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悬赏 Macrophages in epididymal adipose tissue secrete osteopontin to regulate bone.. - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-28 1243 fenavi 2022-1-28 18:58
悬赏 The multiple functions and mechanisms of osteoponti - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-27 1287 fenavi 2022-1-28 01:19
悬赏 Multimedia Effects During Retrieval Practice: Images That Reveal the Answer R... - [已解决] attach_img yezi001 2022-1-26 1241 jackyzfy 2022-1-26 12:23
悬赏 Under Which Conditions Are Physical Versus Virtual Representations Effective?... - [已解决] attach_img yezi001 2022-1-26 1267 jackyzfy 2022-1-26 12:12
悬赏 Calcium signalling in lymphocyte activation and disease - [已解决] attachment xyf1984 2022-1-21 2330 ucdavis 2022-1-26 09:20
悬赏 不同陈化年限普洱茶HPLC指纹图谱及年份判别 - [已解决] attachment 兔子酸奶 2022-1-25 1239 ucdavis 2022-1-26 09:19
悬赏 基于CFD的发酵罐内多相流场特性与发酵性能研究 - [已解决] Wa丶 2022-1-25 1290 ucdavis 2022-1-26 09:18
悬赏 Integration of phosphine ligands and ionic liquids both in structure and prop... - [已解决] zkzk3158 2022-1-26 1273 ucdavis 2022-1-26 09:16
悬赏 Integration of a phosphine ligand into an ionic liquid: a highly effective bi... - [已解决] zkzk3158 2022-1-26 1254 ucdavis 2022-1-26 09:15
悬赏 [成功] Influence of Whipping on Long-term Vertical Bending Moment - [已解决] tynda 2022-1-25 1427 sample2007007 2022-1-26 01:07
悬赏 Materials for Smart Soft Actuator Systems - [已解决] なつめたかし 2022-1-25 1278 fenavi 2022-1-25 15:42
悬赏 [成功] The deficiency of miR-214-3p exacerbates cardiac fibrosis via miR-214-3p/NLRC.. - [已解决] attachment 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-17 2482 sample2007007 2022-1-24 11:57
悬赏 [成功] Too Anxious to Be Confident? A Panel Longitudinal Study Into the Interplay of... - [已解决] attachment yezi001 2022-1-21 3577 sample2007007 2022-1-24 11:53
悬赏 [成功] The Reciprocal 2I/E Model: An Investigation of Mutual Relations Between Achie... - [已解决] attachment yezi001 2022-1-21 3480 sample2007007 2022-1-24 11:52
悬赏 [成功] Inhibition of Interleukin-1 in the Treatment of Selected Cardiovascular Compl... - [已解决] attachment best1 2022-1-19 2773 sample2007007 2022-1-23 18:08
悬赏 Extreme response estimation of flexible risers by use of long term statistics - [已解决] tynda 2022-1-21 1359 sample2007007 2022-1-23 18:04
悬赏 [成功] Sloshing impact design load assessment - [已解决] attachment tynda 2022-1-22 1442 sample2007007 2022-1-23 17:16
悬赏 Influenza Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase and the Host Transcriptional App - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2022-1-22 1255 fenavi 2022-1-22 19:14
悬赏 Probabilistic Load Combination Factors of Wave and Whipping Bending Moment - [已解决] attach_img tynda 2022-1-22 1277 jackyzfy 2022-1-22 09:59
悬赏 Multivariate Extreme Analysis Methodology in Function of Structural Response - [已解决] attach_img tynda 2022-1-21 1273 jackyzfy 2022-1-21 23:38
悬赏 A new method for predicting the extreme dynamic responses of wave energy conv... - [已解决] attach_img tynda 2022-1-21 1293 jackyzfy 2022-1-21 23:34
悬赏 The Potential of Relevance Interventions for Scaling Up: A Cluster-Randomized... - [已解决] attach_img yezi001 2022-1-21 1271 jackyzfy 2022-1-21 20:44
悬赏 Do Children With Reading Difficulties Experience Writing Difficulties? A Meta... - [已解决] attach_img yezi001 2022-1-21 1206 jackyzfy 2022-1-21 20:39
悬赏 Bioactive Compounds with Significant Anti- Rheumatoid Arthritis Effect Isolat... - [已解决] attach_img mawh08 2022-1-21 1202 jackyzfy 2022-1-21 18:13
悬赏 Identification of Maple Anthocyanin and its Antiproliferative Activity against - [已解决] attach_img mawh08 2022-1-21 1245 jackyzfy 2022-1-21 18:07
悬赏 Opioid-Free Recovery from Bunionectomy with HTX-011, a Dual-Acting Local Anes... - [已解决] attach_img 翔子 2022-1-21 1227 jackyzfy 2022-1-21 10:30
悬赏 Fibroblast and Myofibroblast Subtypes: Single Cell Sequencin - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-20 1229 Jean 2022-1-21 02:27
悬赏 Fibroblasts: Origins, definitions, and functions in health and diseas - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-20 1233 Jean 2022-1-21 02:04
悬赏 Efficient hemogenic endothelial cell specification by RUNX1 is dependent on b.. - [已解决] 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-18 1333 Jean 2022-1-20 01:07
悬赏 Efficacy of an oral antihistamine, astemizole, as compared to a nasal steroi... - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2022-1-19 1264 Jean 2022-1-19 19:37
悬赏 Copula-Based Matrix System Reliability for Reliability Assessment of General ... - [已解决] attachment Analytical 2022-1-10 2279 tynda 2022-1-19 18:36
悬赏 The role of osteopontin in the development and metastasis of melanom - [已解决] attachment 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-10 6390 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-19 09:53
悬赏 Inhibition of Long Noncoding RNA SNHG20 Improves Angiotensin II-Induced Cardi.. - [已解决] attachment 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-17 2281 jackyzfy 2022-1-17 23:29
悬赏 Osteopontin Signaling in Shaping Tumor Microenvironment Conducive to Malignan.. - [已解决] attachment 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-11 3283 Jean 2022-1-17 22:19
悬赏 MicroRNA targets and biomarker validation for diabetes-associated cardiac fib.. - [已解决] attachment 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-17 1224 Jean 2022-1-17 22:17
悬赏 A tangled tale of microRNA and cardiac fibrosis - [已解决] attachment 坚持坚持吧 2022-1-17 1263 Jean 2022-1-17 22:11
悬赏 A near-infrared fluorescent probe targeting mitochondria for sulfite detectio... - [已解决] attachment tiger861215 2022-1-17 1189 Jean 2022-1-17 22:00
悬赏 In vivo genome-wide CRISPR screens identify SOCS1 as intrinsic checkpoint of .. - [已解决] attachment goodday 2021-12-7 2394 goodday 2022-1-17 17:38
悬赏 Responsive small-molecule luminescence probes for sulfite/bisulfite detection... - [已解决] attach_img tiger861215 2022-1-17 4281 goodday 2022-1-17 17:37
悬赏 A Mechanically Interlocking Strategy Based on Conductive Microbridges for St - [已解决] なつめたかし 2022-1-14 3311 なつめたかし 2022-1-17 11:55


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