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悬赏 [成功] Research progress and application prospects of transition metal Mn4+-activate... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-7-5 1863 thesea 2021-7-5 13:07
悬赏 [成功] Highly Efficient Cyan-Green Emission in Self-Activated Rb3RV2O8 (R = Y, Lu) V... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-7-5 1994 thesea 2021-7-5 13:03
悬赏 Erythema nodosum: An uncommon manifestation of Rickettsiosis - [已解决] jujail 2021-6-7 3408 忧客 2021-7-5 10:00
悬赏 [成功] Addressing a Trapped High-Energy Water: Design and Synthesis of Highly Potent Py - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-7-4 1945 thesea 2021-7-4 13:19
悬赏 [成功] Identification and Some Properties of Rat Secretory Component - [已解决] attach_img disagree wuda 2021-6-27 1940 jackyzfy 2021-7-3 21:13
悬赏 [成功] NIPT-plus技术在胎儿性染色体非整倍体检测中的 - [已解决] 黄俊高 2021-7-3 11070 wux1 2021-7-3 14:45
悬赏 [成功] Standard Guide for Measuring Securement of Balloon Expandable Vascular Stent ... - [已解决] 浪淘沙 2021-7-2 11055 水墨云轩 2021-7-2 17:37
悬赏 [成功] Metabolic hypertension: concept and practice - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-7-1 31078 sample2007007 2021-7-2 14:46
悬赏 [成功] Atenolol versus bendroflumethiazide in middle-aged and elderly hypertensives - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-7-2 1928 sample2007007 2021-7-2 14:45
悬赏 [成功] Magnetic surveys with Unmanned Aerial Systems: software for assessing and com... - [已解决] yywozhucel 2021-7-1 1791 sample2007007 2021-7-2 12:37
悬赏 Almost sure exponential stability of hybrid stochastic delayed - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-7-1 1350 fenavi 2021-7-1 14:53
悬赏 Stability in mean for uncertain delay differential equations based on new - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-7-1 1366 fenavi 2021-7-1 14:50
悬赏 Stability analysis of the θ-method for hybrid neutral stochastic functional - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-7-1 1369 fenavi 2021-7-1 14:46
悬赏 A single-cell map of intratumoral changes during anti-PD1 treatment of patien... - [已解决] 543620457 2021-7-1 2378 543620457 2021-7-1 12:46
悬赏 Locally excited surface plasmon resonance for refractive index sensing with h... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-6-30 1443 thesea 2021-6-30 16:10
悬赏 [成功] Preoperative Model and Patient Selection for icc - [已解决] attachment 四海游龙 2021-6-30 1781 sample2007007 2021-6-30 16:01
悬赏 A low-cost and eco-friendly network binder coupling stiffness +今日第一篇 - [已解决] ri_290 2021-6-30 1348 fenavi 2021-6-30 15:16
悬赏 [成功] GWJ-5S微粒检测仪验证报告 - [已解决] attachment 浪淘沙 2021-6-30 1896 jackyzfy 2021-6-30 11:13
悬赏 [成功] Recent developments on 2D magnetic materials: challenges and opportunities - [已解决] yywozhucel 2021-6-29 11062 sample2007007 2021-6-29 22:51
悬赏 Developing new geophysical scanners for detection of near-surface buried objects - [已解决] yywozhucel 2021-6-29 1389 thesea 2021-6-29 22:31
悬赏 [成功] Narrow-band mid-infrared absorber based on mirror-backed low-index dielectric... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-6-29 1918 thesea 2021-6-29 14:54
悬赏 [成功] 少突胶质细胞分化发育与髓鞘形成的研究进展,中文文献yi... - [已解决] 木子麻麻 2021-6-28 3919 sample2007007 2021-6-29 13:23
悬赏 [成功] Multiscale Morphological and Electrical +今日第1篇 - [已解决] ri_290 2021-6-28 1726 sample2007007 2021-6-28 22:46
悬赏 [成功] Photoelectron spectra of shake-up processes from the 2p subshell of sodium at... - [已解决] attachment 小龙人 2021-6-28 2943 小龙人 2021-6-28 16:53
悬赏 [成功] Sensitivity enhancement of a graphene–barium titanate-based surface plasmon... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-6-28 1931 sample2007007 2021-6-28 16:21
悬赏 [成功] Hydrothermal processes related to movement of fluid from plastic into brittle... - [已解决] laowang 2021-6-28 1748 sample2007007 2021-6-28 16:21
悬赏 [成功] Reliability Comparative Analysis of Codes for the Design of Cantilever Sheet ... - [已解决] tynda 2021-6-23 3834 sample2007007 2021-6-28 13:46
悬赏 [成功] Wireless Localization for a Capsule Endoscopy: Techniques and Solutions - [已解决] disagree yywozhucel 2021-6-26 1771 sample2007007 2021-6-28 13:14
悬赏 [成功] Numerical Simulation of Noise in Pulsed BrillouiScattering - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-6-28 1858 sample2007007 2021-6-28 11:54
悬赏 [成功] YAG:Ce3+ Phosphor: From Micron-Sized Workhorse for General Lighting to a Brig... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-6-28 1790 sample2007007 2021-6-28 11:53
悬赏 [成功] Neighboring-Cation Substitution Tuning of Photoluminescence by Remote-Control... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-6-28 1646 sample2007007 2021-6-28 11:47
悬赏 [成功] Tuning of the Compositions and Multiple Activator Sites toward Single-Phased ... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-6-28 1661 sample2007007 2021-6-28 11:47
悬赏 Integrating a Model-Based Systems Engineering and Model-Based Product Support - [已解决] blck 2021-6-27 1314 fenavi 2021-6-28 00:30
悬赏 Enantioselective Synthesis and Profiling of Potent, Nonlinear Analogues of Antim - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-6-27 1343 fenavi 2021-6-28 00:24
悬赏 Discovery of a Ce3+-activated red nitride phosphor for high-brightness solid-... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-6-26 1409 thesea 2021-6-27 11:58
悬赏 Two Dimensional Linear Calibration of Magnetometer Array Tensor - [已解决] yywozhucel 2021-6-27 1311 thesea 2021-6-27 11:49
悬赏 Realizing red/orange emission of Eu2+/Ce3+ in La26−xSrxSi41Ox+1N80−x (x =... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-6-26 1346 goodday 2021-6-27 08:53
悬赏 Gravity inversion for heterogeneous sedimentary basin with b-spline polynomia... - [已解决] yywozhucel 2021-6-26 1303 fenavi 2021-6-27 00:45
悬赏 Rapid Synthesis of Red-Emitting Sr2Sc0.5Ga1.5O5:Eu2+ Phosphors and the Tunabl... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-6-26 1342 fenavi 2021-6-26 17:54
悬赏 Selecting the optimal immunotherapy regimen in driver-negative metastatic NSCLC - [已解决] 543620457 2021-6-25 2320 543620457 2021-6-25 21:50


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