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悬赏 [成功] Management of acquired haemophilia A - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-7 1791 sample2007007 2021-9-8 01:30
悬赏 [成功] Post-partum factor VIII inhibitors. A review of the literature with special r... - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-7 1859 sample2007007 2021-9-8 01:01
悬赏 [成功] Diagnosis, laboratory aspects and management of acquired hemophilia A - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-7 1826 sample2007007 2021-9-8 00:58
悬赏 [成功] Acquired haemophilia - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-7 1554 sample2007007 2021-9-8 00:53
悬赏 [成功] Recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa): characterization, manufacturing, a... - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-7 1882 sample2007007 2021-9-8 00:36
悬赏 [成功] Phosphorus-Containing C12H27O4P as Functional Electrolyte +今日第一篇 - [已解决] ri_290 2021-9-7 1499 sample2007007 2021-9-8 00:11
悬赏 [成功] Atrial Fibrillation Management in 2021: An Updated Comparison of the Current .. - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2021-9-7 11003 fenavi 2021-9-7 20:09
悬赏 [成功] Biomarkers for Risk Assessment in Atrial Fibrillatio - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2021-9-7 11006 nnnxmmm 2021-9-7 19:09
悬赏 [成功] Atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysi - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2021-9-7 11044 nnnxmmm 2021-9-7 18:49
悬赏 [成功] Atrial fibrillation: diagnosis and management-summary of NICE guidanc - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2021-9-7 11075 nnnxmmm 2021-9-7 18:45
悬赏 Commentary: Postoperative atrial fibrillation: An old foe in a new light - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2021-9-7 1307 nnnxmmm 2021-9-7 17:54
悬赏 Special application of ms/ms method on determination of regiochemistry of 新人帖 - [已解决] samson007 2021-9-7 1288 nnnxmmm 2021-9-7 17:45
悬赏 [成功] 抗抑郁药物引发转相的临床流行病学调查(1) - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-5 3919 nnnxmmm 2021-9-7 16:46
悬赏 A varifold formulation of mean curvature flow with Dirichlet or dynamic - [已解决] thesea 2021-9-6 8457 thesea 2021-9-6 20:33
悬赏 Thermal stability of a nanolayered metal joint - [已解决] songrtong 2021-9-6 1344 nnnxmmm 2021-9-6 12:01
悬赏 Cellular functions of the protein kinase ATM and their relevance to human disea - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-9-5 1315 nnnxmmm 2021-9-5 21:19
悬赏 A sulfonyl fluoride derivative inhibits EGFRL858R/T790M/C797S by covalent modif - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-9-5 1374 fenavi 2021-9-5 19:26
悬赏 (ω, c)-periodic and asymptotically (ω, c)-periodic mild solutions to frac... - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-9-5 1380 nnnxmmm 2021-9-5 15:38
悬赏 Pseudo-almost periodic C0 solutions to the evolution equations with nonlocal - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-9-5 1465 nnnxmmm 2021-9-5 15:36
悬赏 Peripheral biomarkers to predict the diagnosis of bipolar disorder from major... - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-3 2357 abc123.. 2021-9-5 13:54
悬赏 Understanding NMDA-mediated ketamine activity - [已解决] 木子麻麻 2021-9-5 2452 nnnxmmm 2021-9-5 08:29
悬赏 A study of cell-to-cell variation of capacity in parallel-+今日第一篇 - [已解决] ri_290 2021-9-4 1298 fenavi 2021-9-4 18:29
悬赏 Outer membrane vesicle vaccines - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-9-4 1455 约架吗 2021-9-4 18:25
悬赏 Efficient RNA virus targeting via CRISPR-CasRx in fish - [已解决] adamos1945 2021-9-3 1341 nnnxmmm 2021-9-3 22:03
悬赏 [成功] Cognitive endophenotypes of bipolar disorder - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-3 11003 fenavi 2021-9-3 14:21
悬赏 Role of electrolyte in stabilizing hard carbon as an +今日第一篇 - [已解决] ri_290 2021-9-3 1297 fenavi 2021-9-3 14:19
悬赏 [成功] 工艺总方案编制内容标准化探究 - [已解决] blck 2021-9-2 11043 sample2007007 2021-9-2 23:37
悬赏 [成功] 新形势下军用标准化内涵与范围拓展 - [已解决] attachment blck 2021-9-2 11010 sample2007007 2021-9-2 23:33
悬赏 [成功] 武器装备质量监督管理标准体系研究 - [已解决] attachment blck 2021-9-2 1974 sample2007007 2021-9-2 23:19
悬赏 百度文库 教师角色(课堂PPT) - [已解决] yezi001 2021-9-1 1379 nnnxmmm 2021-9-2 23:08
悬赏 [成功] Clinical staging in bipolar disorder: focus on cognition and functioning - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-2 11209 sample2007007 2021-9-2 18:33
悬赏 [成功] Coronary artery treatment with paclitaxel-coated balloon using a BTHC excipie... - [已解决] attachment 浪淘沙 2021-9-2 11082 sample2007007 2021-9-2 17:57
悬赏 Characterization of AAV-Specific Affinity Ligands:Consequences for Vector Pur... - [已解决] Wa丶 2021-9-2 1456 nnnxmmm 2021-9-2 17:35
悬赏 Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape - [已解决] tynda 2021-9-2 1340 fenavi 2021-9-2 14:17
悬赏 Super-efficient control of angular momentum and mode conversion in snake-type... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-9-2 1433 thesea 2021-9-2 12:11
悬赏 Multipole optimization of light focusing by silicon nanosphere structures - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-9-2 1374 thesea 2021-9-2 12:07
悬赏 [成功] Neuroendocrine Stress System in Bipolar Disorder - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-1 1842 sample2007007 2021-9-1 23:11
悬赏 [成功] Electronic structure influences on the formation of the solid +今日第一篇 - [已解决] ri_290 2021-9-1 1892 sample2007007 2021-9-1 23:05
悬赏 Combining tag-specific primer extension and magneto-DNA system for Cas14a-bas... - [已解决] rcodile 2021-9-1 1331 nnnxmmm 2021-9-1 21:45
悬赏 [成功] DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria for bipolar disorder: Implications for the prevalen... - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-9-1 11184 nnnxmmm 2021-9-1 16:44


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