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悬赏 [求助] Some parallel splitting methods for separable convex programming with the O(1... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] jammu 2016-10-16 0384 jammu 2016-10-16 22:33
悬赏 [求助] Levocabastine: a new topical approach for the treatment of paediatric allergi... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] maygao 2016-10-14 0368 maygao 2016-10-14 16:40
悬赏 [求助] The role of levocabastine in the treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] maygao 2016-10-14 0407 maygao 2016-10-14 16:36
悬赏 [求助] Fatigue Life Prediction in Composite Wind Turbine Blades: Effects of Variable... - [悬赏 20 速递币] disagree [认领应助] zwb063 2016-10-14 0383 zwb063 2016-10-14 10:00
悬赏 [求助] Behavior of composite confined concrete under cyclic loading - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] TonyStark 2016-10-14 0398 TonyStark 2016-10-14 09:48
悬赏 [求助] The Transcendental Logarithmic Model of Aggregate Consumer Behavior - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] changExp 2016-10-13 0401 changExp 2016-10-13 17:03
悬赏 [求助] (论文集)Thrust Stiffness of Magnetic Lead Screw - [悬赏 60 速递币] [认领应助] zyy943551765 2016-10-13 0436 zyy943551765 2016-10-13 16:46
悬赏 [求助] Principle and Bagic Characteristics of Magnetic Lead Screw Mechanism - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] zyy943551765 2016-10-13 0376 zyy943551765 2016-10-13 16:43
悬赏 [求助] Magnetic Lead Screw Mechanism and its Application to Linear Positioning System - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] zyy943551765 2016-10-13 0372 zyy943551765 2016-10-13 16:42
悬赏 [求助] Magnetic design consideration of a Magnetic Lead Screw with Halbach Array - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] zyy943551765 2016-10-13 0375 zyy943551765 2016-10-13 16:38
悬赏 [求助] III Asien - Ein Jahrhundert chinesischer Verfassungsreform - Vgl. NF 41 (1993... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] TonyStark 2016-10-12 0372 TonyStark 2016-10-12 22:40
悬赏 [求助] The effect of levocabastine nasal spray in nasal provocation tests. - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] effy 2016-10-12 0370 effy 2016-10-12 16:56
悬赏 [求助] Role of Serum Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing Hormone, Testosterone - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] qianqian1988 2016-10-12 0378 qianqian1988 2016-10-12 15:03
悬赏 [求助] 化学实验室安全培训详解 - [悬赏 30 速递币] [认领应助] qyp511 2016-10-11 0403 qyp511 2016-10-12 12:57
悬赏 [求助] In situ observation of high temperature properties of iron ore and its appl... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] xwb87 2016-10-11 0370 xwb87 2016-10-12 12:57
悬赏 [求助] Insulin delivery never tasted so good - [已解决] disagree 543620457 2016-9-4 1691 Ferrari 2016-10-10 22:14
悬赏 [求助] The Global Immuno-oncology Therapeutics Market—Checkpoint Inhibitors - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] zxwy77 2016-8-17 1419 Ferrari 2016-10-10 12:41
悬赏 [求助] On deformation near a circular underground cavity subjected to incident plane... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] xiaoan2459 2016-10-8 0391 xiaoan2459 2016-10-8 16:22
悬赏 [求助] Duration of response to androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) and efficacy of se... - [悬赏 5 速递币] attach_img [认领应助] maygao 2016-10-8 0389 maygao 2016-10-8 14:29
悬赏 [求助] Impact of prior endocrine therapy on radiographic progression-free survival (... - [悬赏 5 速递币] attach_img [认领应助] maygao 2016-10-8 0385 maygao 2016-10-8 14:21
悬赏 [求助] The Steppe Region in World History - [悬赏 30 速递币] [认领应助] 馅饼 2016-10-8 0399 馅饼 2016-10-8 09:37
悬赏 [求助] Dynamics of the biomass and functional characteristics of the white sea diato. - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] chkk 2016-10-7 0360 chkk 2016-10-8 08:03
悬赏 [求助] Synthesis of benzoylformic acid - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] guod111 2016-10-7 0419 guod111 2016-10-8 08:03
悬赏 [求助] THE BOUBAKER POLYNOMIALS, A NEW FUNCTION CLASS FOR SOLVING BI-VARIED SECOND ... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] changExp 2016-10-6 0400 changExp 2016-10-6 14:35
悬赏 [求助] Formulation and characterization of rapidly dissolving films of cetirizine hy... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] rolan 2016-10-4 0449 rolan 2016-10-4 17:04
悬赏 [求助] The segregated town in mid-century southern fiction - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] sarahism 2016-10-4 0360 sarahism 2016-10-4 13:38
悬赏 [求助] [Intrapulmonary arterial injection of Albunex for left heart contrast echocar... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] 15888781301 2016-10-4 0391 15888781301 2016-10-4 13:06
悬赏 [求助] Intrapulmonary arterial injection of Albunex for left heart contrast echocard... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] 15888781301 2016-10-4 0445 15888781301 2016-10-4 11:57
悬赏 [求助] 印度的反垄断法实施体制 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ionhart 2016-10-2 0394 ionhart 2016-10-2 13:53
悬赏 Skewness and crossing numbers of graphs - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] oymath 2016-9-30 0317 oymath 2016-9-30 17:15
悬赏 [求助] Synthesis ofphosphonic acids related sbucturaily to glutamic acid - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] caffein 2016-9-29 0392 caffein 2016-9-29 00:42
悬赏 [求助] 第一章 植物的细胞基础 - [悬赏 5 速递币] disagree [认领应助] 梦静920 2016-9-28 0402 梦静920 2016-9-28 21:06
悬赏 [求助] Microsurgical anatomy of the lower basilar artery - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] zwb063 2016-9-28 0354 zwb063 2016-9-28 15:41
悬赏 [求助] Acupuncture improves nutritional status and BODE index in patients with chron... 新人帖 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] wangia1314 2016-9-27 1375 罗烟步我也会 2016-9-28 14:46
悬赏 [求助] Atypical Behçet's syndrome in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome 新人帖 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] zlfzhc 2016-9-23 1421 字母党没人权 2016-9-27 22:20
悬赏 [求助] Strength analysis of a cruise ship hull in initial design stage - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] 东于九天之上 2016-9-27 0421 东于九天之上 2016-9-27 09:41
悬赏 [求助] Pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension in rheumatic heart disease - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] rbp123 2016-9-27 0413 rbp123 2016-9-27 02:11
悬赏 [求助] Blade Tip Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] TonyStark 2016-9-26 0397 TonyStark 2016-9-26 15:51
悬赏 [求助] Pattern of cardiac calcification in tropical endomyocardial fibrosis - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] linerzhiqiu 2016-9-26 0404 linerzhiqiu 2016-9-26 10:14
悬赏 [求助] Construction of object-oriented system to integrate geometric modeling and F... 新人帖 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] 东于九天之上 2016-9-24 1410 lben85 2016-9-24 18:58


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