4月第三本重新求助+Complete Welsh+PDF+100BB duzhong 2015-4-13 2370 Zeus 2015-4-13 22:27
[成功] 4月第三本+Complete Welsh+PDF+100BB duzhong 2015-4-13 2779 gyrowheel 2015-4-13 21:38
[成功] 4月第1本+Electric Motor Handbook+PDF+200BB jackdo 2015-4-12 5873 jackdo 2015-4-12 21:52
4月第3本+Zum Widerruf im Versicherungsvertragsrecht+200BB+PDF Yaphetstr 2015-4-12 2339 Zeus 2015-4-12 21:18
4月5 Realms of Meaning : An Introduction to Semantics+100BB happystudy55 2015-4-11 2449 steve 2015-4-11 23:35
[成功] 4月4 Analysing Sentences (3rd Edition)+100BB happystudy55 2015-4-10 6878 happystudy55 2015-4-10 22:37
4月第二本+Studies in Marxism and Humanism+PDF+100BB duzhong 2015-4-10 4375 Zeus 2015-4-10 13:55
4 月3 Words and Their Meaning +100BB happystudy55 2015-4-9 2320 ucdavis 2015-4-9 22:37
[成功] 4月第1本+Musical Imagery+PDF+150币 jjxytc 2015-4-9 2666 eli.123 2015-4-9 16:00
4月第一本+Originary Technicity+PDF+100BB duzhong 2015-4-9 2267 Yaphetstr 2015-4-9 09:56
4月3本+Systems Engineering and Analysis of ElectroPDF+400BB keyan2013 2015-4-9 2323 duzhong 2015-4-9 09:09
4月第一本+Versicherungsvertragsrecht+200BB+PDF Yaphetstr 2015-4-7 2358 Zeus 2015-4-8 15:45
4月第1本+The Physics of Metals+PDF+100bb xianjiaoda 2015-4-8 2359 ak47 2015-4-8 13:56
4月2本+Human Factors Models for Aviation Accident Analysis+PDF+200BB keyan2013 2015-4-8 6499 Zeus 2015-4-8 12:12
4月第1本+Learner Corpora in Language +pdf+100币 wmwman306 2015-4-7 2408 steve 2015-4-7 19:24
4月第2本+Pidgins, Creoles and Mixed Languages+pdf+300币 wmwman306 2015-4-7 2274 Yaphetstr 2015-4-7 19:20
悬赏 [成功] Genetics of Behçet's disease in Sardinia: two distinct extended HLA haplotype.. - [已解决] attachment hktk1018415371 2015-4-7 4878 大山 2015-4-7 16:56
悬赏 [成功] Characterization of MICA gene polymorphism of HLA complex in the Slovak popul.. - [已解决] hktk1018415371 2015-4-7 2785 steve 2015-4-7 16:55
悬赏 [成功] High overexpression and purification of optimized bacterio-opsin from Halobac... - [已解决] qzyctr 2015-4-7 2876 gyrowheel 2015-4-7 01:04
悬赏 [成功] Mistic's membrane association and its assistance in overexpression of a human... - [已解决] qzyctr 2015-4-7 2822 gyrowheel 2015-4-7 01:04
悬赏 [成功] Polar interactions trump hydrophobicity in stabilizing the self-inserting mem... - [已解决] qzyctr 2015-4-7 2808 gyrowheel 2015-4-7 01:01


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