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10月第3本+Damage Mechanics in Metal Forming: Advanced Modeling +PDF+200币 一斤不醉 2015-11-18 6488 答非所问 2015-11-18 13:37
本月第4本+Discrete Element Method to Model 3D Continuous Material+100币+pdf 一斤不醉 2015-11-18 12693 info 2015-11-18 07:08
[成功] 11月第一本+新编国家中成药+PDF+1000BB kjl909 2015-11-16 6753 kjl909 2015-11-17 09:19
[成功] 本月第一本+Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures+pdf+200币 一斤不醉 2015-11-16 3758 ak47 2015-11-16 23:44
[成功] 本月第2本+Computational Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring+pdf+200 一斤不醉 2015-11-16 2862 gyrowheel 2015-11-16 23:29
[成功] 11月第3本+Dynamic Programming: Models and Applications+PDF+100BB poppop 2015-11-13 7885 liwusheng 2015-11-13 13:12
11月第2本Concept of Justice and Equality+pdf+100 ak47 2015-11-11 2440 duzhong 2015-11-11 08:43
[成功] 12月第1本 + 凸优化 + 300BB +PDF xileito 2014-12-30 62441 xiaoping 2015-11-9 08:56
[成功] 11月第1本+Elements of Algebraic Coding Theory+PDF+100BB poppop 2015-11-9 2722 obamaxy 2015-11-9 08:21
[成功] 11月第1本A Two-Step Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Analysis +PDF+100币 一斤不醉 2015-11-7 2670 gyrowheel 2015-11-7 23:24
[成功] 11月第5本+On The Map : Why the world looks the way it does+pdf+200币 genghis 2015-11-3 8857 eli.123 2015-11-6 13:49
[成功] 1/11+Design Dimension of Planning+200BB+PDF jsliuzi 2015-11-4 2754 liwusheng 2015-11-4 22:02
11月第4本+Introducing Fractals: A Graphic Guide+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-11-2 2369 eli.123 2015-11-2 08:05
11月第3本+Introducing Infinity: A Graphic Guide+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-11-2 2415 eli.123 2015-11-2 07:31
11月第1本+ebrary+China Dreams +100 ak47 2015-11-1 2484 duzhong 2015-11-1 23:52
11月第2本+Introducing Statistics: A Graphic Guide+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-11-1 11562 eli.123 2015-11-1 12:58
11月第1本+Introducing Mathematics: A Graphic Guide+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-11-1 6554 utoronto 2015-11-1 12:00
[成功] 谢谢UC 10月第2本+动力堆核燃料后处理厂设计+pdf+300sdb yyl87 2015-10-30 2629 ucdavis 2015-10-30 15:40
10月第5本+Introducing Relativity: A Graphic Guide+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-10-30 2363 duzhong 2015-10-30 09:06
10月第3本+EU Language Law+pdf+100bb ahaqwg 2015-10-29 2345 eli.123 2015-10-30 02:05
10月第3本+30-Second Quantum Theory+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-10-29 2381 duzhong 2015-10-29 08:54
10月第4本+Introducing Quantum Theory: A Graphic Guide+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-10-29 3343 duzhong 2015-10-29 08:50
10月第2本+The Future of English in Asia+pdf+100bb ahaqwg 2015-10-28 4347 eli.123 2015-10-28 23:10
10月第2本+Morphosyntax of Gender+pdf+100BB liwusheng 2015-10-28 2333 eli.123 2015-10-28 22:34
[成功] 10 2nd+The Age of Dignity +PDF+100B yanghai811228 2015-10-28 21445 eli.123 2015-10-28 22:31
10月第2本+Biopharmaceutical CharacterizationV3+ pdf+200BB shinexzl 2015-10-28 2447 yqp1976 2015-10-28 16:49
10月第2本+30-Second Maths+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-10-28 2420 liwusheng 2015-10-28 14:52
10月第1本+Environmental Ergonomics +PDF +200币 jpzhao1988 2015-10-28 2346 liwusheng 2015-10-28 13:04
10月第1本+30-Second Brain+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-10-28 4456 duzhong 2015-10-28 13:02
10月第1本+Biopharmaceutical Characterization+ pdf+200BB shinexzl 2015-10-28 6547 liwusheng 2015-10-28 11:10
10月第2本Quantum City +PDF+100BB Gone 2015-10-27 2396 duzhong 2015-10-27 23:21
10月第二本+Studying Diversity in Teacher Education+200金币+pdf bag1009 2015-10-25 4469 eli.123 2015-10-26 07:26
10月第一本+Handbook of Education Policy Research+100金币+pdf bag1009 2015-10-25 4440 bag1009 2015-10-25 22:38
10月第1本+土木工程可靠性理其应用+PDF+100速递币 rockfill09 2015-10-24 2474 tonyabcd 2015-10-25 20:46
10月第一本+药物化学——第七版/本科药学/配盘+400金币+pdf wangliwei0913 2015-10-25 2491 tonyabcd 2015-10-25 20:17
10月第1本+Quantum Computers, Algorithms and Chaos+PDF+300BB poppop 2015-10-25 9411 罗烟步我也会 2015-10-25 14:36
[成功] 10月第2本+From Quantum Computing to Intelligence+PDF+100BB poppop 2015-10-25 2750 duzhong 2015-10-25 08:32
10月第5本+Polar Lipids : Biology, Chemistry, Technology+PDF+200金币 exebooks 2015-10-25 2351 eli.123 2015-10-25 02:18
10月第4本+Trans Fats Replacement Solutions+PDF+200金币 exebooks 2015-10-23 3406 duzhong 2015-10-23 23:58
10月第4本+Epidemiology (3rd Edition)+450BB+PDF 秀出自我 2015-10-23 5432 秀出自我 2015-10-23 18:59


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