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悬赏 [成功] Territorial versus individual hotel seasonality in a high seasonal destination - [已解决] wth1260 2020-11-5 1624 sample2007007 2020-11-6 12:05
悬赏 [成功] Territorial versus individual hotel seasonality in a high seasonal destination - [已解决] wth1260 2020-11-5 1739 sample2007007 2020-11-6 12:05
悬赏 A qualitative diagnostic signature for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma based.. - [已解决] disagree flyland 2020-11-6 1291 sample2007007 2020-11-6 12:00
悬赏 Guide Recogniction of Client Motivation in Adventure Tourism - [已解决] dizhugege 2020-9-23 3314 dizhugege 2020-11-5 21:55
悬赏 [成功] Differential climate preferences of international beach tourists - [已解决] wth1260 2017-4-10 2565 wth1260 2020-11-5 21:52
悬赏 [成功] Backpackers and sustainability: A case of leisure-as-usual? - [已解决] wth1260 2018-5-31 31056 wth1260 2020-11-5 21:51
悬赏 [成功] Motivational Dimensions of the Camping Experience - [已解决] wth1260 2018-5-30 2726 wth1260 2020-11-5 21:50
悬赏 Adventure education – a new way to confront reality - [已解决] wth1260 2019-11-4 2357 wth1260 2020-11-5 21:48
悬赏 HDR/WCG Metadata Packing and Signaling in the Vertical Ancillary Data Space - [已解决] attachment disagree changExp 2019-7-17 1387 sample2007007 2020-11-5 19:01
悬赏 Montelukast, Leukotriene Inhibitor, Reduces LPS-Induced Acute Lung Inflammati... - [已解决] disagree zhanglr 2019-7-30 1481 sample2007007 2020-11-5 18:47
悬赏 A matter of choice: Controversial histories, citizenship, and the challenge o... - [已解决] disagree yezi001 2018-4-13 1492 sample2007007 2020-11-5 18:05
悬赏 Co-occurrence analysis reveal that biotic and abiotic factors influence - [已解决] disagree hailang820316 2019-8-10 1509 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:58
悬赏 Bioresorbable photonic devices for the spectroscopic characterization of - [已解决] disagree 郁少宸 2019-8-10 1448 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:51
悬赏 [成功] CD82 controls CpG-dependent TLR9 signaling - [已解决] goodday 2019-8-14 1752 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:47
悬赏 [成功] Probabilistic analysis of site-specific load-displacement behaviour of cement... - [已解决] tynda 2019-8-13 1583 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:42
悬赏 Continual learning of context-dependent processing in neural networks - [已解决] disagree jjxytc 2019-8-13 1452 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:35
悬赏 [成功] 储气库密封性评价体系的建立及初步应用 - [已解决] caihailiang 2019-8-15 1578 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:20
悬赏 An efficient and secure authentication scheme for vehicle sensor networks - [已解决] disagree chqschqs 2019-5-4 1500 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:12
悬赏 Effective Area Enlarged Photonic Crystal Fiber with Quasi-Uniform Air-Hole St... - [已解决] disagree zhencheng 2019-10-19 1490 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:09
悬赏 Effectiveness of CFG pile-slab structure on soft soil for supporting high-spe... - [已解决] disagree Analytical 2019-8-20 1410 sample2007007 2020-11-5 17:01
悬赏 Characteristics and pregnancy outcomes across gestational diabetes mellitus s... - [悬赏 5 速递币] attachment [已应助待确认] moderate_ 2020-3-9 1583 sample2007007 2020-11-5 12:38
悬赏 急求文献一篇 - [已解决] disagree lyang27 2020-2-3 1596 sample2007007 2020-11-5 12:33
悬赏 Emerging blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer disease - [已解决] attachment jivian 2020-11-5 1307 sample2007007 2020-11-5 12:05
悬赏 Metabolism of immune cells in cancer - [已解决] doctorwp 2020-11-4 2386 doctorwp 2020-11-5 08:25
悬赏 CDX2 as a prognostic marker in gastric cancer - [已解决] attachment disagree xiaodan1234 2019-9-5 1511 sample2007007 2020-11-5 00:24
悬赏 [成功] Additional Results on Options - [已解决] attachment disagree duzhong 2019-9-6 11167 sample2007007 2020-11-5 00:20
悬赏 Carcinoma of the fallopian tube. - [已解决] attachment disagree ztzh 2019-9-24 1446 sample2007007 2020-11-4 23:49
悬赏 Interaction between molecular subtypes, stromal immune infiltration before an... - [已解决] disagree ybdx016 2019-9-29 1444 sample2007007 2020-11-4 23:27
悬赏 Telehealth model of care for routine - [已解决] disagree zhaohongfei 2019-10-11 1466 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:54
悬赏 Heterozygous lys169Glu mutation of glucokinase gene in a chinese family havin... - [已解决] attachment ybdx016 2019-10-11 1441 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:50
悬赏 Collaborative Brazilian pediatric renal transplant registry (CoBrazPed-RTx): - [悬赏 5 速递币] attachment [已应助待确认] zhaohongfei 2019-10-11 1490 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:46
悬赏 Causes of renal allograft failure in the UK: trends in UK Renal - [已解决] disagree zhaohongfei 2019-10-11 1512 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:42
悬赏 Outpatient follow-up of liver transplant recipients: the essential - [已解决] disagree zhaohongfei 2019-10-11 1491 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:38
悬赏 Slip,twinning,and fracture in hexagonal close-packed metals - [已解决] disagree liuzhoupan 2019-10-12 1533 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:30
悬赏 [成功] Circulating tumor cells exhibit metastatic tropism and reveal brain metasta - [已解决] goodday 2019-10-12 1830 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:26
悬赏 Extended aeromagnetic compensation modelling including non-manoeuvring interf... - [已解决] disagree yywozhucel 2019-10-13 1479 sample2007007 2020-11-4 19:20
悬赏 Concomitant presentation of sarcoidosis and pulmonary tuberculosis with ARDS:... - [已解决] disagree hailang820316 2019-10-19 1620 sample2007007 2020-11-4 16:49
悬赏 [成功] 中国高血压研究进入新时代 - [已解决] disagree xiyu 2019-10-24 1743 sample2007007 2020-11-4 16:36
悬赏 Stress Factors in Monoclonal Antibody Drug Substance Production Processes - [已解决] disagree shinexzl 2019-10-23 2542 sample2007007 2020-11-4 16:26
悬赏 A Dual Algorithm for Minimizing a Quadratic Function with Two Quadratic Const... - [已解决] disagree acre 2019-10-24 1577 sample2007007 2020-11-4 16:17


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