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悬赏 Durability of insulin degludec plus liraglutide versus insulin glargine U100 ... - [已解决] disagree 小样的天空 2019-10-25 2631 sample2007007 2020-11-4 16:04
悬赏 Cecal Hematoma Associated with Suspected Necrotizing Enterocolitis in a Neonate - [已解决] disagree 祖源 2019-10-25 1565 sample2007007 2020-11-4 16:00
悬赏 Surgical treatment for necrotizing enterocolitis; a new score to extreme surv... - [已解决] attachment disagree 祖源 2019-10-27 1512 sample2007007 2020-11-4 15:51
悬赏 New Medical and Surgical Insights Into Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A ... - [已解决] attachment disagree 祖源 2019-10-27 1550 sample2007007 2020-11-4 15:49
悬赏 [成功] Reduced Background Expression and Improved Plasmid Stability with pET Vectors... - [已解决] attachment qzyctr 2019-10-27 1847 sample2007007 2020-11-4 15:36
悬赏 The sixth report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, ev... - [已解决] disagree xiyu 2019-11-1 1460 sample2007007 2020-11-4 14:54
悬赏 AXL Targeting Overcomes Human Lung Cancer Cell Resistance to NK- and CTL-Medi... - [已解决] disagree moll 2019-10-31 1426 sample2007007 2020-11-4 14:37
悬赏 68Ga-Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen-11 PET/CT: A New Imaging Option for R... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [已应助待确认] ztzh 2019-11-1 1593 sample2007007 2020-11-4 14:12
悬赏 [成功] Adsorption of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (rhG-CS... - [已解决] pnas2009 2019-11-6 1711 sample2007007 2020-11-4 13:58
悬赏 Restricted Access How Extended - [已解决] attachment disagree zhaohongfei 2019-11-5 1458 sample2007007 2020-11-4 13:53
悬赏 Toxicokinetics of nickel in rats after intratracheal administration of a solu... - [已解决] disagree likefish 2019-11-12 1475 sample2007007 2020-11-4 13:49
悬赏 Patent Foramen Ovale and Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism. - [已解决] attachment disagree ybdx016 2019-11-8 1493 sample2007007 2020-11-4 13:40
悬赏 [成功] Wave propagation in waveguides with graded plasmonic obstacles - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-4 1562 sample2007007 2020-11-4 12:54
悬赏 [成功] An ultra-broadband polarization-insensitive terahertz metamaterial absorber - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-4 1692 sample2007007 2020-11-4 12:41
悬赏 [成功] Simulation of optical lattice trap loading from a cold atomic ensembl - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-4 1764 sample2007007 2020-11-4 12:34
悬赏 [成功] Delay-dependent exponential stability analysis for stochastic - [已解决] attachment cqnuly 2020-11-3 1659 sample2007007 2020-11-3 21:52
悬赏 Evaluating weather influences on transmission line failure rate based on scar... - [已解决] disagree lionisxn 2019-11-14 1513 sample2007007 2020-11-3 19:32
悬赏 [成功] Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: a meta-... - [已解决] attachment xiyu 2020-11-3 1629 sample2007007 2020-11-3 19:15
悬赏 High order maximum principle preserving semi-Lagrangian finite difference WENO - [已解决] thesea 2020-11-3 1379 sample2007007 2020-11-3 19:12
悬赏 Elegant Gaussian beams: nondiffracting nature and self-healing property - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-3 1323 thesea 2020-11-3 12:14
悬赏 Asymmetric dissipative solitons in a waveguide lattice with non-uniform gain-... - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-3 1299 thesea 2020-11-3 12:06
悬赏 Fine Features of Optical Potential Well Induced by Nonlinearity - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-3 1327 thesea 2020-11-3 12:02
悬赏 Omnidirectional field enhancements drive giant nonlinearities in epsilon-near... - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-3 1262 thesea 2020-11-3 11:58
悬赏 Deep Neural Network for Real-Time Location and Moment Tensor Inversion of Bor... - [已解决] changshu 2020-11-3 1294 ucdavis 2020-11-3 11:57
悬赏 Rapid, simple, and versatile manufacturing of recombinant adeno-associated v... - [已解决] Wa丶 2020-11-3 1331 ucdavis 2020-11-3 11:39
悬赏 山西太原窦大夫祠祈雨民俗研究 - [已解决] attachment laowang 2020-11-3 1326 shixiwu 2020-11-3 10:13
悬赏 Regional-scale storm-surge modeling of long island, New York, USA - [已解决] disagree sl1129 2019-11-22 1488 sample2007007 2020-11-2 20:04
悬赏 Fatigue–oxidation–creep damage model under axial-torsional thermo-mechani... - [已解决] disagree 361 2019-11-22 1537 sample2007007 2020-11-2 20:00
悬赏 [成功] 盐酸戊乙奎醚的药理作用和临床应用进展 - [已解决] attachment disagree zzqq 2019-11-23 1772 sample2007007 2020-11-2 19:57
悬赏 Multicore bi-layer gold-coated SPR-based sensor for simultaneous measurements... - [已解决] disagree zhencheng 2019-11-23 1528 sample2007007 2020-11-2 19:54
悬赏 Endoglycosidase S Enables a Highly Simplified Clinical Chemistry Procedure fo... - [已解决] disagree shinexzl 2019-11-23 1521 sample2007007 2020-11-2 19:52
悬赏 [成功] A New Species of Ambush Bug (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Phymatinae) from Ecuado... - [已解决] kunchongge 2020-1-10 1755 sample2007007 2020-11-2 16:36
悬赏 [成功] Fourier transforms of finite length theoretical gravity anomalies - [已解决] attachment yywozhucel 2020-3-29 1892 sample2007007 2020-11-2 13:26
悬赏 Protodikraneurini trib. nov. from the Eocene Baltic amber (Hemiptera: Cicadel... - [已解决] disagree wjz6129466 2020-5-21 1487 sample2007007 2020-11-2 13:13
悬赏 [成功] Sensitivity to small delays of mean square stability for stochastic - [已解决] attachment cqnuly 2020-8-5 1890 sample2007007 2020-11-2 13:08
悬赏 [成功] Sensitivity to small delays of mean square stability for stochastic - [已解决] attachment cqnuly 2020-8-8 1864 sample2007007 2020-11-2 13:07
悬赏 Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition: past, present and future - [已解决] hel0123 2020-11-2 1228 忧客 2020-11-2 11:04
悬赏 Self-Similar Propagation of Optical Pulses in Fibers with Positive Quartic Di... - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-10-31 1291 fenavi 2020-11-1 19:03
悬赏 Sustainment maturity levels and health assessment metrics to drive supportabi... - [已解决] blck 2020-10-31 1321 thesea 2020-10-31 16:35
悬赏 项目牵引下的战术武器系统研制质量管控方法研究 - [已解决] blck 2020-10-31 1320 thesea 2020-10-31 16:32


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