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悬赏 [求助] Genetic Diversity among different Geographical Population of Rhyzopertha domi... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] 771915301 2014-10-13 1690 wwjjdd 2014-10-13 11:03
悬赏 [求助] Intestinal bleeding in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia treated wit... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] oscar1997 2014-10-11 3522 oscar1997 2014-10-11 20:39
悬赏 [求助] Thermochemistry of the systems Pd-Si and Pt-Si at 1400 K - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] Anthea14 2014-10-11 8817 Anthea14 2014-10-11 17:54
悬赏 [求助] Data and considerations on the of geotechnical properties of soils - [悬赏 30 速递币] [认领应助] rockfill09 2014-10-11 1430 wwjjdd 2014-10-11 14:58
悬赏 [求助] CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots with Multi-Shell Protection: Synthesis and Application ... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] hel0123 2014-10-10 2606 yqp1976 2014-10-10 23:54
悬赏 [求助] A common genetic determination of xanthine dehydrogenase and NR in N. tabacum... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] TitanAtlas 2014-10-10 1578 smart505 2014-10-10 23:46
悬赏 [求助] [Reflex response of the masseter muscle after percussion of the chin and elec... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] zlb01 2014-10-9 2470 mwshea 2014-10-10 23:32
悬赏 [求助] Contemporary Resin Adhesives - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] __neo__ 2014-10-10 0420 __neo__ 2014-10-10 22:21
悬赏 [求助] State – of- the- Art Report of RILEM Technical committee 174-SCC, Self Comp... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] enrique 2014-10-10 2515 Ferrari 2014-10-10 20:06
悬赏 [求助] A Novel Approach to Induce Cementation of Loose Soils - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] enrique 2014-10-10 2476 wwjjdd 2014-10-10 15:57
悬赏 [求助] Polymorphisms of uncoupling protein (UCP) and beta 3 adrenoreceptor genes in ... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] 笑笑 2014-10-9 2459 wwjjdd 2014-10-9 11:05
悬赏 [求助] Relationship between basal metabolic rate, thermogenic response to caffeine, ... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] 笑笑 2014-10-8 4694 duzhong 2014-10-8 16:22
悬赏 [求助] Oriental Lophopidae:new taxa and taxonomic changes (Insecta:Hemi... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] ligy0925 2014-10-8 3613 ligy0925 2014-10-8 16:06
悬赏 [求助] Thermoregulatory responses to cold: effects of handwear with multi-layered cl... - [悬赏 10 速递币] attachment [认领应助] jpzhao1988 2014-10-7 4589 jpzhao1988 2014-10-8 12:33
悬赏 [求助] APPROXIMATE CONTROLLABILITY OF STOCHASTIC IMPULSIVE INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] cqnuly 2014-10-7 1546 Seek-o 2014-10-7 17:21
悬赏 [求助] A diagonal theorem. Answer to a question of Antosik - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] enrique 2014-10-6 0452 enrique 2014-10-6 23:31
悬赏 [求助] Electrophysiology of the palmomental reflex in normal and parkinsonian subjects - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] zlb01 2014-10-5 6646 zlb01 2014-10-5 22:49
悬赏 [求助] the constituency model of chinese word identification - [已解决] disagree wanglei 2014-10-5 5959 Ferrari 2014-10-5 20:40
悬赏 [求助] Crack Growth Analysis and Test of a Main Rotor Damper Attachment Lug - [悬赏 30 速递币] [认领应助] __neo__ 2014-10-5 0501 __neo__ 2014-10-5 17:25
悬赏 [求助] Network Meta-analysis of Treatments for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis in Canada - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] 中国梦 2014-10-5 4482 dasher777 2014-10-5 16:00
悬赏 [求助] P53 and Fas are sequential mechanisms of testicular germ cell apoptosis. - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] 中国梦 2014-10-5 7567 中国梦 2014-10-5 13:48
悬赏 [求助] Subsurface Image Analysis of Plant Cell Wall with Atomic Force Microscopy - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] m.Kou 2014-10-4 2428 pnas2009 2014-10-4 10:13
悬赏 [求助] Multiple sclerosis with syrinx formation in the spinal cord: a case report - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] __neo__ 2014-10-3 0541 __neo__ 2014-10-3 21:51
悬赏 [求助] DHEA pre-treated patients, poor responders to a first IVF (ICSI) cycle: clini... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] liyujie2012 2014-10-1 3702 fsae88 2014-10-1 15:47
悬赏 [求助] Approximate controllability of fractional functional equations with infinite ... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] cqnuly 2014-9-28 4661 cqnuly 2014-10-1 07:28
悬赏 [求助] Circadian rhythms in body temperature and sleep - [已解决] disagree jpzhao1988 2014-9-30 4804 fsae88 2014-9-30 23:16
悬赏 [求助] A Critical Look at CPVC Performance and Applications Properties - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] fairy 2014-9-30 6661 kunchongge 2014-9-30 11:49
悬赏 [求助] Medicine and Colonialism’ - [悬赏 30 速递币] [认领应助] 馅饼 2014-9-28 2537 Ferrari 2014-9-28 23:10
悬赏 [求助] 課程領導的理論與實踐 - [悬赏 10 速递币] attach_img [认领应助] yezi001 2014-9-19 6663 yezi001 2014-9-28 14:48
悬赏 [求助] Endokrine Streßreaktion, Kreislauf- und 新人帖 - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] synthesis 2014-9-27 5659 Ferrari 2014-9-27 18:31
悬赏 [求助] Design, development and manufacture of Ariane structural parts - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] enrique 2014-9-27 2609 oxinbaobao 2014-9-27 08:56
悬赏 [求助] Functional and inflammatory bowel disorders - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] Srainaabb 2014-9-26 4698 wwjjdd 2014-9-26 11:40
悬赏 [求助] Principles of Probabilistic of Soil Properties - [悬赏 30 速递币] [认领应助] rockfill09 2014-9-26 3658 wwjjdd 2014-9-26 11:29
悬赏 [求助] Sensitivity and risk analysis of an industrial fixed-bed catalytic reactor fo... - [已解决] tt1988 2014-9-23 121272 tt1988 2014-9-24 13:57
悬赏 [求助] Biology of renal aging in humans. - [已解决] disagree liujinrui 2014-9-23 2729 Ferrari 2014-9-23 22:59
悬赏 [求助] Replicative Senescence in Kidney Aging, Renal Disease, and Renal - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] liujinrui 2014-9-23 3612 波罗的海 2014-9-23 22:31
悬赏 [求助] Determination of patulin in apple juice by liquid chromatography: collaborati... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] whyamato 2014-9-23 2561 pnas2009 2014-9-23 10:11
悬赏 [求助] Failure to improve a thin endometrium in the late proliferative phase with ut... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] liyujie2012 2014-9-22 2542 wwjjdd 2014-9-22 19:06
悬赏 [求助] The Key to the Next Energy Revolution? - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] 青苹果 2014-9-21 2559 wwjjdd 2014-9-21 15:33
悬赏 [求助] Notes on some southern african cicadellidae described by stal in hemiptera af... - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] kunchongge 2014-9-21 0432 kunchongge 2014-9-21 15:27


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