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悬赏 Presentation of results from bioequivalence studies - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] maygao 2019-10-12 0315 maygao 2019-10-12 09:07
悬赏 Identification of an Immune-specific Class of Hepatocellular Carcinoma - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] dr_duran 2019-10-11 0340 dr_duran 2019-10-11 12:07
悬赏 CD47 Expression Defines Efficacy of Rituximab with CHOP in Non-Germinal Cente... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] dr_duran 2019-10-10 0353 dr_duran 2019-10-10 11:14
悬赏 Characterization and uncertainty of uplift load-displacement behaviour of bel... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] tynda 2019-10-6 0407 tynda 2019-10-6 21:22
悬赏 Bone loss with revision total knee arthroplasty: defect classification and al... - [悬赏 50 速递币] [认领应助] shuitian998 2019-10-5 0439 shuitian998 2019-10-5 12:04
悬赏 析论台湾课程研究之本土化-以博士论文层级为例 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yezi001 2019-9-28 2442 yezi001 2019-9-29 22:48
悬赏 [求助] Initial presentation of scintigraphic changes during the first episode of acu... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-26 0636 ztzh 2019-9-26 21:31
悬赏 [求助] 暑熱環境下の太陽光ばく露による体内温度上昇解析 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] jpzhao1988 2019-9-26 0510 jpzhao1988 2019-9-26 11:58
悬赏 [求助] Auditory Function After Spinal Anesthesia - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ybdx016 2019-9-25 0576 ybdx016 2019-9-25 21:37
悬赏 [求助] Hearing Loss After Continuous or Single-shot Spinal Anesthesia - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] ybdx016 2019-9-25 0575 ybdx016 2019-9-25 21:36
悬赏 [求助] Evolution of deformation microstructures in 3D, Risoe 25th Int Symposium 新人帖 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] liuzhoupan 2019-9-25 0538 liuzhoupan 2019-9-25 15:30
悬赏 Primary fallopian tube adenocarcinoma: preoperative diagnosis, treatment and ... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-23 2390 ztzh 2019-9-24 13:06
悬赏 [求助] Ultrasound in the investigation of tubal patency. A meta-analysis of three co... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-24 0577 ztzh 2019-9-24 10:35
悬赏 [求助] Primary choriocarcinoma of the fallopian tube: report of a case. - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-24 0530 ztzh 2019-9-24 09:27
悬赏 [求助] Primary carcinoma of fallopian tube after prolonged retention of Lippes loop. - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-24 0626 ztzh 2019-9-24 09:25
悬赏 [求助] Primary carcinoma of fallopian tube--a case study. - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-24 0572 ztzh 2019-9-24 09:23
悬赏 中国脑血管病一级预防指南2019 - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] GH07355018 2019-9-23 0380 GH07355018 2019-9-23 09:02
悬赏 Critical reception of Beethoven's “Wellington's Victory, or the Battle of V... - [悬赏 20 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-20 0346 yagmur0331 2019-9-20 15:18
悬赏 Beethoven's Conversation Books, Volume 1: Nos. 1 to 8 ( February 1818 to Marc... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-19 0327 yagmur0331 2019-9-19 19:59
悬赏 ZOOMING IN ON BEETHOVEN By:Mellor, A (Mellor, Andrew) STRAD Volume: 130 Issu... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-19 0298 yagmur0331 2019-9-19 19:57
悬赏 Leonore, Isolde, Lulu: the strange afterlife of Beethoven's Immortal Beloved ... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-19 0355 yagmur0331 2019-9-19 19:52
悬赏 New evidence for Josephine as the 'Immortal Beloved' involving Beethoven and ... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-19 0358 yagmur0331 2019-9-19 19:51
悬赏 Let's talk about Beethoven. A Music Seducer By: Gassmann, Michael INTERNATIO... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-19 0324 yagmur0331 2019-9-19 19:39
悬赏 【原创力文档】食品分析-(精选·公开·课件) - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] 世外桃源 2019-9-19 0308 世外桃源 2019-9-19 11:17
悬赏 High-Throughput Screening for CYP21A1P-TNXA/TNXB Chimeric Genes Responsible f... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] 夏天的雪花 2019-9-19 0341 夏天的雪花 2019-9-19 08:40
悬赏 请下载视频Nystagmus from Wernicke's Encephalopathy. - [悬赏 10 速递币] [认领应助] zlb01 2019-9-18 0314 zlb01 2019-9-18 22:10
悬赏 放弃Lymphatic Cannulation for Lymph Sampling and Molecular Delivery - [悬赏 25 速递币] [认领应助] jiangsu523 2019-9-18 1317 jiangsu523 2019-9-18 17:20
悬赏 [Acute pyelonephritis. Role of diagnostic imaging]. - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-11 0338 ztzh 2019-9-11 21:55
悬赏 [Comparison between scintigraphy, B-mode, and power Doppler sonography in acu... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] ztzh 2019-9-11 0317 ztzh 2019-9-11 21:54
悬赏 Fast Photochemical Oxidation of Proteins Coupled with Mass Spectrometry - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] shinexzl 2019-9-11 0375 shinexzl 2019-9-11 16:40
悬赏 党政党课 解读“十九大”报告中的生态文明篇章+50bb - [悬赏 50 速递币] [认领应助] Heidelberg 2019-9-11 0329 Heidelberg 2019-9-11 11:50
悬赏 Learning a Sixth Language: An Adult Learner’s Daily Diary - [悬赏 20 速递币] [认领应助] likefish 2019-9-10 0351 likefish 2019-9-10 19:05
悬赏 Subchondral insufficiency fracture of the femoral head - [悬赏 50 速递币] [认领应助] shuitian998 2019-9-7 0416 shuitian998 2019-9-7 16:52
悬赏 Falstaff By:Stapells, V (Stapells, Victoria) OPERA Volume: 70 Issue: 8 Page... - [悬赏 5 速递币] disagree [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-6 0472 yagmur0331 2019-9-6 09:06
悬赏 Kermes Bel Canto: from Monteverdi to Verdi - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-6 0378 yagmur0331 2019-9-6 09:01
悬赏 Villazon Treasures of Bel Canto Songs by Bellini, Verdi, Donizetti, Rossini ... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] yagmur0331 2019-9-6 0321 yagmur0331 2019-9-6 09:00
悬赏 Single-chain Antibody Against Reg4 Suppresses Gastric Cancer Cell Growth and ... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] xiaodan1234 2019-9-5 0446 xiaodan1234 2019-9-5 15:44
悬赏 Non-invasive, investigative methods in skin aging - [悬赏 20 速递币] [认领应助] tlbbwlwz 2019-9-4 0456 tlbbwlwz 2019-9-4 17:17
悬赏 Aging and homeostasis. Chronic inflammation and aging - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] wlfang1985 2019-9-1 0459 wlfang1985 2019-9-1 15:54
悬赏 [求助] The association of opium dependence and postoperative complications following... - [悬赏 5 速递币] [认领应助] changExp 2019-8-31 0542 changExp 2019-8-31 17:52


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