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作者 回复/查看 最后发表
悬赏 The clinical effectiveness of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploid... - [已解决] just505 2016-10-8 195 wux1 2016-10-8 16:32
悬赏 [成功] The why, the how and the when of PGS 2.0: current practices and expert opinio... - [已解决] just505 2016-10-8 181 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-8 16:13
悬赏 The antioxidant action of N-acetylcysteine: Its reaction with hydrogen perox - [已解决] disagree 石天流 2016-10-8 1100 wux1 2016-10-8 15:51
悬赏 [成功] Pitavastatin compared with atorvastatin in primary hypercholesterolemia or co... - [已解决] wying09 2016-10-8 10368 wying09 2016-10-8 15:50
悬赏 [成功] Correlation between aneuploidy, standard morphology evaluation and morphokine... - [已解决] just505 2016-10-8 1197 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-8 15:17
悬赏 [成功] A circular RNA protects the heart from pathological hypertrophy and heart fai... - [已解决] disagree illusion25 2016-10-8 4134 illusion25 2016-10-8 15:03
悬赏 [成功] Novel embryo selection techniques to increase embryo implantation in IVF atte... - [已解决] just505 2016-10-8 174 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-8 15:00
悬赏 [成功] Probabilistic analysis of simple slopes with cohesive - [已解决] tynda 2016-10-8 174 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-8 14:53
悬赏 黄土土性参数的统计分析 - [已解决] attachment tynda 2016-10-8 166 wux1 2016-10-8 13:30
悬赏 [成功] 基于小波神经网络的CFG桩复合地基承载力预测 - [已解决] tynda 2016-10-8 1115 qingbuyujie 2016-10-8 12:44
悬赏 Impact of a Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit on Neurosurgical Patient Outcome... - [已解决] disagree rolan 2016-10-8 169 忧客 2016-10-8 12:36
悬赏 The organic chemistry of phosphorus. Part II. The action of triphenyl phosphi... - [已解决] sa0022 2016-10-8 156 rolan 2016-10-8 12:12
悬赏 Ser(P)-1292 LRRK2 in urinary exosomes is elevated in idiopathic Parkinson's d... - [已解决] jinseng_zh 2016-10-8 167 科研虫虫 2016-10-8 12:04
悬赏 Novel reagent system for converting a hydroxy-group into an iodogroup in carb... - [已解决] attachment sa0022 2016-10-8 161 vip 2016-10-8 11:57
悬赏 Novel reagent system for converting a hydroxy-group into an iodo-group in car... - [已解决] sa0022 2016-10-8 177 wjw2016 2016-10-8 11:56
悬赏 天然地基承载力可靠度研究 - [已解决] tynda 2016-10-8 159 wjw2016 2016-10-8 11:49
悬赏 Reconciling the chemistry and biology of reactive oxygen species - [已解决] 石天流 2016-10-8 150 wjw2016 2016-10-8 11:26
悬赏 CYP1A1 polymorphism in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome. - [已解决] chenyang9131616 2016-10-8 165 なつめたかし 2016-10-8 10:47
悬赏 Triple threat in pregnancy. - [已解决] 圣物 2016-10-7 183 zwb063 2016-10-8 10:29
悬赏 Corporate sustainable development in emerging-market multinational enterprise... - [已解决] attachment zwb063 2016-10-8 163 vip 2016-10-8 10:24
悬赏 Does Gleason score at initial diagnosis predict efficacy of abiraterone aceta... - [已解决] attach_img maygao 2016-10-8 292 maygao 2016-10-8 09:49
悬赏 [成功] Rate and mechanism of the reaction Cl + CH 3 COOH - [已解决] zyqqyz9114 2016-10-7 276 zyqqyz9114 2016-10-8 09:25
悬赏 [成功] Reactions of ground state chlorine atoms with fluorinated methanes and ethanes - [已解决] zyqqyz9114 2016-10-7 273 zyqqyz9114 2016-10-8 09:24
悬赏 Ultrathin, Substrate-Integrated, and Self-Healing Nanocapacitors With Low-Lea... - [已解决] disagree andy11xu 2016-10-8 191 lben85 2016-10-8 09:14
悬赏 [成功] Analgesia following total knee arthroplasty - [已解决] attachment 刘玉红0519 2016-10-7 159 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 23:39
悬赏 [成功] A case of recent myocardial infarction with cardiac failure - [已解决] 圣物 2016-10-7 162 vip 2016-10-7 22:58
悬赏 [成功] 导管溶栓技术治疗下肢动脉血栓栓塞性疾病初步探讨 - [已解决] disagree smxsyywl 2016-10-7 158 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 22:07
悬赏 [成功] 慢性血管内血栓的介入综合治疗 - [已解决] attachment disagree smxsyywl 2016-10-7 177 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 22:05
悬赏 [成功] Load-Dependent Heat Development, Thermal Effects, Duration, and Soft Tissue P... - [已解决] 圣物 2016-10-7 1114 zwb063 2016-10-7 20:18
悬赏 [成功] Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay Using Radiolabeled DNA Probes - [已解决] 谁的青春不迷茫 2016-10-7 1114 sample2007007 2016-10-7 20:11
悬赏 [成功] Fast Precise Point Positioning: A System to Provide Corrections for Single an... - [已解决] ljrlove2008 2016-10-7 1114 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 19:46
悬赏 [成功] Reaction of Glyconitriles with Organometallic Reagents: Access to Acyl - [已解决] pnas2009 2016-10-7 186 wjw2016 2016-10-7 17:28
悬赏 [成功] 贝叶斯定理及其在三峡工程中的应用 - [已解决] attachment tynda 2016-10-7 175 duzhong 2016-10-7 15:08
悬赏 Genetics of recurrent pregnancy loss. - [已解决] chenyang9131616 2016-10-7 298 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-7 12:26
悬赏 [成功] Tamoxifen: an alternative approach in clomiphene resistant polycystic ovarian... - [已解决] attachment liyujie2012 2016-10-6 394 liyujie2012 2016-10-7 11:55
悬赏 Detailed numerical simulations of flame propagation in coal-dust clouds - [已解决] Caesar 2016-10-7 169 wjw2016 2016-10-7 11:09
悬赏 An Investigation of Aluminum Dust Explosions - [已解决] Caesar 2016-10-7 181 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 11:02
悬赏 [成功] Evaluation of Terra/MODIS atmospheric profiles product (MOD07) over the Iberi... - [已解决] heqiurui 2016-10-7 178 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 10:31
悬赏 [成功] Nonlinear statistical retrieval of atmospheric profiles from MetOp-IASI and - [已解决] heqiurui 2016-10-7 179 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 10:28
悬赏 [成功] The contribution of China’s emissions to global climate forcing - [已解决] Caesar 2016-10-7 193 qingbuyujie 2016-10-7 10:07


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