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悬赏 Evaluation of circulating Dickkopf-1 as a prognostic biomarker in ovarian can... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [已应助待确认] 543620457 2021-12-20 1307 忧客 2021-12-28 09:04
悬赏 Heart Transplantation - [已解决] zhaohongfei 2021-12-14 1321 忧客 2021-12-28 09:00
悬赏 A Comprehensive and Contemporary Review on Immunosuppression - [已解决] zhaohongfei 2021-12-14 1268 忧客 2021-12-28 08:48
悬赏 阿尔茨海默病康复管理中国专家共识(2019) - [已解决] twtian 2021-12-17 1268 忧客 2021-12-28 08:41
悬赏 Therapeutic inhibition of RBM20 improves diastolic function in a murine heart... - [已解决] moll 2021-12-23 1202 忧客 2021-12-28 08:39
悬赏 Seismic fragility models of a bridge system based on copula method - [已解决] Analytical 2021-12-23 1236 忧客 2021-12-28 08:37
悬赏 Concurrent nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes: diagnostic a... - [已解决] 即使很丰富 2021-12-28 1210 thesea 2021-12-28 07:55
悬赏 Breaking Wave Hazard Estimation Model for the U.S. Atlantic Coast - [已解决] attach_img Analytical 2021-12-27 1246 jackyzfy 2021-12-27 22:45
悬赏 船用核动力工况划分的一些思考 - [已解决] 1953 2021-12-27 1179 thesea 2021-12-27 11:32
悬赏 Quasi-site-specific multivariate probability model for sparse - [已解决] attach_img Analytical 2021-12-26 1183 jackyzfy 2021-12-26 18:02
悬赏 Structural insights into hepatitis C virus receptor binding and entry - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-12-25 1210 goodday 2021-12-26 10:06
悬赏 Buckling and Ultimate Strength Assessment of FPSO Structures - [已解决] mark3344 2021-12-25 1185 goodday 2021-12-26 10:02
悬赏 基于机械产品图样的标准化审查常见问题剖析 - [已解决] blck 2021-12-23 1219 thesea 2021-12-25 09:14
悬赏 产品质量评审的理解与实践 - [已解决] blck 2021-12-23 1258 thesea 2021-12-25 09:12
悬赏 装备合同监管信息元数据研究 - [已解决] blck 2021-12-23 1201 thesea 2021-12-25 09:09
悬赏 [成功] Variety of endosomal TLRs and Interferons (IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ) - [已解决] 科研人人 2021-12-24 1428 sample2007007 2021-12-25 01:09
悬赏 Treatment of Anionic Surfactant Wastewater with Foam Fractionation - [已解决] attach_img best1 2021-12-24 1177 jackyzfy 2021-12-24 21:48
悬赏 清道光间抄本叙考(下) - [已解决] attach_img laowang 2021-12-24 1192 jackyzfy 2021-12-24 17:23
悬赏 陇影传统剧目叙考 - [已解决] attach_img laowang 2021-12-24 1225 jackyzfy 2021-12-24 17:19
悬赏 Recent advances in analytical strategies and microsystems for food allergen d... - [已解决] tiger861215 2021-12-23 1205 sample2007007 2021-12-24 01:29
悬赏 Probabilistic parameter estimation and reliability assessment of a simulated ... - [已解决] Analytical 2021-12-23 1222 sample2007007 2021-12-24 01:26
悬赏 Safety and immunogenicity of the α-synuclein active immunotherapeutic PD01A - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-12-23 1220 sample2007007 2021-12-24 01:25
悬赏 New Trends in Food Allergens Detection: Toward Biosensing Strategies - [已解决] attach_img tiger861215 2021-12-23 2204 jackyzfy 2021-12-23 17:06
悬赏 [成功] 多巴胺受体与抗精神病药的副作用 - [已解决] chonglai1988 2021-11-13 1720 goodday 2021-12-21 18:54
悬赏 年产500万件PVD金属化汽车塑料件生产线项目环境影响报告 ... - [已解决] attachment srm01 2021-12-21 2252 srm01 2021-12-21 18:29
悬赏 A homozygous loss-of-function mutation in FBXO43 causes human non-obstructive... - [已解决] 孤月对蝉吟 2021-12-21 1306 nnnxmmm 2021-12-21 17:31
悬赏 Cardiac fibrosis and curcumin: a novel perspective on this natural medicin - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2021-12-17 1259 yeyue130 2021-12-20 20:02
悬赏 导弹健康状态评估技术研究和应用现状综述 - [已解决] blck 2021-12-19 1241 yeyue130 2021-12-20 19:54
悬赏 武器型号批产管理优化升级 - [已解决] blck 2021-12-19 1252 yeyue130 2021-12-20 19:52
悬赏 军贸产品质量监督验收的实践与体会 - [已解决] blck 2021-12-19 2319 yeyue130 2021-12-20 19:49
悬赏 清咸丰间抄本叙考 - [已解决] attach_img laowang 2021-12-20 1210 jackyzfy 2021-12-20 17:31
悬赏 《影戏剧目清代钞本辑校》(第一辑)序 - [已解决] attach_img laowang 2021-12-20 1215 jackyzfy 2021-12-20 17:29
悬赏 Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Isocyanides with Activated Methylene Group - [已解决] chengcj2008 2021-12-19 1283 fenavi 2021-12-19 19:23
悬赏 Can preoperative ultrasound predict extrathyroidal extension of differentiate... - [已解决] attach_img ztzh 2021-12-18 3258 jackyzfy 2021-12-19 11:20
悬赏 The impact of minimal extrathyroidal extension in the recurrence of papillary... - [已解决] ztzh 2021-12-18 2294 ztzh 2021-12-19 10:11
悬赏 Broadband near-infrared emission of La3Ga5GeO14:Tb3+,Cr3+ phosphors: energy t... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-12-18 3362 thesea 2021-12-19 09:43
悬赏 Reliability Analysis of Seismic Slope Stability with Uncertain Probability Di... - [已解决] tynda 2021-12-16 1226 sample2007007 2021-12-19 02:44
悬赏 Deciphering the loss of persistent red luminescence in ZnGa2O4:Cr3+ upon Al3+... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-12-18 1231 sample2007007 2021-12-19 02:43
悬赏 FOLFOX–HAIC active in large HCC - [已解决] attachment 543620457 2021-12-17 1243 sample2007007 2021-12-19 02:41
悬赏 Non-destructive local degradation detection in large format +今日第1篇 - [已解决] ri_290 2021-12-17 1301 fenavi 2021-12-19 02:08


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