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悬赏 The Large UV/Optical/Infrared (LUVOIR) surveyor: engineering design and techn... - [已解决] gyrowheel 2020-12-20 2178 忧客 2020-12-21 09:15
悬赏 [成功] Silicone rubber in medical applications - [已解决] 浪淘沙 2020-12-19 1714 忧客 2020-12-21 09:05
悬赏 使用双磷酸盐类药物患者拔牙围术期的管理 - [已解决] 盒子的世界 2020-12-17 1421 忧客 2020-12-21 09:01
悬赏 Inter-satellite laser communication system based on double Risley prisms beam - [已解决] gyrowheel 2020-12-19 1370 thesea 2020-12-20 19:59
悬赏 Space-qualified fast steering mirror for an image stabilization system of spa... - [已解决] gyrowheel 2020-12-19 1298 thesea 2020-12-20 19:55
悬赏 Wide-band white light sparse-aperture Fizeau imaging interferometer testbed f... - [已解决] gyrowheel 2020-12-19 1352 thesea 2020-12-20 18:25
悬赏 双磷酸盐在口腔医学方面的研究进展 - [已解决] 盒子的世界 2020-12-17 1370 浪淘沙 2020-12-19 14:19
悬赏 国防科工局关于印发《国防科学技术奖励办法实施细则》... - [已解决] 1953 2020-12-15 1424 浪淘沙 2020-12-19 14:16
悬赏 High-bandwidth angular jitter measurement for acquisition, tracking and pointing - [已解决] gyrowheel 2020-12-19 1419 浪淘沙 2020-12-19 14:15
悬赏 基于AHP-云模型的部队装备维修保障效能评估 - [已解决] attach_img blck 2020-12-18 1442 jackyzfy 2020-12-19 11:08
悬赏 [成功] The use of single-pill combinations as first-line treatment for hypertension:... - [已解决] attachment xiyu 2020-12-18 1467 sample2007007 2020-12-18 16:16
悬赏 前置预旋导轮psv - [已解决] mark3344 2020-12-12 2375 jackyzfy 2020-12-18 12:41
悬赏 Combination chemotherapy with docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil in pre... 新人帖 - [已解决] attach_img nina1010 2020-12-8 1390 jackyzfy 2020-12-18 12:14
悬赏 [成功] Improved Synthesis of 3-Nitrosalicylic Acid - [已解决] attachment zkzk3158 2020-12-17 1504 sample2007007 2020-12-18 12:10
悬赏 【求supplementary data】Safety of semi-depot house dust mite allergen extr... - [已解决] attachment maygao 2020-12-16 1429 goodday 2020-12-17 09:41
悬赏 Stability analysis of a fractional-order novel hepatitis B virus model - [已解决] disagree cqnuly 2020-12-15 1468 sample2007007 2020-12-16 23:02
悬赏 Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of - [已解决] attachment SSM 2020-12-16 1526 sample2007007 2020-12-16 22:58
悬赏 [成功] The pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and tolerability of liraglutide, a on... 新人帖 - [已解决] attachment SSM 2020-12-16 1573 sample2007007 2020-12-16 22:53
悬赏 [成功] Sedimentary sequence and evolutionary history of the Proterozoic basin at the... - [已解决] laowang 2020-12-16 1528 sample2007007 2020-12-16 22:44
悬赏 No Access Probabilistic analysis of soil suction and cracking in fibre-reinfo... - [已解决] tynda 2019-7-14 3830 浪淘沙 2020-12-15 08:56
悬赏 Flexible autofocusing properties of ring Pearcey beams by means of a cross phase - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-12-2 3683 浪淘沙 2020-12-15 08:54
悬赏 Highly efficient thermo-optic tunable micro-ring resonator based on an LNOI p... - [已解决] zhencheng 2020-11-14 4566 浪淘沙 2020-12-15 08:51
悬赏 Senescent cells promote tissue NAD+ decline during ageing via the activation ... - [已解决] wlfang1985 2020-12-7 1355 浪淘沙 2020-12-14 17:13
悬赏 A discussion on the approximate controllability of Hilfer - [已解决] cqnuly 2020-11-27 5489 浪淘沙 2020-12-14 16:51
悬赏 Analysis and design of a three-phase LCC-type resonant converter - [已解决] zhangfu 2020-12-3 1448 浪淘沙 2020-12-14 16:31
悬赏 Statistical Considerations for Comparative Assessment of Quality Attributes - [已解决] zero_x45 2020-12-13 1341 浪淘沙 2020-12-14 16:25
悬赏 舒芬太尼对重症监护病房危重患者镇痛/镇静治疗的多中... - [已解决] zzqq 2020-12-12 1426 wux1 2020-12-13 16:30
悬赏 [放弃] Driveline Modeling, Experimental Validation - [悬赏 30 速递币] [认领应助] jiangsu523 2020-12-12 0882 jiangsu523 2020-12-12 23:15
悬赏 [成功] Cationic Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Nanoparticles as Efficient in vivo Gene T... - [已解决] 浪淘沙 2020-12-10 1687 sample2007007 2020-12-12 20:06
悬赏 ACE inhibitors and ARBs: Managing potassium and renal function - [已解决] attachment xiyu 2020-12-11 1403 goodday 2020-12-11 20:50
悬赏 LOX-1 and Obesity - [已解决] attachment 留驻的河 2020-12-11 1411 goodday 2020-12-11 18:18
悬赏 [成功] The Green function and a maximum principle for a Caputo two-point boundary va... - [已解决] youyuw 2020-12-11 1544 fenavi 2020-12-11 15:33
悬赏 [成功] General Decay Stability for Nonautonomous Neutral Stochastic - [已解决] cqnuly 2020-12-11 1573 zbgood2009 2020-12-11 10:02
悬赏 [成功] A metastasis map of human cancer cell lines - [已解决] qzyctr 2020-12-10 1529 fenavi 2020-12-10 16:50
悬赏 [成功] General Decay Stability for Nonautonomous Neutral Stochastic - [已解决] cqnuly 2020-12-10 1657 fenavi 2020-12-10 16:45
悬赏 Protective effects of pioglitazone on vascular endothelial cell dysfunction i... - [已解决] disagree 留驻的河 2020-12-9 1464 sample2007007 2020-12-10 00:09
悬赏 Kaempferol alleviates insulin resistance via hepatic IKK/NF-κB signal in ty... - [已解决] disagree 留驻的河 2020-12-9 1495 sample2007007 2020-12-10 00:03
悬赏 [成功] Relapse of herpes simplex encephalitis after conventional acyclovir therapy - [已解决] nuonuo0066 2020-12-9 1520 sample2007007 2020-12-10 00:00
悬赏 [成功] Exploring the non-linear oscillation of a rigid sphere - [已解决] Bruel 2020-12-9 1511 fenavi 2020-12-9 15:26
悬赏 https://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2020/12/03/1078-0432.CCR... - [已解决] disagree wangzujia 2020-12-6 1491 sample2007007 2020-12-9 00:54


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