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悬赏 Alternative Strategies to Achieve Cardiovascular Mortality Goals in China and... - [已解决] wying09 2016-6-6 169 somit 2016-6-6 12:22
悬赏 [成功] TNF-α Regulating Interleukin-33 Induces Acute Pancreatic Inflammation in Rats. - [已解决] disagree google 2016-6-6 190 忧客 2016-6-6 11:53
悬赏 [成功] 安捷伦7890毛细管色谱柱使用技巧 - [已解决] 浪淘沙 2016-6-6 193 somit 2016-6-6 11:53
悬赏 [成功] ERK-dependent activation of Sp1 is required for low-power laser irradiation-i... - [已解决] attachment 543620457 2016-6-6 173 lben85 2016-6-6 11:20
悬赏 [成功] Using meal-based self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) data to guide dietary r... - [已解决] anachronism 2016-6-6 267 somit 2016-6-6 11:17
悬赏 [成功] Comparing impact and cost-effectiveness of primary prevention strategies for ... - [已解决] wying09 2016-6-6 165 somit 2016-6-6 11:12
悬赏 [成功] Screening for and early detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - [已解决] anachronism 2016-6-6 176 忧客 2016-6-6 10:59
悬赏 [成功] Influence of confinement on flame acceleration due to repeated obstacles - [已解决] Caesar 2016-6-6 161 somit 2016-6-6 10:59
悬赏 [成功] 運用論證導向探究式教學模組於七年級自然科教學設計 - [已解决] sunbear 2016-6-6 1115 lben85 2016-6-6 10:35
悬赏 [成功] Aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: U.S. Preventive Service... - [已解决] attachment wying09 2016-6-6 1162 lben85 2016-6-6 10:24
悬赏 [成功] Risk of upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding in patients taking nonstero... - [已解决] attachment wying09 2016-6-6 186 lben85 2016-6-6 10:14
悬赏 [成功] Peri-ovulatory putrescine supplementation reduces - [已解决] attachment disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 184 lben85 2016-6-6 10:13
悬赏 [成功] Uncooperative Spacecraft Pose Estimation Using an Infrared Camera During Prox... - [已解决] fumingliang 2016-6-6 156 lben85 2016-6-6 10:08
悬赏 [成功] Cycle and hormone changes during perimenopause - [已解决] attachment disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 181 lben85 2016-6-6 10:03
悬赏 [成功] Targeting oocyte maturation to improve fertility in older women. - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 169 abcbanana 2016-6-6 10:00
悬赏 [成功] Spatially resolved frequency domain phosp - [已解决] なつめたかし 2016-6-6 161 abcbanana 2016-6-6 09:58
悬赏 [成功] The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is target ofadmium toxicity. - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 176 abcbanana 2016-6-6 09:54
悬赏 [成功] Cycle and hormone changes during perimenopause: - [已解决] attachment disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 185 lben85 2016-6-6 09:48
悬赏 [成功] Targeting oocyte maturation to improve fertility in older women. - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 369 majia_jiama 2016-6-6 09:46
悬赏 [成功] The Multifaceted Clinical Readouts of Platelet Inhibition by Low-Dose Aspirin. - [已解决] wying09 2016-6-6 169 lben85 2016-6-6 09:43
悬赏 [成功] Use of Noben (idebenone) in the treatment of dementia and memory impairments . - [已解决] godzhaoying 2016-6-6 188 lben85 2016-6-6 09:41
悬赏 [成功] The root of reduced fertility in aged women and possible therapentic options: - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 263 小叮当 2016-6-6 09:37
悬赏 [成功] The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is target o cadmium toxicity. - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 165 majia_jiama 2016-6-6 09:31
悬赏 [成功] Basic Mechanisms in Atherosclerosis: The Role of Calcium. - [已解决] attachment zwb016 2016-6-5 2134 小叮当 2016-6-6 09:30
悬赏 [成功] Activins in reproductive biology and beyond. 新人帖 - [已解决] attachment disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 182 ucdavis 2016-6-6 09:30
悬赏 [成功] Molecular insights into the aetiology of female reproductive ageing. - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 276 小叮当 2016-6-6 09:30
悬赏 [成功] Oocyte competency is the key to embryo potential. - [已解决] attachment disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 279 小叮当 2016-6-6 09:28
悬赏 [成功] Transcriptional networks that mediate signals from reproductive - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 169 ucdavis 2016-6-6 09:26
悬赏 [成功] In vitro activation of dormant follicles for fertility preservation. - [已解决] attachment disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 161 liwusheng 2016-6-6 09:22
悬赏 [成功] Reproduction at an advanced maternal age and maternal health. - [已解决] disagree 小叮当 2016-6-6 157 liwusheng 2016-6-6 09:11
悬赏 [成功] Asymptotically almost automorphic functions of order n and applications to dy.. - [已解决] ljhcumt 2016-6-5 4137 ljhcumt 2016-6-6 01:19
悬赏 [成功] Iron sufficiency in breast-fed infants and the availability of iron from huma... - [已解决] xiyu 2016-6-5 195 ucdavis 2016-6-5 23:28
悬赏 [成功] Rates and Predictors of Seizure Freedom With Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Intr... - [已解决] attachment zwb016 2016-6-5 1114 ucdavis 2016-6-5 23:23
悬赏 [成功] Ascorbic acid-induced uricosuria. A consequency of megavitamin therapy. - [已解决] zwb016 2016-6-5 1117 lben85 2016-6-5 23:22
悬赏 [成功] Risk factors for heatstroke: a case-control study - [已解决] jpzhao1988 2016-6-5 190 lben85 2016-6-5 20:07
悬赏 [成功] Quality of diabetes related health information on internet: an Indian context - [已解决] attachment dolaki 2016-6-5 1157 lben85 2016-6-5 19:49
悬赏 [成功] Vitamin B6 status of breast-fed infants in relation to pyridoxine HCl supplem... - [已解决] xiyu 2016-6-5 1147 lben85 2016-6-5 19:46
悬赏 [成功] Patchy ischemic retinal whitening in acute central retinal vein occlusion - [已解决] attachment chenying811 2016-6-5 1191 lben85 2016-6-5 19:43
悬赏 [成功] A Microfluidic Chip for In Vitro Oocyte Maturation - [已解决] __neo__ 2016-6-5 187 goodday 2016-6-5 18:48
悬赏 [成功] Heat waves and heat-related illness: preparing for the increasing influence o... - [已解决] jpzhao1988 2016-6-5 194 pnas2009 2016-6-5 18:19


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