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悬赏 Rage attacks in Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorder: a systematic review - [已解决] gyxckhz 2021-1-13 2325 gyxckhz 2021-1-13 17:25
悬赏 Additional Use of Aβ42/Aβ40 Ratio with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers P-T... - [已解决] attachment lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-1-13 1449 sample2007007 2021-1-13 13:32
悬赏 [成功] Differentiated thyroid cancer: Radioiodine treatment - [已解决] maygao 2021-1-12 2792 sample2007007 2021-1-13 12:33
悬赏 Long term reduction of microalbuminuria after 1 year of angiotensin convertin... - [已解决] xiyu 2021-1-13 1367 sample2007007 2021-1-13 12:01
悬赏 Study on the bleaching of alkyl polyglucoside - [已解决] attachment best1 2021-1-12 1651 goodday 2021-1-12 19:50
悬赏 对于发展硅胶、硅溶胶、白炭黑产品的看法 - [已解决] best1 2021-1-12 1448 浪淘沙 2021-1-12 09:00
悬赏 硅胶的制备 - [已解决] best1 2021-1-12 1421 浪淘沙 2021-1-12 08:59
悬赏 老化条件对硅胶质量的影响 - [已解决] best1 2021-1-12 1467 浪淘沙 2021-1-12 08:57
悬赏 国外硅胶的制造 - [已解决] best1 2021-1-12 1472 浪淘沙 2021-1-12 08:51
悬赏 [成功] ACE-inhibition with perindopril in essential hypertensive patients with conco... - [已解决] xiyu 2021-1-11 1883 gyrowheel 2021-1-11 19:05
悬赏 Population dynamical behavior of non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-1-10 1318 浪淘沙 2021-1-11 17:32
悬赏 Continuous-wave pumped frequency up-conversions in an InSe-integrated microfiber - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-1-9 1321 浪淘沙 2021-1-11 17:27
悬赏 An international multicenter real-life prospective study of electronic chromo... - [已解决] 圣物 2021-1-9 1478 浪淘沙 2021-1-11 17:24
悬赏 Efficient 0.75-mJ 100-kHz ultra-violet pulsedlaser based on a rod-type photon... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-1-9 1403 浪淘沙 2021-1-11 17:22
悬赏 Detection and Evaluation of Occupational Hazards in Tunneling Construction Pl... - [已解决] best1 2021-1-9 1388 浪淘沙 2021-1-11 17:16
悬赏 [成功] 吸湿用硅胶的制备 - [已解决] best1 2021-1-10 1916 goodday 2021-1-11 15:45
悬赏 [成功] 盐溶液浸漬对硅胶吸湿性能的影响 - [已解决] attachment best1 2021-1-10 1830 goodday 2021-1-11 15:42
悬赏 [成功] 层析硅胶的制备 - [已解决] attachment best1 2021-1-10 1815 goodday 2021-1-11 15:41
悬赏 [成功] Regional Histories, Global Processes, Cross-Cultural Interactions - [已解决] attach_img 馅饼 2020-12-30 2735 馅饼 2021-1-10 01:20
悬赏 Optically Stimulated Luminescence Phosphors: Principles, Applications, and Pr... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-1-8 1374 浪淘沙 2021-1-9 13:39
悬赏 Rational Decision Framework for Designing Pile-Load Test Programs - [已解决] tynda 2021-1-8 1406 浪淘沙 2021-1-9 13:37
悬赏 Enhanced Cyan Emission and Optical Tuning of Ca3Ga4O9:Bi3+ for High‐Quality... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-1-8 1466 浪淘沙 2021-1-9 13:34
悬赏 Highly Efficient Green‐to‐Yellowish‐Orange Emitting Eu2+‐Doped Pyroph... - [已解决] tookey0116 2021-1-8 1400 浪淘沙 2021-1-9 13:31
悬赏 [成功] Dynamically tunable polarization beam splitting with slotted graphene patch a... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-1-9 1706 jackyzfy 2021-1-9 11:49
悬赏 [成功] Emergence of Fano response in trimer structure with asymmetric permittivity - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-1-9 1902 jackyzfy 2021-1-9 11:48
悬赏 [成功] Talbot effect in arrays of helical waveguides - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-1-9 1778 jackyzfy 2021-1-9 11:47
悬赏 [成功] Generation of electromagnetic solitons with angular momentum - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-1-9 1761 jackyzfy 2021-1-9 11:46
悬赏 [成功] Dual-channel fiber surface plasmon resonance sensor based on metalized core - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-1-8 1580 thesea 2021-1-8 11:35
悬赏 [成功] The Maryland model in optical waveguide lattices - [已解决] attach_img zhencheng 2021-1-8 2753 thesea 2021-1-8 11:32
悬赏 [成功] Solutions of BSDEs with a kind of non-Lipschitz coefficients driven by - [已解决] attachment cqnuly 2021-1-7 1641 sample2007007 2021-1-7 18:39
悬赏 Global attracting sets and exponential stability of stochastic - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-1-7 1420 忧客 2021-1-7 14:30
悬赏 [成功] Status of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) in the 1400–1427 MHz passive b... - [已解决] ionhart 2021-1-7 1774 忧客 2021-1-7 14:26
悬赏 [成功] An observational study of emotion regulation in children with Tourette syndrome - [已解决] attachment gyxckhz 2021-1-6 2698 gyxckhz 2021-1-7 14:04
悬赏 [成功] An efficient protocol for regioselective ring opening of epoxides using sulfa... - [已解决] zkzk3158 2021-1-7 1713 忧客 2021-1-7 13:45
悬赏 Physiological Animal Imaging with 68Ga-Citrate - [已解决] best1 2021-1-7 3387 best1 2021-1-7 13:37
悬赏 Lentiviral delivery of co-packaged Cas9 mRNA and a Vegfa-targeting guide RNA ... - [已解决] moll 2021-1-7 1413 忧客 2021-1-7 13:05
悬赏 [成功] RFI Mitigation and the SKA - [已解决] attachment ionhart 2021-1-7 1535 sample2007007 2021-1-7 12:36
悬赏 [成功] PfAgo-based detection of SARS-CoV-2 - [已解决] hejia9987 2021-1-7 1667 sample2007007 2021-1-7 12:31
悬赏 [成功] 创伤后应激障碍量表平民版_PCL-C - [已解决] yezi001 2021-1-6 1489 忧客 2021-1-7 12:14
悬赏 Two fractional hybrid and non‐hybrid boundary value problems - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-1-6 1339 忧客 2021-1-7 09:42


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