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悬赏 [成功] Immunoglobulin E and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different st.. - [已解决] 科研人人 2023-1-4 1375 adamos1945 2023-1-4 09:35
悬赏 [成功] Biomarkers of plaque instability in acute coronary syndrome - [已解决] 科研人人 2023-1-4 1342 adamos1945 2023-1-4 09:33
悬赏 [成功] Metalloproteinases-2 and -9 predict left ventricular remodeling after myocard.. - [已解决] 科研人人 2023-1-4 1343 adamos1945 2023-1-4 09:31
悬赏 [成功] Clinical significance of leukotriene b4 and extracellular matrix metalloprote.. - [已解决] 科研人人 2023-1-4 1341 goodday 2023-1-4 09:00
悬赏 [成功] Precise cut-and-paste DNA insertion using engineered type V-K CRISPR-associat... - [已解决] adamos1945 2023-1-3 1282 thesea 2023-1-3 23:02
悬赏 [成功] 3D printing of hydrogel electronics - [已解决] なつめたかし 2023-1-3 1417 goodday 2023-1-3 12:44
悬赏 [成功] In situ induced crosslinking highly conductive solid polymer electrolyte with... - [已解决] ri_290 2023-1-2 1306 fenavi 2023-1-2 19:40
悬赏 [成功] Sedimentary environment of the Upper Cretaceous Yogou Formation in Termit Bas... - [已解决] antarctic_2022 2023-1-2 1279 fenavi 2023-1-2 19:37
悬赏 [成功] 干寒环境对大鼠尿液与血浆代谢成分的影响 - [已解决] attachment hel0123 2023-1-1 1296 wux1 2023-1-2 14:07
悬赏 [成功] Remarks on the Clark theorem - [已解决] attachment math 2022-12-10 14706 lo7ve77 2023-1-2 02:17
悬赏 [成功] The space of Kähler metrics - [已解决] attachment acre 2020-11-9 3868 acre 2023-1-1 16:08
悬赏 [成功] The Supersonic Flutter Behavior of Sandwich Plates with an Magnetorheologica... - [已解决] best1 2022-12-28 1352 thesea 2022-12-29 09:36
悬赏 [成功] High intensity interval training induces beneficial effects on coronary ather... - [已解决] beidou987 2022-12-28 2325 beidou987 2022-12-28 15:38
悬赏 [成功] Predicting Hydrological Drought With Bayesian Model Averaging Ensemble Vine C... - [已解决] Analytical 2022-12-27 1308 thesea 2022-12-27 16:23
悬赏 [成功] Analytical Approximate Approach to the Helmholtz-Duffing Oscillator - [已解决] attachment Bruel 2022-12-27 1287 goodday 2022-12-27 08:43
悬赏 [成功] High sensitivity immunoassays for small molecule compounds detection – Nove... - [已解决] tiger861215 2022-12-26 1316 fenavi 2022-12-26 19:07
悬赏 [成功] Honey polyphenols: regulators of human microbiota and health - [已解决] fenavi 2022-12-22 1339 goodday 2022-12-23 08:44
悬赏 [成功] Rational combinations of targeted cancer therapies: background, advances and - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2022-12-22 1347 thesea 2022-12-22 08:18
悬赏 [成功] 2型糖尿病胰岛β细胞功能评估与保护临床专家共识 - [已解决] SSM 2022-12-21 1295 goodday 2022-12-21 13:52
悬赏 [成功] An Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 1-Aminophosphonates - [已解决] attach_img pnas2009 2022-12-17 6417 jackyzfy 2022-12-20 17:34
悬赏 [成功] Time capsule for geotechnical risk and reliability - [已解决] Analytical 2022-12-20 1299 math 2022-12-20 16:42
悬赏 [成功] Annual decline in β-cell function in patients with type 2 diabetes in China - [已解决] SSM 2022-12-20 1297 fenavi 2022-12-20 15:11
悬赏 [成功] Dynamic Covalent Polyurethane Network Materials: Synthesis and Self-Healability - [已解决] chengcj2008 2022-12-19 1277 fenavi 2022-12-19 16:08
悬赏 [成功] A Hybrid Surgical Simulator for Interactive Endoscopic Training - [已解决] jivian 2022-12-19 1326 thesea 2022-12-19 10:17
悬赏 [成功] Adenine Base Editor Ribonucleoproteins Delivered by Lentivirus-Like Particles... - [已解决] adamos1945 2022-12-18 1388 math 2022-12-18 12:57
悬赏 [成功] The true potential of nonlinear stiffness for point absorbing wave energy con... - [已解决] IF1988s 2022-12-17 1316 fenavi 2022-12-17 18:49
悬赏 [成功] Performance analysis of the SJTU-WEC based on the wave-to-wire model and the ... - [已解决] IF1988s 2022-12-17 1287 fenavi 2022-12-17 18:47
悬赏 [成功] Atopic dermatitis - [已解决] 孤月对蝉吟 2022-7-19 2556 math 2022-12-15 23:38
悬赏 [成功] Tourism seasonality: the causes and effects - [已解决] dizhugege 2022-9-16 1412 math 2022-12-15 23:31
悬赏 [成功] The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus - [已解决] adamos1945 2022-11-18 1365 math 2022-12-15 22:56
悬赏 [成功] “华龙一号”第二台全范围模拟机国产化技术方案全过程... - [已解决] blck 2022-12-15 1303 pnas2009 2022-12-15 22:02
悬赏 [成功] “国和一号”示范工程设备质量监督管理 - [已解决] blck 2022-12-15 1302 pnas2009 2022-12-15 22:01
悬赏 [成功] 铁路机车车辆产品监造细则研究与实践 - [已解决] blck 2022-12-15 1325 pnas2009 2022-12-15 22:00
悬赏 [成功] Immunotherapies for hepatocellular carcinoma - [已解决] cz_Ryan 2022-12-12 1316 math 2022-12-15 16:19
悬赏 [成功] Anti-ageing peptides and proteins for topical applications: a review - [已解决] 华南才子 2022-11-14 2398 华南才子 2022-12-15 16:01
悬赏 [成功] Association between exposure to organophosphorus pesticides and - [已解决] 黄俊高 2022-12-15 1400 thesea 2022-12-15 12:13
悬赏 [成功] Update on the pathophysiology and medical treatment of peripheral artery disease - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2022-12-15 1341 goodday 2022-12-15 10:49
悬赏 [成功] Micro light-emitting diodes - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2022-12-13 1315 math 2022-12-15 10:20
悬赏 [成功] Anomalous Hall antiferromagnets - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2022-12-13 3401 goodday 2022-12-14 15:38
悬赏 [成功] Lycopene ameliorates skin aging by regulating the insulin resistance pathway ... - [已解决] 华南才子 2022-12-13 1320 goodday 2022-12-14 08:38


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