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悬赏 [成功] Record Resistance Ratio and Bipolar/Unipolar Resistive Switching Characterist... - [已解决] tookey0116 2016-10-11 187 ljrlove2008 2016-10-11 21:40
悬赏 [成功] MHC harnessing and lymphocytic recruitment: a new tool for GBM immunotherapy - [已解决] rolan 2016-9-26 1115 Ferrari 2016-10-11 21:21
悬赏 [成功] Interface induced transition from bipolar resistive switching to unipolar res... - [已解决] tookey0116 2016-10-11 165 ljrlove2008 2016-10-11 21:15
悬赏 [成功] 基于数字化人体的高精度器官模型3D打印初探 - [已解决] smxsyywl 2016-10-11 191 yeyue130 2016-10-11 21:05
悬赏 [成功] 3D打印在肝脏外科应用的研究进展 - [已解决] smxsyywl 2016-10-11 1139 yeyue130 2016-10-11 20:46
悬赏 化学实验室安全 - [已解决] qyp511 2016-10-11 1190 罗烟步我也会 2016-10-11 19:06
悬赏 [成功] Synthesis of cholic-acid-carrying polymer and in-vitro evaluation of hepatoma... - [已解决] 芥末辣椒酱 2016-10-11 1136 zbgood2009 2016-10-11 18:23
悬赏 [成功] Epilepsy and malformations of cortical development: new developments. - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 1113 wux1 2016-10-11 16:56
悬赏 [成功] Targeted next-generation sequencing in the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental di... - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 194 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 16:48
悬赏 [成功] Malformations of Cortical Development: From Postnatal to Fetal Imaging - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 1119 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 16:46
悬赏 [成功] The first case of CDK5RAP2-related primary microcephaly in a non-consanguineo... - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 1113 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 16:44
悬赏 [成功] Mutations in SLC1A4, encoding the brain serine transporter, are associated wi... - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 1127 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 16:41
悬赏 Contribution of Human Oral Cells to Astringency by Binding Salivary Protein/T... - [已解决] ywcomwy 2016-10-11 174 浪淘沙 2016-10-11 16:29
悬赏 Jagged1 (JAG1) mutations in Alagille syndrome: increasing the mutation detect... - [已解决] disagree xy林彭 2016-10-11 177 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 15:54
悬赏 [成功] Geochemical evolution of brines in the Salar of Uyuni, Bolivia - [已解决] waise 2016-10-11 1132 浪淘沙 2016-10-11 15:49
悬赏 减盐防控高血压的科学证据和实践 - [已解决] xiyu 2016-10-11 1135 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 14:42
悬赏 Epileptogenesis. - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 186 liwusheng 2016-10-11 14:05
悬赏 Obtaining genetic testing in pediatric epilepsy - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 1101 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 13:34
悬赏 [成功] Alluvial facies distributions in continental sedimentary basins—distributi... - [已解决] disagree hxs123 2016-10-10 4165 vip 2016-10-11 13:33
悬赏 Improving your genetic literacy in epilepsy—A new series - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 183 yunzhongfeng 2016-10-11 13:31
悬赏 Glutathione - [已解决] 石天流 2016-10-11 190 liwusheng 2016-10-11 12:24
悬赏 Review of Commercially Available Epilepsy Genetic Panels - [已解决] sunshine0404 2016-10-11 172 wux1 2016-10-11 11:41
悬赏 Kant on the Debt of Sin - [已解决] TonyStark 2016-10-10 2146 Ferrari 2016-10-11 08:41
悬赏 The freedom of mobility. - [已解决] attachment wanjun 2016-10-10 2142 wanjun 2016-10-11 08:36
悬赏 [成功] Validation of a Modified CHA2DS2-VASc Score for Stroke Risk Stratification in... - [已解决] weixinduda 2016-10-10 1158 gyrowheel 2016-10-10 22:19
悬赏 [成功] Controllability in the alpha-norm of Some Impulsive Differential Equation wit.. - [已解决] ljhcumt 2016-9-4 1171 Ferrari 2016-10-10 22:08
悬赏 [成功] How long do international school heads survive? Part 1 - [已解决] 圣物 2016-9-9 1114 Ferrari 2016-10-10 22:03
悬赏 [成功] Latest Skirmishes in the Long-Term Battle Between Carotid Endarterectomy and ... - [已解决] weixinduda 2016-10-10 1130 gyrowheel 2016-10-10 21:53
悬赏 [成功] The Role of Tumor Associated Macrophages in the Tumor Microenvironment: Mecha... - [已解决] rattlebox321 2016-8-19 1314 Ferrari 2016-10-10 21:39
悬赏 [成功] GNSS基线边长与全站仪测量边长对比研究 - [已解决] ljrlove2008 2016-10-10 1150 tonyabcd 2016-10-10 20:42
悬赏 [成功] GPS伪距差分非迭代与迭代算法比较 - [已解决] ljrlove2008 2016-10-10 1141 thesea 2016-10-10 20:39
悬赏 [成功] 抗差M估计在GPS/北斗双系统定位中的应用 - [已解决] ljrlove2008 2016-10-10 1156 gyrowheel 2016-10-10 20:33
悬赏 [成功] Fat fraction estimation of the vertebrae in females using the T2*-IDEAL techn... - [已解决] disagree 麦芽糖aaa 2016-10-10 199 pnas2009 2016-10-10 20:05
悬赏 Development of a Supercooled Large Droplet Environment within the NRC Altitu... - [已解决] disagree cszssj 2016-10-10 1134 lben85 2016-10-10 18:19
悬赏 [成功] Laparoscopic Renal Denervation for Uncontrolled Hypertension - [已解决] attachment 开明陆吾 2016-10-10 181 duzhong 2016-10-10 16:58
悬赏 [放弃] Phototyping: comprehensive DNA typing for HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] 夏天的雪花 2016-10-10 2908 夏天的雪花 2016-10-10 15:35
悬赏 [成功] Proton-density fat fraction and simultaneous R2* estimation as an MRI tool fo.. - [已解决] attachment 麦芽糖aaa 2016-10-10 1181 浪淘沙 2016-10-10 15:32
悬赏 [成功] Whole genome transcriptome analysis. - [已解决] attachment afa 2016-10-10 1203 浪淘沙 2016-10-10 15:30
悬赏 [成功] Improved performance of a conducting-bridge random access memory using ionic ... - [已解决] tookey0116 2016-10-10 2112 tookey0116 2016-10-10 14:43
悬赏 [成功] Ultralow switching current in HfOx/ZnO bilayer with tunable switching power e... - [已解决] tookey0116 2016-10-10 199 liwusheng 2016-10-10 14:11


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