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悬赏 Diagnostic Performance of Angiography-based Fractional Flow Reserve in Variou... 新人帖 - [已解决] freshfish 2021-2-22 1349 jackyzfy 2021-2-22 21:30
悬赏 [成功] pH-responsieness of properties and performance of N-lauroyl glutamate - [已解决] attachment best1 2021-2-19 1646 sample2007007 2021-2-22 19:32
悬赏 [成功] Novel approaches to management of hypertension - [已解决] disagree xiyu 2021-2-20 1522 sample2007007 2021-2-22 19:08
悬赏 [成功] 冷冻胚胎保存时限的中国专家共识 - [已解决] attachment chonglai1988 2021-2-20 1458 sample2007007 2021-2-22 19:06
悬赏 [成功] 全级次供应商管理在某型号管理工作中的运用初探 - [已解决] blck 2021-2-20 1597 sample2007007 2021-2-22 19:00
悬赏 [成功] The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM): a breakthrough in remote sensing... - [已解决] ionhart 2021-2-20 1877 sample2007007 2021-2-22 18:59
悬赏 [成功] Simulation of Hydrodynamic Forces and Motions for a Freely Maneuvering Ship i... - [已解决] IF1988s 2021-2-21 1598 sample2007007 2021-2-22 18:48
悬赏 [成功] Long non-coding RNA signature in gastric cancer 新人帖 - [已解决] disagree wslxsw 2021-2-21 1680 sample2007007 2021-2-22 18:45
悬赏 [成功] 主动脉夹层多中心注册数据库概况 - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-2-22 1748 sample2007007 2021-2-22 18:34
悬赏 [成功] 以质量为核心的全级次供应商管理 - [已解决] blck 2021-2-20 1652 sample2007007 2021-2-22 17:59
悬赏 [成功] 嫦娥四号探测器全级次供应商管理实践 - [已解决] attachment blck 2021-2-20 1758 sample2007007 2021-2-22 17:57
悬赏 Biomimetic Synthesis of Iheyamine A from Spirocyclic Oxindoles - [已解决] 明天会更好01 2021-2-5 2456 明天会更好01 2021-2-22 17:56
悬赏 [成功] Exponential and fixed‐time stabilization of memristive neural networks with... - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-2-22 1582 sample2007007 2021-2-22 14:35
悬赏 [成功] Spirocyclic Scaffolds in Medicinal Chemistry - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-2-22 1683 sample2007007 2021-2-22 14:32
悬赏 [成功] Binary neutron star mergers: a review of Einstein's richest laboratory - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-2-20 4803 sample2007007 2021-2-22 14:32
悬赏 [成功] Containment control for multi-agent systems with fractional - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-2-22 1617 sample2007007 2021-2-22 12:19
悬赏 [成功] The 301 Classification: A Proposed Modification to the Stanford Type B Aortic... - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-2-22 1483 sample2007007 2021-2-22 12:17
悬赏 两性咪唑啉表面活性剂的合成与应用 - [已解决] best1 2021-2-21 1414 ucdavis 2021-2-21 21:30
悬赏 浅谈全级次供应商管理 - [已解决] blck 2021-2-21 1367 ucdavis 2021-2-21 21:28
悬赏 航天型号全级次供应商管理在新一代运载火箭上的实践 - [已解决] blck 2021-2-21 1464 ucdavis 2021-2-21 21:27
悬赏 A pragmatic method to simulate maneuvering in waves - [已解决] IF1988s 2021-2-19 2493 IF1988s 2021-2-21 13:23
悬赏 有机废气颗粒物预处理技术的应用研究 - [已解决] attachment keyansudi123 2021-2-19 1597 goodday 2021-2-19 16:49
悬赏 Long non-coding RNAs: A double-edged sword in - [已解决] zhaohongfei 2021-2-19 1508 goodday 2021-2-19 16:47
悬赏 Transportation inequalities for coupled systems of stochastic delay - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-2-18 1568 goodday 2021-2-19 10:52
悬赏 Finite-time attractivity of solutions for a class of fractional - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-2-18 1372 fenavi 2021-2-18 15:16
悬赏 [成功] 口服避孕药在IVF-ET短方案促排卵中的作用 - [已解决] chonglai1988 2021-2-18 1822 sample2007007 2021-2-18 12:11
悬赏 [成功] 生长激素在短方案促排卵治疗中的临床应用 - [已解决] attachment chonglai1988 2021-2-18 1525 sample2007007 2021-2-18 12:07
悬赏 [成功] 长、短促排卵方案对IVF-ET妊娠及分娩结局的影响 - [已解决] attachment chonglai1988 2021-2-18 1581 sample2007007 2021-2-18 12:06
悬赏 [成功] Reliability Analysis of three dimensional Rockfill Dam Slope Stality Based on... - [已解决] Analytical 2021-2-17 1682 sample2007007 2021-2-18 01:38
悬赏 Capturing the views of geoscientists on data sharing: A focus on the Geotechn... - [已解决] Analytical 2021-2-17 1415 fenavi 2021-2-18 01:23
悬赏 基于香草醛的酸碱可降解表面活性剂的合成及应用研究 - [已解决] chengcj2008 2021-2-17 1455 goodday 2021-2-17 17:26
悬赏 [成功] High-resolution magnetic nanoparticle temperature measurement method based on... - [已解决] attachment yywozhucel1 2021-2-17 3763 sample2007007 2021-2-17 17:25
悬赏 技术状态管理在武器装备科研生产中的应用分析 - [已解决] blck 2021-2-17 1487 goodday 2021-2-17 17:24
悬赏 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33475710/ - [已解决] DavidWebb 2021-2-16 1601 modou 2021-2-16 23:31
悬赏 S-Asymptotically Bloch Type Periodic Solutions to Some Semi-Linear - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-2-16 1537 modou 2021-2-16 23:29
悬赏 A fractional nonlinear evolutionary delay system driven - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-2-16 2394 modou 2021-2-16 23:29
悬赏 Relative heading estimation for pedestrians based on the gravity vector - [已解决] yywozhucel1 2021-2-16 1443 modou 2021-2-16 23:27
悬赏 Fast Reconstruction of Six Degree of Freedom Trajectories using Analytic Aero... - [已解决] yywozhucel1 2021-2-16 1396 modou 2021-2-16 23:25
悬赏 Amplitude-balanced curvatures of geophysical data - [已解决] yywozhucel1 2021-2-16 1406 modou 2021-2-16 23:22
悬赏 Mitochondrial DNA alterations underlie an irreversible shift to aerobic g - [已解决] abcbanana 2021-2-16 1302 modou 2021-2-16 23:20


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