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悬赏 [成功] A simplification of the time-domain equivalent circuit model for - [已解决] ri_290 2021-3-11 1733 sample2007007 2021-3-11 11:45
悬赏 [成功] Data Analytics on Graphs Part II: Signals on Graphs - [已解决] lpzdcanterbury 2021-3-5 1653 sample2007007 2021-3-11 11:36
悬赏 Advancing oncolytic virus therapy by understanding the biology - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-3-9 1346 lpzdcanterbury 2021-3-10 22:16
悬赏 Beyond immune checkpoint blockade: emerging immunological strategies - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-3-10 1421 lpzdcanterbury 2021-3-10 22:13
悬赏 [成功] LaSalle-type theorems for stochastic functional differential equations - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-3-10 1822 sample2007007 2021-3-10 11:44
悬赏 Identification and characterization of human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases res - [已解决] gaoruiyeah 2021-3-9 1430 goodday 2021-3-10 08:47
悬赏 中岳庙碑刻浅论 - [已解决] laowang 2021-3-9 1442 goodday 2021-3-9 17:00
悬赏 [成功] On the stability of sets for reaction–diffusion Cohen–Grossberg delayed - [已解决] attachment cqnuly 2021-3-9 1755 sample2007007 2021-3-9 12:04
悬赏 [成功] Weighted pseudo almost periodicity of multi-proportional delayed shunting - [已解决] attachment cqnuly 2021-3-9 1725 sample2007007 2021-3-9 12:04
悬赏 [成功] Further stability analysis of neutral-type Cohen-Grossberg neural networks - [已解决] attachment cqnuly 2021-3-9 1876 sample2007007 2021-3-9 12:02
悬赏 [成功] The strategies and techniques of drug discovery from natural products - [已解决] zkzk3158 2021-3-9 1865 sample2007007 2021-3-9 11:59
悬赏 [成功] Control over Polymorph Formation of Polydatin in Binary Solvent System and St... - [已解决] zkzk3158 2021-3-9 1796 sample2007007 2021-3-9 11:57
悬赏 [成功] Total flavonoids from Anchusa italica Retz. Improve cardiac function and atte... - [已解决] zkzk3158 2021-3-9 1810 sample2007007 2021-3-9 11:56
悬赏 [成功] Puerarin attenuates the endothelial-mesenchymal transition induced by oxidati... - [已解决] zkzk3158 2021-3-9 1652 sample2007007 2021-3-9 11:46
悬赏 [成功] Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placeb... - [已解决] attachment zkzk3158 2021-3-9 1750 sample2007007 2021-3-9 11:42
悬赏 Groupiness of sea waves and their characteristic parameters - [已解决] best1 2021-3-8 1350 goodday 2021-3-9 08:41
悬赏 [成功] α-硫辛酸联合前列地尔治疗2型糖尿病 - [已解决] attachment yhs210 2021-3-8 1749 sample2007007 2021-3-8 19:48
悬赏 [成功] 凝血因子Ⅷ/Ⅸ抑制物诊断与治疗中国指南(2018年版) - [已解决] lzliuzhuo_ylyy 2021-3-8 1928 goodday 2021-3-8 14:57
悬赏 [成功] Sevoflurane protects the liver from ischemia-reperfusion injury by regulating... - [已解决] mhymazui 2021-3-8 1762 sample2007007 2021-3-8 14:28
悬赏 [成功] Sevoflurane protects the liver from ischemia-reperfusion injury by regulating... - [已解决] mhymazui 2021-3-8 1819 sample2007007 2021-3-8 14:24
悬赏 Effects of Hydration on the Adsorption of Benzohydroxamic Acid on the Lead-Io... - [已解决] sxz184705 2021-3-8 1451 goodday 2021-3-8 11:56
悬赏 [成功] Influence of the Surfactant Tail Length on the Viscosity of Oppositely Charge... - [已解决] sxz184705 2021-3-8 1829 sample2007007 2021-3-8 11:55
悬赏 [成功] The Impact of Micelle Formation on Surfactant Adsorption–Desorption - [已解决] sxz184705 2021-3-8 1820 sample2007007 2021-3-8 11:54
悬赏 [成功] Interval stability and interval stabilization of linear - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-3-8 1761 goodday 2021-3-8 11:51
悬赏 [成功] Flotation Behavior and Synergistic Mechanism of Benzohydroxamic Acid and Sodi... - [已解决] sxz184705 2021-3-8 1659 sample2007007 2021-3-8 11:49
悬赏 Constructive versus Destructive Heterogeneity - [已解决] ri_290 2021-3-7 1490 sxz184705 2021-3-8 08:53
悬赏 Synchronized stationary distribution for stochastic multi-links systems - [已解决] cqnuly 2021-3-7 1367 sxz184705 2021-3-8 08:41
悬赏 Cancer therapies based on targeted protein degradation — lessons learned with - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-3-7 1406 goodday 2021-3-7 11:29
悬赏 Recent Advances of SHP2 Inhibitors in Cancer Therapy: Current Development and cl - [已解决] Cyclophilin 2021-3-7 1326 goodday 2021-3-7 11:27
悬赏 [成功] 【附件】Diagnostic high-throughput sequencing of 2396 patients with bleed... - [已解决] king 2019-12-11 11140 lpzdcanterbury 2021-3-7 01:32
悬赏 Facile and Effective Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) - [已解决] ri_290 2021-3-6 1370 lpzdcanterbury 2021-3-7 01:27
悬赏 Tip‐Enhanced Electric Field: A New Mechanism Promoting Mass - [已解决] ri_290 2021-3-6 1387 goodday 2021-3-6 17:28
悬赏 Numerical investigation of comb-like opticl filters based on guide-mode reson.. - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-3-6 1427 thesea 2021-3-6 16:22
悬赏 Intrinsic amplitude-noise suppression in fiber lasers mode-locked with nonlin... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-3-6 1303 thesea 2021-3-6 16:16
悬赏 Dynamic strain measurement by a single-slope-assted chaotic Brillouin optical.. - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-3-6 1416 thesea 2021-3-6 16:11
悬赏 [成功] 精子氧化损伤机制和防护研究的新进展 - [已解决] chonglai1988 2021-3-5 1606 sample2007007 2021-3-5 18:34
悬赏 [成功] 卵巢衰老的临床干预新进展 - [已解决] attachment chonglai1988 2021-3-5 1729 sample2007007 2021-3-5 18:30
悬赏 [成功] 活性氧对精子功能影响研究进展 - [已解决] chonglai1988 2021-3-5 1650 sample2007007 2021-3-5 18:28
悬赏 [成功] Dual-band and polarization-independent metamaterial terahertz narrowband abso... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-3-5 1819 sample2007007 2021-3-5 13:25
悬赏 [成功] Terahertz generation in artificial two-dimensional periodically poled lithium... - [已解决] zhencheng 2021-3-5 1727 sample2007007 2021-3-5 13:23


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